Day 287: Understanding and Living by the Principle of What is Best for All – Part 2

Here I am continuing from my previous blog where I was writing about my understanding and living application of the principle – What’s Best for All.

sam_0624So what does it really mean to live this principle in a practical way? For myself I have observed that the best and most practical way to start living this principle is right here in my immediate environment with the small, everyday things, yet at the same time being able to look further and direct and create my life to have a satisfactory future in which again the principle of what’s best for all would be reflected.

One of the first things that I needed to correct in my behavior was the pace, the speed at which I was living my life, meaning that I had to really slow myself down and thus become more aware of what I was doing and how I was moving in my reality, how I was making decisions, interacting with people etc. Whenever I would lose that awareness I could see how my decisions and all my actions would arise automatically from my preprogrammed mind. This automated behavior simply means that I would act and do everything in a way how I was taught by my parents, how I was taught in my school, and as I have explained in my previous blog the knowledge we are currently taught within all such institutions and from each other has created the present condition of this world where most are poor and suffering and only minority can enjoy this reality in abundance and we are taught to just accept that as being a natural part of life, when it is not actually cast in stone.

So in order to start living according to the principle what’s best for all I had to become aware of the knowledge that was imprinted into me throughout the years and change this preprogramming into self-aware actions where I now have to consciously look and consider the best physical practical ways to go about my days. So this is a process that I am walking and through being patient with myself, allowing myself to make mistakes I slowly change.

If I look back at my life I can see how erratic my behavior used to be where I was acting mostly based on my feelings and emotions that would come up randomly without me understanding how that is generated in my mind . I would never give myself the time of day to stop for a moment and reflect on why, for example, I feel what I feel, or why do I experience the rush of emotions that make me act in ways that I would have regrets about later on. In this I found the importance to have my own time, mostly the evenings, where I sit down and look at my day and reflect on all the significant events that happened and who I was within them. It was interesting to see, initially, that I, as awareness, wasn’t really there and that all the events were simply unfolding based on the years of accumulated knowledge, or simply speaking the systematic preprogramming of how to act in each and every situation and this is what played out day in and day out.

Now with awareness and principled living the life story changes and it’s no longer just a program playing out but I step into the picture to interfere and make some changes in the programming. As I have explained above the tool of consciously slowing myself down was and is very effective, where even though sometimes I do miss some moments and blindly follow my emotions, I am now mostly able to make a choice and say to myself that I refuse to go into the chaos of the mind and in this make a choice/a decision that is not reactive but self-directed, where my guideline of action is the principle of what is best for all.

In my next blog I will continue with the same principle where I want to discuss the morality aspect of it and how and why living according to this principle many in our society would term as negative or unacceptable behavior


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Day 267: The Cleaning Day


imagesToday was a cleaning day for me and while cleaning my house I observed myself and the way I was performing the task. The only thought which kept surfacing was about how to be over with it as soon as possible, because I have defined this activity as tedious and even useless in my mind. In this I was thus rushing through everything wanting to go on to some other activity that I defined within me as more pleasurable. There was no awareness and no real consideration about preforming the task diligently and with care.

Within an hour I was done with all the rooms, which is a normal timeline for my cleaning duty. The same attitude I apply for many tasks in my reality which upon more careful consideration definitely requires more attention due to them being real practical living actions required to have an effective living environment.

Surely I place the responsibility upon myself for not having changed effectively through the years since I have become aware about the importance of the simplicity of practical living but then also, if I go back in time, I would also place the responsibility towards my parents as they were the ones that made me this way in the first place.  As a parent I can see now the immense importance of teaching your child about these simple every day requirements to have an effective and fully functional life.

Now what is done is done and there is no way I can turn back the time but I can ensure that I correct what is here now as this time space consequence that I have allowed to continue, especially since the day of realizing the required correction. There is no need to dwell back or judge or feel guilt or experience any emotion for that matter but to walk the new path. The realization did come through during the time of cleaning today but but but, there is always this but which directs my actions which in other words is an abdication of self-responsibility to the automated version of who I have become through many many years of repetitive behavior.

The resistance fueled by justifications, when that comes I stop myself and I breathe realizing it’s my programmed mind speaking and in this I make the decision to remain and follow my realization and understanding about the importance of such simplistic tasks to be done with diligence and care as well as any other tasks in my life.



