Day 271: Yearly Salary “Raise”

imageIt sounds cool when the company sends you the letter about the raise in your salary yet when taking the inflation into account which is two times higher than the raise we then realize that our purchasing power has actually diminished. And that’s what has been happening for many many years now where the human labor is slowly but surely devalued.

It is a slow process where the change is not very noticeable ensuring that there is no reason in peoples minds to have any uprising and claim for their rights. Corporations keep doubling their profits while people that do the actual labor remain stuck in the mode of survival and constant fear to try and move for any change.

When I hear people having a conversation about the guys on top and how they exploit us a common statement keeps appearing in the end ” aaa it’s a useless fight”. That’s how deeply we have accepted our condition, because as far as we see it’s always been that way and always will be. You can try and go against the big guys and possibly win few percent increase in your salary or some little improvement in your working conditions but beyond that is a no go area, useless to even consider. So yeah the programming is surely deep where alternatives don’t ever enter the conversation in any way, only sometimes in a form of a joke.

I would like to bring, however, a new consideration, which is not actually new but is basically disregarded due to effective brainwashing which was pushed by those that fear and understand that this consideration does actually make sense and that if this idea would reach people without being filtered through the imposed filters of fear, majority would agree and most likely push for the realization of this idea.

Nationalization of Resources

Yes, it has been portrayed as something unholy where we have been made to prefer the free market to take care of things for us without realizing that free market only allowed a few to freely abuse all others. Government is bad, too much corruption and abuse, we keep reading daily in the newspapers and of course that is a problem because even there we have completely abdicated our responsibility to make any decisions or have any say in what is happens with our daily affairs. Still in many ways government still works for the people while corporations are only interested in the well being of their shareholders.

Isn’t sit strange that those shareholders are sitting somewhere far away from all the real processes that happen daily while common people work their assess off to keep the company running, yet they don’t have a share in this company, nope, they are no shareholders. They get only the tiniest piece of cake, it’s called a crumble which again, as I mentioned above, gets tinier with each passing year. How is this fair? How can this be allowed to continue unquestioned and ever even considered?

There is a need to start the process of bringing this awareness back into the minds of people by explaining through past examples about the benefits of having resources nationalized and how this can work for all people. What changes need to be done within governments in order to avoid any abuse and how to best allocate this huge increase in available resources that could really accomplish great things in bettering lives of all human beings of let’s say that specific country.

Suggestion is to start looking at our global initiative called Living Income Guaranteed which besides this suggestion has other crucial points, ideas which upon their realization would, through mathematical determination, bring enormous improvement in the quality of peoples lives. There is still much work to be done and the more of us join and participate the faster we can move and end the current accepted slavery once and for all.

Day 202: Don’t leave anything to Chance

It took me many years to finally realize the importance of becoming very precise and specific in dealing with my world where nothing is left to chance and hope. I mean it’s simple when actually observe this reality and what has come of it – most of humanity including myself left it all in the hands of “God” to take care of our lives and as a consequence we are all fucked, God has tricked us big time. We tricked ourselves actually.

Now those who prosper and are well off in this current system didn’t fall into this trap and have taken the responsibility upon themselves to direct their lives. In my immediate environment I observe people and I can see how those doing well in the system act within their day to day interactions. Just some time ago I was judging them and defining them as too worrying and unnecessarily concerned about insignificant details, however, now I have realized that it’s the way that this system works, everything is in the details and being absolutely specific with every fracture of your reality is a requirement to get things done.

Most of my life I lived with subconscious believe that something or someone is up there taking care of me and all I have to do is move myself when and as the opportunities present themselves rather than ever taking the responsibility to create these opportunities for myself. That is why no big changes ever happened throughout my life and all I did was floating through this world simply reacting to the external events just waiting and hoping for something better to happen.

The process of realizing my miss approach was slow and I didn’t want to let go of this believe as it suited me well and essentially allowed me to have the “freedom” of remaining in the background playing my little role in this reality never taking upon myself the responsibility to change or direct things in any more radical way that would truly benefit myself and others in my reality.

Another big influence in this living approach of idle waiting for things to happen was my participation in spirituality where the main lesson to be learned there is positive thinking and the law of attraction. That again made me lose any interest in real action as I waited for things to manifest magically just by wishing for them. That of course didn’t work out well as I was always faced with reality where if I wanted to survive I had to actually do something, like find a job to make some money and buy the food for myself. No magic here – that is how reality functions.

