Day 285: The Ignorance of Medical Profession

sharma-obesity-trust-me-im-a-doctorWe have, by now, probably all heard stories about our medical system and the evidence within these stories that there is much higher value placed on self-interest as profit and survival rather than actual care for the people and true willingness to cure the known diseases that are slowly eating away the human race.

Here I would like to share another story that a friend of mine has shared with me, from his own life experience, to again prove how pervasive the ignorance of medical establishment has become even despite the opportunities to learn and thus benefit society when facing various people that do manage to manifest good results in battling with deadly diseases.

So upon doing a routine checkup my friend’s partner was diagnosed with a malignant cervical cancer and since then walking from one doctor to another the only solution offered was to surgically remove the tumor. There wasn’t much explanation offered or any attempt to go deeper into the probable causes or anything else for that matter, but the only accepted way was to follow the standard procedure for such cases which was to write an appointment prescription to meet the surgeon on the operation table. Most people react in fear upon unexpectedly finding such news and of course will trust and follow whatever the apparently knowledgeable doctors will prescribe, but my friend and his partner stopped for a moment and considered other options by doing some research and investigation. First of all they visited yet another doctor who didn’t jump to knife as the first and only option for this type of cancer, instead he suggested an alternative way. I am not able to reproduce the whole path that was walked but I know it included drinking various herbal substances, taking hydrogen peroxide, cleansing the body through some dieting, ensuring proper hygiene etc.

So, about half a year later she went back to the original doctors to have another screening to see if there is any progress with the new treatment and, yes, to everyone’s big surprise there was nothing left of the tumor. Doctors finding it hard to believe sent her to another place to do screening and the results were the same. After another half a year the tests were repeated and still there was no sign of the disease.


Now the whole point is that none of the doctors or any other persons within the medical establishment were in any way interested or asked any questions of HOW she managed to overcome the disease. Such cases are viewed as anomalies that happen by chance to a few and apparently hold no significance or value in the bigger picture. In Europe alone there are about 50 thousand women dying from this disease yearly, a number that should be somewhat concerning as there is a probability for anyone to face this disease in some way within a lifetime. Surely, if anyone is faced with this, one would like to ensure the best, most effective course of action and an outcome for themselves or their close ones, yet we have only a few beings that can direct people on this path. So it’s really sad to see our health “carers” to turn away from real opportunities to advance themselves in the field of healing and become just mainstream followers of the system that focus on, what is called, the disease management which is much more profitable and safe in terms of system responsibility. It’s amazing how our responsibility shifted from doing what’s best for our fellow human beings to doing what’s best for the system and the system as it is designed currently is working only for few leaving the rest enslaved and suffering.

Solution when facing such problems is money just as money is the problem. The proposed new system LivingIncome Guaranteed will ensure that people no longer live in fear of doing what is best for all. In this new system no matter what happens no one will lose the basic necessities for survival. At the moment if you do not act as the system says, you risk to lose your income and possibly your ability to survive, within the new system however, that fear is removed and finally we will be free to consider each other. Find out more and support the proposal here: The Proposal

Day 255: Being a Patient and the System of care

The last 6 days I have spent almost entirely being bound to my bed where I am recovering from the surgery of my torn Achilles tendon. The procedure wasn’t complex and normally should have taken just a few days where from there one should gladly jump around on one leg for a few months. There was, however, a slight complication related to the injection of anesthetics and because of that I am experiencing big headache and the only cure is to lie horizontally in my bed, drink lots of water and occasionally take some painkillers. Now, this unfortunate event gave me some time to ponder about the health and healthcare system here, in my native country, and elsewhere around the world.

I mean I did some research and observation before but now I see how important it is to see the system being on this side, meaning being the patient and experiencing the vulnerability in this time of distress and real pain. Looking at everything I have experienced throughout this week I can see that much of resources and human labour was put to deal with the situation, I can see how much care is required to deal with this process effectively to so bring the best conditions for the body to cure itself. And in comparison to most other diseases and trauma this is still only a mild and simple condition. So in other words healthcare is a huge part of our current existence and it needs to be done properly.