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Day 243: I am just a Visitor Here

imagesBoy I used this statement throughout my life when facing situations that made me feel not so good. This was like a perfect self-comforting affirmation implying that whatever I am experiencing is not actually real, it’s not me or mine, I mean, I am just a guest in this God forsaken place and as soon as I find the keys to get out of here bye bye everyone, I have learned my lessons, got to go now. It wasn’t that much of -we are ALL visitors but more like I am visitor and maybe few others that I liked, some of my friends that shared my believes at that time. So yes this is the level of delusion that is possible to be reached. Talking about conquering the Everest – I’ve been there.
Currently I am in the process of walking down from the mountains of self-delusion and grounding myself back to where I came from where in this I keep uncovering the reality of MY place and where I am learning to actually participate and interact with my reality rather than claiming myself to be a visitor. It is so easy to exist in this type of ignorance shunning away all responsibility yet hard at the same time. It’s easy only when one has the necessary resources – MONEY – to exist in this character, which mostly is either from some rich relatives or maybe from deluded followers, given that you’ve managed to reach another level of self-delusion where you spread now the disease and get money for that. The world system loves such good doers as they take the minds away from real problems of this reality and put them in the clouds to worry about things that do no matter, things that are not based in matter but based on the invisible substance like thought, believe, faith – energy basically.
Nobody stops to ever consider but how is energy created, what is the source of energy or what it is in the first place?
I for sure wasn’t interested in such questions, it never entered my field of awareness. Actually I was avoiding everyone and everything that might have challenged my chosen believes and the chosen lifestyle. Don’t I have, after all, a free choice to choose what my heart desires? I wanted free energy to exist but eventually I couldn’t ignore any longer the fact that nothing is free. Whatever I do here is always affecting someone or something somewhere. Every starving child in this reality is in this condition because of me. It took time and balls to understand and accept that, yet it has to be done by each in order to start changing our HOME into a place that is best for All.
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Day 199: Thought Cloud where Life is Lost

I will continue here from my previous blog where I wrote about my experience of being in the mind and not being here when communicating/interacting with another. This is a big point for me and definitely requires some correction as it is absolutely unacceptable to live like this in this reality. I mean this whole world and how we live in it depends upon our interactions/relationships with each other and if that is not clear, not direct, open and transparent we will never develop any form of intimacy with each other where we can recognize each other as equals and so develop an environment that is in fact friendly and supportive for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize how I am not able to see or hear another when I am not HERE but exist in a separate thought reality of my own

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not question in the moment the thoughts that come up within me about another because throughout my life I have accepted these thoughts as being normal part of my existence without ever questioning why and how they come up and whether it’s possible to live without thinking all the time

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live in distrust and fear of others where instead of open communication I chose to converse with myself in my mind not realizing how through this action I am validating my fears and separating myself further and further from other beings

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become an isolated entity living in my own mind reality not realizing that this own reality is based purely on self-interest and so when all the people in this world accept this own reality within them we lose the common sense and one reality that truly matters, which is this physical reality of which we are all made of equally

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize and live the equality as who I am as my physical body living here with other physical bodies and thus consider others as my equal instead of allowing mind as thought, feeling, emotions that I acquired throughout my life and which are completely determined by the environment that I was raised in and which nowhere reflect real consideration for all Life here on earth, to determine how I live

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to identify myself with my mind personalities to such a degree that I find myself being in fears/a> and resistance when seeing the evilness of what I have become and that I have to change

I commit myself to develop the awareness in each breath of seeing and assessing myself in my environment where I make sure that who I am in each breath is standing in alignment with the realization that all that matters in this reality is physical real world and that all mind activities must be put to question, exposed and aligned to what is best for all

I commit myself to open communication with others within realization that others are not separate from me but are me as who I really am as the substance of this physical reality and that all my perception of others as being separate from me is only my mind trying to keep the bubble of perceived individuality and free choice in place

I commit myself to keep reminding myself that thinking about everything and all the time is not how life should be and within that I bring myself each time that I see myself participating in the mind back to breathing awareness where thinking has no space to exist


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Day 195: What does it mean to take responsibility for my mind? living and interacting with other people one inevitably faces situations of disagreement. It’s cool when the disagreement is communicated and sorted out immediately, but that doesn’t always happen and thus the story continues and grows into an alternate reality in one’s mind and so consequently influences the outer physical reality. This is caused through allowing oneself to participate in the mind which starts to form and grow into the inner battle which eventually manifests unpleasant consequences. I have been facing that a lot recently with my partner as she is here to be my immediate mirror of what I am allowing in my mind. Now I can see why throughout my life I preferred to be alone and not form any dependent/committed relationships as it gave me the “freedom” to move away from facing myself. Now that I have placed myself in this position to stay and remain and face my shit I am having a rough ride, because through this constant lifelong avoidance I have never learned to deal with other people and sort the problems in a constructive, effective manner. Some time ago I truly believed that I had the perfect approach to deal with difficulties. The specific way I have done that is by making within me the statement “it’s time for me to leave this place, I can feel that something is about to go wrong”.