Now I stand, after many wasted years of wishing and hoping, with myself as what I have allowed myself to become and I see a long road ahead towards correction.

I will write self-forgiveness for this allowance in my next blog as well as the necessary correction process to follow and so recreate myself to become a more responsible human being.

Supportive interview:






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Equal Money System 
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Creation’s Journey to Life


Day 39: Basic Duties we All Should Share


I don’t want to go home, but rather stay here at work. How come? So I have a job where I work for two weeks and then two weeks I am free from work. During the time when I am at work everything is taken care for me –I have plenty of food to choose from, my clothes get washed every day where I just have to bring them to laundry and the next day it’s perfectly placed for me to take it back, my room is being cleaned each day with new towels placed on my bed, all the garbage is taken out – basically I life exactly as when you would go to a hotel – all included. That’s how I always desired to live – so I see that I have manifested in a way my dream, but apparently I wasn’t specific enough with details and forgot to mention in my dream journal that I don’t feel like working whatsoever. Whereas now I have to work here each day from 7am to 7pm. That’s shit, however work is not difficult and I get some free time to concentrate on the things I need to get done.

Ok so back to home – it represents a place where I have to take responsibility for everything myself – the biggest point of all is feeding myself where so far I am failing at it miserably. I find myself completely unable to cook for myself – where I don’t have any desire to learn and spend lots of time in the kitchen. Having to eat seems so useless to me where in the past I would often live with total minimum intake of food and even wanted to stop eventually eating completely where I believed that somehow that was possible.

So for a long time I had an image within myself of how I want live my life and here my favorite persona that was stuck in my head with his lifestyle was Nicola Tesla. He was a scientist who discovered many technological machines and principles that we utilize today. He was a great genius. During the last years of his life for quite some time he lived in a hotel where he also worked on his inventions. So that was my desired lifestyle that I was after – how I perceived all that within myself was: to have a big passion for the work I do and to be able to completely devote my life to that passion being constantly and continually immersed within it. Thus I perceived all these worldly rituals of eating, washing, cleaning etc. as pure distractions.

When I look at it now it’s exactly how I lived my life – I was a genius who completely separated myself in my mind reality constantly and continually preoccupied with creating of my inner world in separation from what is here. I did that because I really didn’t like what is here, it was too limited in in my physical body by comparison to what I could do in my mind. I was much better and greater in my thoughts/imaginations/fantasies. Within all that daily tasks of taking care for myself was a nuisance and distraction that was interfering with my inner mind reality and I thus throughout my life I tried to transcend these perceived limitation.

Only now I realize the consequences of this allowance to exist primarily in my mind ignoring this physical reality where now I am faced with the truth of myself and the actual required solution. I have seen with help from Desteni that the actual reality is physical reality and that the mind reality is completely dependent and cannot exist without the physical energy. So the solution is not trying to escape from this physical reality into my mind but to sort out this physical world by realizing that I am of the same substance as this physical world and that I am this physical world and that only in and through my mind I perceive myself to be separate from everything that is here as this physical reality. Within that accepting the current limitation and taking responsibility for what has been created as this world I live in. From here it is my responsibility to understand how exactly we have limited ourselves into these tiny mind personalities where we believe to be separate from each other and where within this believe we wage wars against each other never realizing out true essence/source of where we all come from together one and equal – which is this physical dust of the earth.

So the journey is to deconstruct the current agreed “life” we all live which is based on separation and realize our oneness and equality with each other – and to make this realization our new starting point of creation. All ways acting as what is best for all within realization that all is me. I am not separate from anything or anyone.

So if I go back with this realization to the beginning of this writing – I cannot ignore my physical needs as they are real and it’s what is here as my accepted creation. I cannot place this responsibility on others where I position myself within a system to be taken care of as this feeds the inequality where some have to do only the dirty work so I could concentrate on other things. We all have to stand equal to the basic laws of this physical existence where each has intimate understanding of the responsibility we have to support in best ways our physicality.

Surely it’s the money system that currently allows and makes this ignorance possible – where the rich can have slaves to do all the dirty work for them while they enjoy only the good side of life. If we remove the control of money we all stand equal in taking care for ourselves – thus Equal Money System will equalize the ground where each will finally have to stand and see all sides of reality – only here we will all as one find solutions how to identify and remove current limitations that we all exist in and as. Science will no longer be based on profit serving self-interest of the shareholders but will for the first time work towards improvement of all human condition. Greed and fear will no longer stand in the way of real progress. Who knows what is possible then.