Ideally we would want only people around that truly care and understand in detail what a person is going through in the time of disease or trauma, but that is not the case in the current system. Now everything is based on money where the money decides who is taken care of and who and how is doing the care. Lying in the hospital bed and being in pain I could only imagine what millions of people, who are denied the basic healthcare, are going through. Obviously in the current age when all the means to fully assist each other exist this denial of Human Right to healthcare is unacceptable. The justification that there isn’t enough money, when at the same time billions are spent on war, is simply not valid and thus it is our duty to stand up and demand that our fundamental rights would be honored.

This will not happen overnight but with a correct approach it can be achieved. For that purpose Equal Life Foundation has been created where the primary proposal is what is called the “Basic Income Guaranteed” which ensures that all people would have the basic needs covered, including the basic healthcare. With the economic system collapsing daily and more and more people losing all means of safe living it is becoming a matter of urgency to develop the new system. It’s better to not wait until we lose it all and lose the power to make any change but to take action now and prevent unnecessary suffering of which the world is already witnessing more than enough.


Visit the new “Desteni I Process Lite”course that has been launched recently for all those who are willing to understand,  in practical self-application, the reality of self

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7 Year Journey to Life
7 Year Journey to Life Facebook Page
Basic Income Guaranteed 
Heaven’s Journey to Life

Day 213: Sickness and Disease – Facing the Problem


We are as human beings facing huge problems in almost all areas of our existence. Doesn’t matter where you look – we are destroying, using and abusing every part of this living reality and we do it as if there is no tomorrow, which is probably true and is actually true for many people that already face the consequence of our collective ignorance and destruction of this planet. These days one can consider himself lucky if there are no serious condition as disease or sickness luring within one’s body, like a ticking bomb, ready to claim life at any moment. Recently I have watched a documentary “Stopped on Track” where family is facing the certain and very rapid death of the father and husband who has been diagnosed with untreatable brain tumor. The news came as a huge surprise; they were told that within two months the rapid growth of tumor will cause imminent death. Quite a shocking story!

So now looking at a bigger picture that is true for all of as humans, we have a major disease manifesting in many forms, we are all basically dying a slow death and the only difference between us is that some of us have a bit more time and some less. The question however that we should ask ourselves, like the question that this family of a dying man asked themselves – what are we going to do with the remaining time? Surely in their case there isn’t much they can do in two months but for the rest of us that’s gonna hang around a bit longer on this planet earth this question holds huge significance as it will determine the future of us and humanity as a whole. To answer for ourselves the questions whether we are still capable of saving ourselves or have we already crossed the line of no return we must first understand and realize the extent of the problem, to see the human disease in all its forms and within that understand the solutions that have to be implemented as well as to see what will change and how this new world will look like if these solution were to become a reality?

In some of my blogs to come I would like to take a closer look at various types of diseases in the human body that are proliferating in our society, find the underlying causes of those disease, also look at the established ways of treatment, how effective is current medicine in treating those diseases, if not effective then why is it so, who is benefiting from the continued existence of disease and what can we do about it, what are the best ways to support ourselves in the short term and in the long term, what needs to change to ensure prevention of those diseases etc. In other words how can we create a better future where we would grow and expand and flourish throughout the span of our life rather than birthing into this world only to diminish, deteriorate and die.



Visit the new “Desteni I Process Lite”course that has been launched recently for all those who are willing to understand,  in practical self-application, the reality of self

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7 Year Journey to Life
7 Year Journey to Life Facebook Page
Equal Money System 
Heaven’s Journey to Life
Creation’s Journey to Life

Day 205: Guilt and Anger

I am well aware that I have the tendency to go and hide myself within and as the guilt character where I experience an array of emotions by beating myself up for all the wrongdoings. The real fuckup comes where I understand that existing in this guilt I am actually trapping myself to remain in the same position instead of moving forward. And that makes me very angry. Currently I am experiencing an accumulated anger for what I have allowed in my participation in the mind compromising the physical walking of the process. It’s all about the choices where when making one “wrong” choice it’s easier to fall again and where after a while the falling becomes a norm. And that’s where the consequence comes in; to bring one back to reality.So here I am at the point of consequence where I have even manifested a disease for myself, thus I am sitting here today with a headache, blocked nose and overall uncomfortable experience in my body. The beauty is that this uncomfortability is actually making me aware of my body whereas being and existing comfortably in the mind without much consideration or remembrance about the physical.