Now that this “backdoor” is closed I am faced with myself where I can see how ineffective I am in dealing with any form of disagreement. In humbleness I admit now to myself that am I just like a baby learning to deal in self-honesty with other beings and all my thoughts that I have a tendency to hide or shape in a way to paint a different picture instead of absolute exposure and thus opportunity for true resolve.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into the silence mode when and as I am facing disagreement with my partner where I am waiting for the point to be directed by my partner and where I claim within this that I don’t know how to direct the point

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to look for distraction whenever the point is here to deal with

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to immediately search for backdoor to escape from disagreement not realizing how I am actually heading for another time loop where eventually I will arrive at the same point until I face it and direct it towards a solution which can stand in support of myself and others as myself

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to whenever any point of disagreement comes up where within that I have thoughts and reactions towards another being to not deal with the point/disagreement immediately but just brush it aside as insignificant not realizing within that how every other interaction with the same being will be now tainted and filtered through the thoughts that I had and haven’t sorted towards that being thus

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to underestimate the power of my thoughts even after seeing how a single thought can still determine my whole experience/mood during the day and so in this I am not standing focused, aware and determined to take on my living experience and correct it to the point where I am no longer influenced by energy but I make my decisions based only on the principle of what’s Best For All

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to take a superior stance to my thoughts even when I see how they direct and influence my everyday living thus proving that they are actually superior to me thus I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to stand in equality to my thoughts and direct my thoughts as myself towards a solution

I commit myself to establish myself as the directive principle within everyday decisions where instead of being influenced by energy in how I deal with my practical living to walk in and as the breath where I am absolutely stable in each moment and so am able to live according to practical assessment of what is best for all in any given moment

I commit myself to give to any disagreement that happens in my reality my fullest attention and physically practically deal with it in the moment whether through speaking to another being or forgiving myself for any reactions that come up when and as I see my mistakes as actions made in self-interest

I commit myself to stop the delusion of hope within myself when and as I face disagreement within the perception that things will sort themselves out and become the director of my life with taking full self-responsibility for every fraction of the day

I commit myself to stop abdicating responsibility to other people to direct disagreements and realize that any point that I see is not in alignment with the principle of what is best for all in which i am a participant is absolutely my responsibility to direct and resolve until clarity is achieved



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Day 176: Fear of Responsibility


This blog is a continuation within the series of blogs I am writing about “I am not good enough” character which manifests itself within situations where I have to take action by making a decision to actively participate in my everyday reality. In this blog I am looking at the dimension of FEAR of this character seeing what fears are present as the points of origin for this character to exist.

Introductory Blog


Fear Dimension


Fear of being judged

Fear of making mistakes

Fear of confrontation/people

Fear of losing myself and that which I know

Fear of not being able to handle the truth of me

Fear of losing free choice

Fear of  the responsibility


Fear of the responsibility/Fear of losing free choice

Self-forgiveness and self-corrective statements


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear losing my free choice to do what I like doing not realizing the all my likes and dislikes constitute me as the “not good enough” character and thus until I hold on to my free choice to do what I like as who I believe I am I will not change

Thus I commit myself to investigate all the areas of my life where I look at what it is that I like and dislike, what are my preferences and inclinations and so within that keep only these parts of me which actually support me in becoming a more expansive and responsible human being

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to choose in each moment of breath to stand in alignment with who I really am as the only real character which is the physical character of this earth and instead chose to separate myself by my own free choice into various limited mind personalities existing in constant fear and self-interest

I commit myself to establish myself as a real being of this earth where within that I act in constant awareness of the physical reality where within that I educate myself how to support in best ways all physical life

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am not able to stand alone and take full responsibility for myself and my reality where within that believe I have created “I am not good enough” character as a justification for not taking responsibility

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give away my responsibility to the system that apparently supports and protects me and where I claim my free choice to remain in my rather comfortable position within that not seeing, realizing and understanding the extreme destructive nature of this system that has placed majority of life on this earth in absolutely atrocious conditions