Will continue tomorrow with self-forgiveness and self-corrective statements….


Artwork byMaya Harel

Maya Harel Facebook

Maya Harel Blog

Day 32: Wishing Happiness


Today is my birthday and I received many congratulations from different people. Most are wishing me personal happiness and realization of my dreams. And I mean people do that all the time, they just wish each other to be happy and live life the way they want it to live. Isn’t that stupid, I mean most people don’t even know me well and have no clue what my dreams and wishes are and they still wish the fulfillment of them. I also used to do that all the time – wish people to the best realizations of dreams without ever considering if these dreams are what’s best for them and whether it is also what’s best for all on this earth. Throughout my life I have never considered the interconnectedness of everything and everyone where each word and deed of someone influences everything else.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to wish everyone on their birthdays the fulfillment of their dreams and personal happiness without realizing that if personal happiness does not include everything and everyone in existence then it is within separation from the whole and thus when I wish a person the fulfillment of their personal happiness I actually wish them to remain in separation from everything and everyone else

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to realize that our personal wishes/wants/needs/desires made the world the way it is because we have never considered that we all exist here together and that our personal wishes/wants/needs/desires should be in alignment with everything and everyone in existence and thus our happiness actually depends on the happiness of all

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to realize that existing only within my own personal happiness when majority suffer is actually an indication that I have separated myself into a limited bubble that I call my “life” where I still experience beneath this happiness eternal itch showing that something is not right where I constantly seek for more and more not realizing that I am actually seeking myself as the realization that I am equal and one to everything and everyone in this existence

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to let go of my good feelings and happiness that separate me from all of existence because if I let these feelings I will realize that truth of myself that is reflected in this world as it has become

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear facing the totality of me because it is not beautiful and it doesn’t feel good and thus within that I choose to remain contained in my personal bubble where I am “safe” from what is actually happening

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to realize that I wish other people personal happiness only because I want to be happy myself without actually considering the consequences that this allowance brings to the rest of the world

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see that this world system exist in polarity of good and bad, and thus if I choose and have the power to give myself and hold on to only good feelings – the negative side is also equally manifested somewhere and someone has to experience that negative side, exactly like the money system of this world where if I take more and more money for myself then somebody will experience lack and poverty

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to realize that the only reason I can experience good feelings and create my personal happiness is because I was born in a family that provided me with education and money to sustain this lifestyle and thus if I were born in the family that is poor I would not be able to create my happiness bubble and fulfill my dreams – thus within that I realize that my responsibility as the one who has means is to create equality where each child that is born into this world has equal opportunity to have a happy and fulfilling life

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to ignore the cries of the unfortunate ones because of my believe that my happiness is my unquestionable right given to me in birth – which shows my complete lack of understanding about the functionality of this system and within that the fact that my personal happiness is only possible because of unhappiness of others as it is energy based and which is only able to move in polarities – which means that for happiness to exist unhappiness must also exist and thus if I choose to be happy then I am responsible for all the unhappiness in this world

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to realize that the only happiness that is valid in this world is happiness that is given to all equally where no polarity can exist


Thus I commit myself to never allow within myself the feeling of happiness until all are equally able to experience the same happiness

I commit myself to expose our personal existence as our wants needs and desires and how they influence this reality

I commit myself to show to people that only way to be happy is when every single being in this existence is taken care of and where fear is no longer our companion

I commit myself to work towards an implementation of a new system that considers everything and everyone thus ensuring equal happiness of all which is the real happiness

I commit myself to expose our current accepted happiness by showing that it’s not real, especially when we look closely inside ourselves we can see that there is really no happiness in this world at all as everyone exists in constant fear of loss within knowing that this system is merciless and is able to spit anyone anytime

I commit myself to be an example that we don’t really need happiness as it exists now as it is temporary thing that is energy based where as soon as energy runs out we go back to our usual state where we again try and build that same feeling of happiness never considering the consequences of these actions

I commit myself to show and expose the consequences of seeking personal happiness and within that show as an example that we do not require the feeling of happiness to have fulfilling lives

I commit myself to stop all energetic highs as feeling of happiness and thus stop all lows as lack of energy that is experienced as depression/sadness where I realize that simply being here stable as the simplicity of breath is much more satisfying and its actually what we have been always seeking but we confused ourselves by believing that energy is the way to go



Artwork byAnna Brix Thomsen


Further reading:

Day 2: Happiness and Me



Day 22: The Con of Feel Good Experiences

Losing my focus by distracting myself with the creation of alternate realities in my mind – as a REWARD for what I was doing moments ago where I perceived that I did well and thus deserve now a moment for myself. That’s how I have been taught to behave since childhood where my parents would reward me (with sweets usually, later with money) each time for any good performance – like cleaning my room, or doing homework. This pattern is so deeply ingrained that I took it for granted as a natural part of existence and now that there are no parents around, I still do it where I reward myself with good feelings.