I noticed also that this state allows me to connect better with what happens around me. Even watching news I could much better relate to events and the information that was shared. So basically pain and this bodily uncomfortability brings me much closer to reality and because of that I actually grateful for this experience to some virus or bacteria that came into my body to bring me back to awareness.

I find myself asking for the disease to stay and assist me a bit longer because I already anticipate the play out of the pattern based on my past experiences where every time the disease comes I become glad about the experience, I make some necessary corrections in my application and when disease is gone and I am back to a comfortable state of being I start moving backwards, slowly but surely, into my mind so again separating myself more and more from the body, where then again disease has to come to remind me that I have a body, that I am a body and that improper care of the body is basically “death” upon the mind as the mind cannot exist without the body as it is proven over and over again within every bodily disorder – where within that the mind stuff loses all value in the face of pain, or in the face of some other bodily “uncomfortability”.

So just before writing the above I experienced lots of anger at myself for the acceptance and allowance of bad choices and the consequence of these choices that has brought me here. The anger is like saying to me “fuck man, how much longer are you gonna allow the same bullshit to influence your life”. And this angry part of me is actually posing a very good question as IT IS actually the time to make some different decisions; like such decisions that would actually support me to get Real and act for Real and accomplish something Real rather than just spinning invisible webs in the mind trapping myself as basically just a food for the liberation army of viruses and bacteria.

This army is getting stronger, constantly improving in number and especially its defense system. The biggest weapon that we humans had against this army was antibiotics, yet the statistical data already shows clearly that antibiotics are losing more and more battles as the viruses and bacteria have developed the immunity for it. So what that means is that finally the human will be brought down from the castles in the sky (the mind) back to the earth where he really belongs so that the human could stand equally to the blade of grass and in humbleness see what has been caused through extreme ignorance and self-interest and then through self-forgiveness release self from all the guilt that might arise for all this evil past and within that construct and design a new living experience where this time the living mathematical equation doesn’t only include human mind but also all and every other living thing on this planet.

The practical/livable solution is already here – Equal Money System


Visit the new “Desteni I Process Lite”course that has been launched recently for all those who are willing to understand,  in practical self-application, the reality of self

Desteni Forum
7 Year Journey to Life
7 Year Journey to Life Facebook Page
Equal Money System 
Heaven’s Journey to Life
Creation’s Journey to Life

Day 134: Watching the signs of self-dishonesty manifested

For a few days I started having problems with my right eye where the so called lacrimal sack that is responsible for releasing the liquids of the eye (like a draining system) is blocked and thus causing the accumulation of liquid and also pain and unpleasant twitching.

So today I saw how I was causing this problem within me. Basically it was the BACKCHAT that was accumulating within me which I resisted exposing/sharing. I can only be grateful to my partner for seeing my subtle hiding and thus pulling out the nastiness that I was creating and accumulating towards her through my projections.

I myself have failed to attend to myself and clear the point within self-responsibility.

It is also amazing how as a mirror of my acceptances I have manifested a situation at work that was showing within “another” what I was accepting and allowing within myself. This situation involved an event where my colleague has done something out of our agreement and is absolutely refusing to admit his mistake even in the face of undeniable evidence that both of us clearly see and understand. He insists that we just continue our relationship forgetting about the event and simply move on as if nothing has happened.

