Day 101: “Fear of Failure” Character – continued

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hold myself captive to my memories of failure where through these memories I have created myself as a character that lives this life as me and that always has to fail

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define myself based on my failures where within that I have not taken the full picture as who I am into consideration

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live in fear of failure where each failure gets emphasized within myself and becomes the primary definition of who I am

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that by living this fear of failure character I am missing on life where in many instances I refrain myself from taking actions within the believe that it’s useless to do it as either way I will fail

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the actions I do take are also influenced by this character where everything I do comes from the starting point of expecting failure not fully trusting myself and thus I am not performing at my best capability

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that fear of failure can in any way support my expression like I was led to believe by those who’ve gone before me where I was taught that fear makes one act at the optimum of one’s ability

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that fear of failure is constructively used by the elite through media and education system in  this world to keep the people afraid and to not take any actions to challenge the way we exist

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create myself in a way where when I am faced with failure I go into self-judgment and self-diminishment instead of seeing directly in the moment what I have done and how can I improve myself to become more effective

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create within myself the “cheater” character as a way to deal with my “fear of failure” character where within this I have hidden deep my “fear of failure” character by ensuring that I do not fail by utilizing cheating as the means to do that

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that within my way of dealing with my fear of failure by becoming a cheater at school I have completely abdicated my ability to understand my reality, where I have never developed my critical thinking abilities but was always relying on my ability to cheat effectively

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I can no longer cheat myself and that I have to actually face myself within my fear of failure and through that develop my skills to become a being in this reality who is able to participate as equal with other beings


I commit myself to investigate my memories through which I have developed the “fear of failure” character and within that realize that I do not have to hold myself in captivity of these memories but instead work towards a practical solution to develop myself within the areas where I am not yet effective

I commit myself to identifying aspects within me where I am not effective and instead of avoiding these parts of me I find practical ways how to improve myself within that

I commit myself to stop defining myself according to the failures I had throughout my life within realizing that my weaknesses are not cast in stone and can be strengthened with dedication and patience

I commit myself to specifically go into areas/parts of myself that I fear because of my believe that it is useless and that I will fail within them to thus face my fears and realize the stupidity of not allowing myself to grow and expand beyond my self-imposed limitations

I commit myself to remove the fear of failure in all ways realizing that it serves no other purpose but to keep me stuck within that which I already know and feel comfortable with instead of allowing myself constant growth and expansion within all areas of existence

I commit myself to develop my own seeing into the matters of my reality instead of relying on the already existent knowledge which I have been copying and living my whole life without critically questioning it

I commit myself to no longer rely on others to show me the way but use and apply the knowledge I received through Desteni material of how to become a real human being here on this earth where I design my living in a way that is best for all


Supportive Articles:

Burning Bridges in A State of Failure – An Artists Journey to Life: Day 63

DAY 79: The First Creation of Character

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