Within this pattern all that I am doing is creating time loops for myself again and again, because by giving myself this  feel good experience I create an immediate attachment to it where I don’t want to let it go and by all means try to hold on to it for just a little bit longer. Surely within existing in this state of mind I miss the reality as I am so preoccupied with myself and my feeling good experiences. I create an alternate reality free of pain and conflict. At least it used to be like that in the past, but now I start experiencing the consequences of what I am accepting and allowing rather immediately. I start observing myself while participating in my reality where I become much more reactive and distant from what is here while floating in my alternate reality bubble. So from that perspective it’s very beneficial to see what I am doing and within that stop myself from fucking around. Before I used to make a mistake and look at this whole point from a morality view point where I perceived the desire to experience good feelings as something bad and forbidden where within that I would suppress my desires and later slowly but surely accumulate them and eventually go into an explosion. However now I find that it’s simply a matter of consequence – I mean if you want to keep fucking yourself please be my guest just realize that you are staying with your current limitations and that this little  mind of yours will drive you crazy by seeking and trying to fulfill impossible dreams and illusions. So it’s up to me to decide what I actually want to do with my life – do I remain in my alternate reality illusion being dependent on rewards as energy fixes with all its highs and lows or do I choose to be here, a stable human being that moves not by energy but by principle where within that I expand myself, I break the limitations of who I believe I am. I mean who am so limited, when in some moments I would see my actual limitation I wanted to cry and I couldn’t really bear seeing that for long as it is really a disgraceful position to be in when the whole existence is waiting to be discovered. Still somehow I manage to fall into the traps of feelings where I believe that this is “life”.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire a reward as a good feeling at the “end of the day” for all the “good” things I did during the day not realizing that within this I am only harming myself by creating attachment and dependency to this feeling and within this I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see that by participating in good feelings I create for myself the consequence of the low, the negative where eventually I have to go down from the god feeling experience and face my actual physical reality which I have ignored since being on the high of the mind alternate reality

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define desire for a good feelings as bad from a morality standpoint where within that each time participating in this desire I create within myself the experiences of shame and guilt thus making the problem bigger and within that being unable see clearly the relationship between actions and consequence

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe in any way that this feel good experience can last or be sustained because it is dependent on the opposite polarity of negativity where I inevitably have to fall as soon as the energy runs out thus proving again and again the instability of such experiences as well as the damaging consequences that it has on my ability to see what is really here as my physical reality

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist as a mind consciousness system that works only by motivation through rewards where my only point of consideration was only MY experience and where within that I disregarded everything else never considering whether my action have any direct or indirect consequence to the totality of this planet

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see that through accepting this pattern of moving only through having rewards I accepted self-interest within separation of others where I never moved a finger to really assist another if I did not see that there is opportunity to get something in return

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be so consumed with thoughts “what’s in it for me” that I dismissed the whole reality around me because it could not offer me any rewards as good feelings or money

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to ever consider that I can live and move in this reality based on principled living as common sense realization that we are all here on this planet together sharing what this earth provides unconditionally and thus we are supposed to give to each other also unconditionally same as this earth does instead I allowed my ideas believes and perceptions to take over my common sense and dictate how I am supposed to live in this reality where I have to watch constantly for my own self-interest and try to survive within a believe that there is not enough for all

I commit myself to change my starting point of all my actions where I move according to the principle of what’s best for all within realization that when all are taken care of I will enter a new reality of trust and true companionship and that will be my ultimate reward

I commit myself to prove to myself and to others that it is possible to move self and act without requiring an immediate reward as feelings and/or money but that common sense in seeing what is here and what has to be done is enough

I commit myself to expose the destructiveness of this reward based system where each is looking only for self-interest ignoring the rest by showing what consequences are created by each one directly or indirectly participating in this system

Artwork ByDeedra Chavez

Day18: Can Humans Change?