So this event again shows, as a mirror, what I was doing towards my partner and myself. I was having nasty backchat about her and I could definitely see myself being busy creating and festering it, yet I created huge resistance to open and share any of that or even investigate this for myself. So I was doing exactly the same as my colleague was doing to me and basically himself – hiding from self-responsibility and the fact that it’s inevitable to face ourselves in face of undeniable transparency of self-deceptions that we know about and that other eventually will also see – all within the hope that we can go on as if nothing happened. I was truly pissed off at my colleague for childishly avoiding facing this not realizing yet that I was doing the same thing – so I was pissed off with myself actually.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear admitting and exposing to myself and others what I have created within me

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to search for excuses of why I shouldn’t work on the specific point that is here and clear it up inside me

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to leave the backchat unattended in hope that what I am experiencing will go away without taking self-responsibility for it

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire absolute deletion of my thoughts not realizing within this that I am avoiding the confrontation with the details of who I am as the devil in this physical reality

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to grow and fester nasty backchat within me where I can already see the consequence in my physical body where one of my sacks in the eye that is responsible for draining the tears/liquid from the eye became obstructed and causes blockage thus showing me that I am blocking myself with nasty backchat towards myself and others without taking responsibility to clear myself and so support my body to be clear and fully functional – and especially when all is in my power to do that

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to avoid the real issues at hand when all indications in my physical reality show the necessity to deal with specific points

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire to just continue “beautifully” my process without going into the nasty shit that I exist in and as

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to, within absolute knowing that there is no way I can escape my backchat without facing and cleaning it, continue as if nothing has happened

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create the foundation of my participation in this reality through dishonesty and hidden lies which are not actually hidden but show up in all my actions and words

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be ignorant and unmoved by the consequences of my dishonest actions through the believe that I deserve that and that I need now more consequence

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to really forgive myself and correct myself within the desire to go all the way of losing everything to thus get a real lesson

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not use this gift of opening to intimately look at myself and make necessary correction when seeing all the nasty nature that I have allowed myself to become

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see within my world and my reality the examples as “other” people what I am actually doing within myself

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge another on points that I am doing and participating within myself

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that it’s never about another but it’s always me

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to take my thoughts and backchat personally and so make it my own believing it’s who I am and within that try and hide and defend and protect myself not realizing that who I am as the physical being has no thoughts and backchat about anything or anyone and thus anything that comes up within me has to be opened and cleared immediately – like a virus that needs to be removed from the body as it is caused disharmony within it – as it was shown in this event by my body that has manifested the problem in my eye

I commit myself to address any and all backchat that comes up inside me in the moment within realization that if it is left unattended it will slowly grow into my flesh making me believe that it is who I am and so I will eventually become completely infested with this backchat virus and so kill myself as who I am as the living flesh

I commit myself to be aware of my physical environment at all times as I see now how it is showing and revealing me the points that I am allowing within me

I commit myself to not take any of my thoughts/backchats personally because that “friendship” makes me compromise myself as who I am as the physical body

I commit myself to ensure that self-honesty in each moment of breath is the highest priority within my participation in this reality

I commit myself to remove the fear of exposing my thoughts and backchat to my partner because of the fear to lose her not realizing within this that I have already lost my starting point of agreement to be self-honest in each moment and thus I am now in the zone of relationship creation where I am subtly manipulating my lies to keep myself as various characters of the mind alive

Day 70: The Experience of Dis-ease

In times when I would get very sick I would always realize my powerlessness as who I am as the mind where I would lie in my bed completely at the mercy of my body within hope that whatever is happening to me will sort itself out. It was always a good opportunity to really look back and see where I have created the disease through my thoughts, words and deeds. It was always very humbling experience where I would realize who is really in control here – it wasn’t me as the mind, it was my body that was fighting the disease and all I could do is to stop all the bullshit in my mind and allow my body to do its job.

Sometimes the reason for getting the sickness was simple – like eating plenty of junk food, purely to satisfy the hunger of the mind. Sometimes it was extensive participation in my thoughts that caused the imbalance where I could feel hundreds of different personalities fighting within me and creating a complete chaos in my head. And so because the body is very closely interlinked with the mind that obviously caused some disorder my body’s functionality.