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that with my free choice to be and remain who I am at the moment I am actually supporting and perpetuating this abusive system and thus am directly responsible for all the suffering in this world

I commit myself to realize that one way or another I am responsible for what happens on this earth and thus I choose to instead of being blind co-creator become aware of my creation and ensure that what i create from now on is life supportive and not life-destructive



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Day 167: Integrating new responsibilities


I noticed the initial resistance when something new appears in my life regarding some responsibilities as tasks that require constant attention and dedication. This was true almost with every little thing that appeared in my life where I immediately had a reaction to it. And this reaction was always before I have made any investigation, any assessment in relation to time or the complexity of the task or anything. I have immediately used an assumption about the task and myself in relation to the task. It’s amazing to see how I get myself into a comfort zone and have this resistance to break out of it not realizing that it is limiting me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to resist integrating new things into my daily schedule not realizing that I am limiting myself not allowing any expansion and growth learning and understanding about this reality

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear breaking my routine to which I grew accustomed not trusting myself that I can handle more responsibilities

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am not good enough to get any new responsibilities within the perception that I am not managing effectively what I already have on my plate

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to manage effectively my daily schedule where I write on a piece of paper in specificity the exact tasks/assignments that have to be done instead of trying to keep the lists of duties in my mind not realizing that through this I am giving too much space for error in terms of forgetting some things and thus not being effective in my overall living

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I haven’t yet developed my mind to be a reliable companion in my day to day living therefore a piece of paper with listed daily tasks is a necessity

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself on this point of organizing my day effectively about which I have already written and made commitments but have never lived that to the point of absolute integration

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to wake up each morning and use my mind to determine my day in big part according to my mood that I have that day instead of it being a stable list of responsibilities that I commit myself to no matter what mood I have

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I doom myself by allowing myself to live according to my moods

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I am still living the construct of free choice believing that I can choose what will I do with my time not realizing my absolute responsibility as a being that is part of this existence where I have seen without a shadow of a doubt the extent of the problem that we as humanity are facing and the extent of commitment that must be taken in order to have any chance of stopping the automated, self-destructive path that we as all humanity are walking at an enormous speed


I commit myself to stop any idea of free choice and walk, if not yet with my own absolute realization in each moment of breath, then at least through having trust in the group that has proven itself over and over again with absolute commitment to life, and so I walk in alignment with the group learning from them how to care and how to life in a way that is best for all until I become equal in realization and effectiveness

I commit myself to realize that it is time to just STOP playing all mind games and become serious in my commitment to life where I no longer allow any distraction to avoid the responsibilities that I have as being a part of this world

I commit myself to become the designer and artist of each day where upon waking up I  challenge myself to structure  each of my days in the most effective manner where I meet my responsibilities that I already have as well as looking, finding and integrating new effective measures to grow and expand



Creation’s Journey to Life

Day 166: Hope and Lies


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create and present to my world a different, more positive presentation of myself not realizing the consequence that is produced by such deceptive behavior

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to build my reality on lies and justify them within hope that these lies will come to pass without notice or consequence

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear the exposure of lies because I have built my life upon these lies and now I fear to lose what I have created not realizing that what I have created is not real but an illusion as it’s based on lies

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that only who I am as the mind has fear to lose the illusion thus I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to identify myself with the mind and believe it’s who I really am and that the fear I experience is real

And thus I realize that who I am as the being walking the process of life is more than glad to expose the lies and get rid of the illusion within that taking absolute responsibility for these lies and the consequences that I have created as the liar

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that until I have fear of loss I have a problem where now this is an absolute indication to investigate what it is I fear losing within realizing that only illusion can be lost while what is real will always remain here thus there can be no fear

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to preach self-honesty while living a lie which is obviously a huge contradiction and thus showing to me a divided being that I have become not realizing that equality of all parts is the only possible solution

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize how lies and the fear is limiting my reality where I constantly have to think and be aware to not lose the lie instead of expressing myself without fear and without thinking

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to choose to live a lie because the reality without it is not beautiful and requires extensive self-responsibility to be taken care of thus living a lie is living a lazy life

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to remove all lies and build a new reality based on integrity and self-honesty within realizing that this is the only life worth living

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that lies equal self-interest and self-interest is what make this world a real hell thus by removing all lies I prove to myself that I have to remove self-interest and thus become a responsible being that has a right to live on this earth in equality and ones with all that is here

I commit myself to stop the illusion of life based on lies and return to self-honesty realizing that is the only truth that is worth living