I just finished watching the documentary “The Trap” which reveals many aspects of human existence showing the total human tragedy as who we have become as well as how we got here. We as humanity went through many attempts to find and understand the right/livable structure upon which we could exist in peace with each other and our surroundings, yet no matter what happened throughout history none of the theories and the application thereof has ever made significant difference to the improvement of our lives and our existence, quite the opposite – it only brought us where we are at the moment- total disaster. Doesn’t that indicate that there is something FUNDAMENTALLY wrong in our understanding?

We tried government control, we tried free market, we tried revolutions and we tried all possible –isms yet none of these applications brought us the desired results. Watching the documentaries it was interesting to see how throughout history we had this constantly persisting believe that we are, as humans, fundamentally flawed and the best we can do is to try and control our inner evil so that we don’t destroy ourselves and each other. I admit that looking at all the bullshit that is here in the world it’s difficult to avoid the feeling of uselessness regarding humanity, yet we have evidence that the real change is actually possible if only we start addressing the actual problems that are causing the human dysfunction.

I am a university graduate myself and I sat at many psychology and other lectures listening to useless stuff that has no practical meaning to our lives as a whole. All I was taught is to repeat the knowledge and information that is already here where all the trust is completely abdicated to our so called great thinkers. And now I see that they are no more than that – thinkers. It was all based on what is already here as who we are as humans with underlying assumption that we cannot really change ourselves but only try and manage and shape ourselves to different models that we theorized and tried to apply.  No one ever questioned the very model upon which we stand – the acceptance of separation into different manifestations as individuality, family structures, nations where the end result of living this separation is self-interest and fear of survival. The end result is separation from all life where inside ourselves we experience this undefined sadness and grief because we have been torn apart into billions pieces trying to fulfill ourselves in this world. And when we have tried what this system has to offer – relationships, consumerism, fantasies, believes, drugs etc. and where we still are not satisfied then we are defined as having a mental sickness. “You have everything – why are you not happy?” Everything?

Throughout my years in university I never heard a single teacher to say – that we must consider everything and everyone. How come no one ever considered the big family as the whole world to be the point of attention where the solutions would consider all beings equally?


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not question the scientists and authority of this world because I believed that they are the ones who have answers and only they can know how to make decision on this world should function

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe in the unchanging nature of humanity where I made peace with my limited life and anger and sadness that I experienced within separation from all of the existence

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe in the idea of self-interest where my whole life I lived only being concerned about myself and my experiences in this world never realizing the interconnectedness of all life and thus the consequences that my self-interested living has on everyone else

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that no matter what I received and achieved in my life I was never fulfilled and within that I still tried to look for more and more experiences to fulfill myself completely missing the actual problem of self-interested isolation into individual bubble from all the existence

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see the problems in this world where people suffered in poverty, through mental breakdowns, abuse and violence and even then I did not question my existence within the believe that those in power and control should take care of it and I as this little, insignificant part of this system should just sit and hope that everything will be fine

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live in fear of standing and voicing myself or even considering an alternative for what is here as this fucked up world

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that life is too difficult and complex to understand and comprehend and therefore I never even tried to see where the problems lie and how it can be corrected to life that is best for all

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give my all my trust to scientists and politicians within the believe that if what they speak is so complex and impossible for me to comprehend they must know what they are doing where I never ask myself the question how can they know what they are doing if life for all people is becoming worse with each day

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to protect myself from negativity that is existent in this world so that I don’t feel bad about what’s going on but I only considered my immediate environment and believed I have no influence on what is happening outside of my bubble

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see the simplicity that everything in this  world is done for the sake of money and profit where money and profit is valued more than life and that this model in no way can benefit humanity


Thus I commit myself to stop all self-interest and believe that I am separate from other and that my actions do not have an effect on other being on this planet

I commit myself to work breath by breath on exposing the current system as it is so that all benevolent beings could wake up and see what they have done

I commit myself to persist on educating myself in understanding the mechanics of this system in its totality and challenge the accepted way of living by showing the common sense solutions like Equal Money System which is able to correct most of the problems

I commit myself to prove mathematically that it is possible to have a world that is best for all if only we decide to let go of the fear and limitation that we believe is who we are

I commit myself to prove to myself and others that human nature can be changed by changing myself into a being that is standing stable in every moment of breath and in all ways considers only what’s best for all life

I commit myself to eradicate all doubt within my mind that we can make a difference by constantly and consistently flooding this reality with common sense which so many beings lack these days because they are flooded and preoccupied with different things like consumerism/happiness/love and other destructive/distracting manifestations


Artwork byRozelle Destonian De Lange



Day 7: Normal Day


Fuck “normal days”.