I can remember very well one event where I was lying in my bed with extreme pain in my stomach area being completely helpless and clueless about what was happening to me. The only thing I could do was to lie down and wait. In that moment I could see my mind as my thoughts running completely wild causing extreme commotion and where I was trying to figure it all out  in my mind not realizing that all the while I was just fueling the dis-ease.  It was just too obvious that the mind is absolutely blind when it comes to bodily functions and is completely incapable to understand how the body actually works and how to deal with such manifested consequences. In Homeopathy it is constantly repeated that body has the innate ability to heal itself and where our job is to remove all obstacles preventing the process of recovery. So in my experience it was rather obvious that my thoughts were standing in the way of healing to take place, yet I was so lost in these thoughts that I could not stop this dis-ease, I mean I didn’t know where to go, who should I be in that moment if not my thoughts – If I stop my thinking who am I. So it went like that for a while until suddenly I touched my leg with my hand and realized that this is where I have to be – in the flesh as the flesh and realize this point of stability. So that’s how I was able to leave for a moment my thinking process and relax for a moment – it felt like walking out of the room full of people that where severely fighting with each other. Having found this point of stability was an amazing discovery where I was finally able to observe the battle of the mind and realize that I don’t have to participate in that. Shortly after that I had this strange image, like a whole scenario playing out in my mind where I perceived as if I was walking into the office where war was waging between all the employees and within all that I was the authority, one guy who was aware of what was happening and in that moment I started shouting to everyone in this room where I gave a little speech about the necessity to stop this bullshit and to start organizing ourselves and working together towards a solution. It was very cool experience where I felt how all the pressure simply disappeared from my head and I could finally hear my breathing. In that moment I knew that the healing process began and all I had to do was to keep that peace as my presence of myself as simply the breath and be the authority of who I am as the mind.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself into multitude of different personalities where each claim the authority and cause immense distress to my physical body

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the only valid authority is one that stands for what is best for all where no separation and thus no friction is caused

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that oneness and equality is the obvious solution to the dis-ease that is experienced in my physical body and this world as a whole

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that unless I stand as the authority of the totality of me insisting on the equality of all participants as all the personalities that I have created in my mind there will be no resolution but further perpetuation of conflict and friction that cause the imbalance and dis-ease

I commit myself to bring all parts that I have separated myself into/from and equalize them to thus be able to as one towards a solution that is best for all

I commit myself to stand as the authority of all parts of myself insisting on equality and active participation in establishing a new system that is best for all

Artwork by Andrew Gable

Day 33: What are you doing with your life?

Recently I was asked “What are you doing with your life?” So I have been sitting for a while having some difficulty to respond, not knowing how to approach that question. And I mean so far the only answer I was able to find for this kind of hesitation is simply to starting to write. Easy.

So what I am doing with my life? First of all I don’t know what life is because I have seen in the last years, upon close self-observation, that I have never lived. I have seen that the way I exist is simply patterns of behavior that I repeat over and over again. I have seen my limitations and my fear to break from them and how much I hold on to that which I know to be me. I have seen that most of my actions are automatically learned responses imprinted since childhood which act on my behalf while in the meantime I am nowhere to be found. Still I manage to catch myself in moments and stop myself and become more aware of what I am actually doing and where I am participating within my reality – bringing myself back to reality so to speak. That means that I am bringing myself back to the physical reality out of the mind reality. In my mind there is alternate reality that I exist in and as which is mostly secret reality that I hide from others and where I hold my believes, thoughts, ideas, judgments about other people, anger towards other people, spitefulness towards them etc. And then within that I can see that other people exist in the same way – where what we present to each other doesn’t match at all what is inside of us. So “life” is lived as a bipolar disorder – life is really sick. Thus what I am doing with my life? Is that I am trying to heal it.