So I had a “normal day” where the day just passed and everything seemed all right. However within that I realize that this implies complete separation from what is here. Here meaning –how reality exists currently with all consisting relationships, hidden secrets as actual creators of everyday life, all the patterns of behavior that I and everyone exist in and as which are based on separation and self-interest. Basically I was not aware of anything today and thus I had a “normal day”.

So here I would like to redefine what is “normal day” for me and from now on live normal days as within my new definition.

Looking at dictionary one of the definitions or normal is – usual. So a normal day is a usual day. So let’s look at our usual/normal days within our current existence and how an average human being with money experiences it. What are the NORMS of our “normal day” we all accept and allow to exist?

Poverty, starvation, abuse, violence, war, deception, greed, profit – so these are basic general terms that can be broken down into many subcategories where we can begin to see what a shithole we have made of this existence. All these disastrous expressions mentioned above happen in extreme amounts every single day, every single NORMAL day. To the definition of “normal day” of average human being who has money in the pocket we can add – blind ignorance of what is happening outside of self-created mind bubble within the persistent belief “I have nothing to do with this”.

So “my normal” day is where I am unaware of my actions as words and deeds and the consequences that I create through my actions as words and deeds where I just trot along with the events of the day without being aware of my breath and where I spend most of the time in the mind where my thinking is covering the reality of who I am as the participant of this system.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have a “normal day” which means that I went along with the day’s events without self-awareness where I missed what is here as the underlying design of reality as myself where within seeing it I have the ability to understand it and find ways to correct it towards a solution that is best for all

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not question every single word and action within my reality but go through the day “normally” accepting and allowing all the norms that I exist in and as

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to realize that going through the day without questioning every single word and action I sink deeper into the accepted Norms of “Life” that are consequently creating all the atrocities currently existing in this world

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that “Normal day” is by far not normal looking through the eyes of LIFE because an average human being in the “Normal day” only does what he usually does – supports the system which ensures their survival not seeing and realizing that the same system destroys most of the other forms of life

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see/understand/realize that trotting through the day as “normal” being without any awareness of where and how I participate within my reality I am ensuring the continuation of myself as the supporter of the abusive system where I believe that what is happening in far corners of the world, where poverty and starvation thrives, has nothing to do with me

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to realize that if I do not take responsibility for my daily life where I investigate every word and deed that I participate within, this system of abuse will not change and will remain as it is –and it is growing in its capacity to destroy all forms of life and thus it will destroy me as life, as my physical body

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to realize that the only reason I am able to have a “normal day” is because I have money in my pocket otherwise my “normal day” would be a struggle for survival as it is for most beings on this planet

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the system where money defines what is a “normal day” for you and where only minority has access to money

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist in self-interest where I don’t mind to have a “normal day” because I am lucky to have access to money

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from the majority of beings in this world that are not able to have a satisfactory “normal day” where within this separation I do not feel the pain and thus continue to enjoy my position as one who has access to money

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to work towards a solution, that would  support all beings on this earth, as if I was equal and one to those who currently suffer

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to realize that I am in the best position to work towards a solution that support all life equally because I have money and access to resources – and within that I realize that if I do not act one day I will inevitable be in the position of those who currently suffer and have no means to do anything about it as the realization that there are consequences for all your actions and inactions


Within these realizations I redefine my normal day where from now on my normal day is where I act in the interest of all life where I investigate every little detail of my reality and correct it within the principle what’s best for all

So from now on when I say that I had a normal day that means that I have done my part where I remained in my breath not allowing my mind reality to distract me from what is here as this reality and within that work hard to find ways to correct the mess that we created all together establishing the norms by which we “live” not realizing how evil we have actually become

I commit to walk through my day in awareness of what is here where I question every word and deed that I come into contact with and within I see what I can do to correct that which is here into that what is best for all

I commit myself to never forget that all beings in existence have a right to have normal days where they express themselves as life without fear of survival

I commit myself to bring forth the same realization to other beings that still exist in ignorance of what is happening outside of their protective bubbles of alternate mind reality where they are completely unaware of the extensive suffering that is happening to their brothers and sisters


Artwork by Marlen Vargas Del Razo