Then another question relevant to ask here is “what is the cure for this disease?” I mean we as human have tried many methods to solve our problems, yet so far we failed miserably. Love didn’t work, positivity made things much worse, free choice allowed to freely abuse the world etc. And so I have also tried my ways to escape myself but each time I was brought down to my knees to seek another way. And so I went like that deducting all my possibilities until finally only one option remains and, which, I realize now is the only way to heal myself and this reality – first of all is of course admitting to myself that I am actually very sick, I mean we heard that a lot from different specialists, especially in cases of addictions where the first step in curing the addiction is admitting that we are addicted. So we have to admit that this world is in a very bad condition and that we are far from doing well in ourselves as well. I mean this world simply speaking is a reflection of how we exist inside of us. And if there exist a believe that “my life has nothing to do with the world around me” I mean it’s just a temporary hallucination that will be healed in time when time will prove otherwise. So after we have these realizations settled, the next step towards the cure is the realization that the disease has to be brought to attention, has to be exposed in all its “beauty”. Within this I find myself still very reluctant to really look at it as it is so fucking very nasty that it takes real courage to finally do it. And I am in the process of training myself to look at all of me without judgment as it is the condition that gives access to more and more nastiness to be revealed. Gladly I have tools of writing, self-forgiveness and self-corrective application that I utilize and thus work on myself slowly but surely getting to know more and more of myself. It’s not easy and I can see that I have barely started my process.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that it’s the end of the “road” where all solutions and escape mechanism have been tried and what’s remaining is actual facing of self within all aspects of self where within that I really tried to deny the “bad” parts of me trying to ignore them and thus remove from my existence not realizing that they were always here and they were just growing and flourishing because of my denial

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that if I grow and project myself only as positivity my negative will be conquered – which is as stupid as participating in charities within the believe that it will remove poverty without realizing that the problem is at the fundamental level where we live within the believe that we are separate from each other – thus equalization of self to all parts of existence within realization that we ARE actually one and equal to everything and everyone is the only valid answer to our problems

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am separate from everything and everyone else and that my actions somehow have no effect on the whole where within that I believe in my free choice and my right to personal happiness

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to waste my life on useless attempts to make my life all right by remaining positive and trying to balance my thoughts, feelings and emotions without realizing that the polar mind itself is a problem and can never remain stable in one place but has to constantly move from positive to negative thus keeping this whole abusive system in place

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to consider anything beyond the mind reality as it is the only thing I have ever known and so I have put all my trust into it never questioning who I am without it

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to realize that I fear losing my mind as all the relationships that I have created, categorized, defined to/towards other parts of existence where I believe that by losing these relationships I will lose myself without realizing that these relationships are in fact limiting me from the realization that I am one and equal to all that is here

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear that I will lose my individuality if I will realize my equality and oneness with everything and everyone not realizing that this is only expansion of my individuality that will include everything and everyone

Thus I commit myself to live my life in a way where I let go of my personal self-interest and start considering everything and everyone within realization that who I am now is just my accepted and allowed separation which I have the ability to stop and within that I expand myself through my actions that prove my consideration and caring for all as myself

I commit myself to stop all believes that somehow my personal life is special and more important than any other life on this earth within realization that this is simply delusional

I commit myself to  expose the destructiveness of the believe in free choice and the idea of “my life” by showing that it is exactly what caused all the problems in this world thus we must bring all “my live’s” back together into LIFE

Other suggest readings:

Day 30: The Decision

Day 27: It’s always only been me

Day 12 – What is Real Love

Very Supportive Interviews:

Day18: Can Humans Change?


I just finished watching the documentary “The Trap” which reveals many aspects of human existence showing the total human tragedy as who we have become as well as how we got here. We as humanity went through many attempts to find and understand the right/livable structure upon which we could exist in peace with each other and our surroundings, yet no matter what happened throughout history none of the theories and the application thereof has ever made significant difference to the improvement of our lives and our existence, quite the opposite – it only brought us where we are at the moment- total disaster. Doesn’t that indicate that there is something FUNDAMENTALLY wrong in our understanding?

We tried government control, we tried free market, we tried revolutions and we tried all possible –isms yet none of these applications brought us the desired results. Watching the documentaries it was interesting to see how throughout history we had this constantly persisting believe that we are, as humans, fundamentally flawed and the best we can do is to try and control our inner evil so that we don’t destroy ourselves and each other. I admit that looking at all the bullshit that is here in the world it’s difficult to avoid the feeling of uselessness regarding humanity, yet we have evidence that the real change is actually possible if only we start addressing the actual problems that are causing the human dysfunction.

I am a university graduate myself and I sat at many psychology and other lectures listening to useless stuff that has no practical meaning to our lives as a whole. All I was taught is to repeat the knowledge and information that is already here where all the trust is completely abdicated to our so called great thinkers. And now I see that they are no more than that – thinkers. It was all based on what is already here as who we are as humans with underlying assumption that we cannot really change ourselves but only try and manage and shape ourselves to different models that we theorized and tried to apply.  No one ever questioned the very model upon which we stand – the acceptance of separation into different manifestations as individuality, family structures, nations where the end result of living this separation is self-interest and fear of survival. The end result is separation from all life where inside ourselves we experience this undefined sadness and grief because we have been torn apart into billions pieces trying to fulfill ourselves in this world. And when we have tried what this system has to offer – relationships, consumerism, fantasies, believes, drugs etc. and where we still are not satisfied then we are defined as having a mental sickness. “You have everything – why are you not happy?” Everything?

Throughout my years in university I never heard a single teacher to say – that we must consider everything and everyone. How come no one ever considered the big family as the whole world to be the point of attention where the solutions would consider all beings equally?


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not question the scientists and authority of this world because I believed that they are the ones who have answers and only they can know how to make decision on this world should function

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe in the unchanging nature of humanity where I made peace with my limited life and anger and sadness that I experienced within separation from all of the existence

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe in the idea of self-interest where my whole life I lived only being concerned about myself and my experiences in this world never realizing the interconnectedness of all life and thus the consequences that my self-interested living has on everyone else

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that no matter what I received and achieved in my life I was never fulfilled and within that I still tried to look for more and more experiences to fulfill myself completely missing the actual problem of self-interested isolation into individual bubble from all the existence

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see the problems in this world where people suffered in poverty, through mental breakdowns, abuse and violence and even then I did not question my existence within the believe that those in power and control should take care of it and I as this little, insignificant part of this system should just sit and hope that everything will be fine

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live in fear of standing and voicing myself or even considering an alternative for what is here as this fucked up world

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that life is too difficult and complex to understand and comprehend and therefore I never even tried to see where the problems lie and how it can be corrected to life that is best for all

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give my all my trust to scientists and politicians within the believe that if what they speak is so complex and impossible for me to comprehend they must know what they are doing where I never ask myself the question how can they know what they are doing if life for all people is becoming worse with each day

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to protect myself from negativity that is existent in this world so that I don’t feel bad about what’s going on but I only considered my immediate environment and believed I have no influence on what is happening outside of my bubble

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see the simplicity that everything in this  world is done for the sake of money and profit where money and profit is valued more than life and that this model in no way can benefit humanity


Thus I commit myself to stop all self-interest and believe that I am separate from other and that my actions do not have an effect on other being on this planet

I commit myself to work breath by breath on exposing the current system as it is so that all benevolent beings could wake up and see what they have done

I commit myself to persist on educating myself in understanding the mechanics of this system in its totality and challenge the accepted way of living by showing the common sense solutions like Equal Money System which is able to correct most of the problems

I commit myself to prove mathematically that it is possible to have a world that is best for all if only we decide to let go of the fear and limitation that we believe is who we are

I commit myself to prove to myself and others that human nature can be changed by changing myself into a being that is standing stable in every moment of breath and in all ways considers only what’s best for all life

I commit myself to eradicate all doubt within my mind that we can make a difference by constantly and consistently flooding this reality with common sense which so many beings lack these days because they are flooded and preoccupied with different things like consumerism/happiness/love and other destructive/distracting manifestations


Artwork byRozelle Destonian De Lange