I commit myself to stop all hope and future projections not realizing that it the function of the mind to not face the reality right here and right now

I commit myself to remove all lies from my life so that I could walk in this reality without fear to lose the lie and what I have created in and through the lies

I commit myself to stop and investigate my world to see  where I keep the lie so that I could clean myself from these lies, and take absolute responsibility for the mess that is already created



Creation’s Journey to Life

Day 119:: Trust me please – Self-Commitment


I commit myself to stop my past replaying itself and influencing my present living participation where I realize that what has happened in the past does not define me but I create myself here in each moment by forgiving the past and within that focusing on the development of myself as a being who honors all living forms realizing my equality with all that is here

I commit myself to realize that everything I have been living so far has been created from the starting point of fear thus I was compromising myself as who I am as life where for example I was gaining trust within/from the system to be able to survive instead of being trustworthy in the eyes of life where whatever happens I make decisions that benefit all life and not only me as the separate entity as the mind

I commit myself to identify all emotional and feeling movements within myself tracking them back to the point of creation in the past and forgiving myself for this creation where now I start with a clean slate creating and manifesting myself in alignment with the physical reality realizing that this is who I am – a physical being with no need to have any thoughts, feelings or emotions to be here and live here in equality with all that is here as me

I commit myself to observe myself and identify where, how, when I am still living as fear and within that face my fears and realize that who I am as a physical being free from the mind has no fears because who I am as physical substance is eternally here and that it’s only the mind as energetic entity that fear the end which is inevitable and so I bring the end to me myself as what I have become as the separate entity as the mind by deleting all my thoughts, feelings and emotions that I have accepted to be who I am

I commit myself to no longer define trustworthiness from the system perspective where I was living trust as earning my trust points by following and fulfilling all what system required of me so that I could ensure my survival but redefine trustworthiness to a living application as being equal to self-honesty where I trust myself that I always remain self-honest with myself no matter what


Day 86: Failure Character – self comittment statements



This is a continuations from my previous two blogs:

I commit myself to stop viewing reality based on polarities where within that I split myself into halves forcing myself to choose sides and basically creating war with the other side that I have not chosen– realizing that I am fighting with myself in essence

I commit myself to establish equality of all parts that I have divided myself into within realization that all that exists here is me and within that I utilize everything that is here to expand myself and become able to contribute to this world as much as possible

I commit myself to show that knowledge that exists in this reality can be very dangerous when it’s taken upon blind trust and hope and thus it has to be carefully investigated and tested in physical reality to see if it is real and practical

I commit myself to show that most of the knowledge that exists in this reality is not serving our physical world as the one real thing that makes life on earth possible but serves the mind systems that are in complete separation from this physical reality making life on earth a living hell

I commit myself to investigate all the knowledge that I come into contact with where I identify specifically what this knowledge represents and whether it is of any practical value in creating a world that is best for all equally

I commit myself to show that resistance towards the parts that we perceive as negative are parts of ourselves that we have separated ourselves from and thus we require to bring them back into ourselves, understand them in utmost specificity and change them into that which supports all life here on earth

I commit myself to investigate within self-honesty every character that I have created as myself through knowledge and information to thus be able to see the origin point of my creations realizing that only here I am able to remove all my creations that do not support me as who I am as life

I commit myself to make my physical practical living an absolute point of cross-reference in dealing with all knowledge and information in this reality

I commit myself to show how those in power and control are supporting all the knowledge and information in this reality that distracts one from physical real matters and takes one on a sweet mental ride from where it is very difficult to return to the real world that matters

I commit myself to go extra mile to break the chains of those that are caught in the illusions of mental reality, like I was, within the principle of do unto another you would like them to do unto you

I commit myself to develop within myself the ability to practically, using applied mathematics, show to those lost in the illusions of hope what they are actually doing and what needs to be done to correct what is already done

I commit myself to walk as an example revealing and exposing all the characters that I live and lived as in the past where I reveal the true purpose of their creation breaking and exposing the veil of lies and fake presentations that are/were used to justify their existence

I commit myself to stand stable within seeing and realizing the extent to which I have separated myself from life where I realize that this is a process that will take time as it took time to program myself into who I am now as the mind consciousness system

I commit myself to become the director of my life and place a huge question mark when things simply happen without me being the creator of these events where I realize that I am moving on auto pilot mode which indicates that my preprogrammed mind is in control here

I commit myself to within each breath investigate my participation in this reality where I do not allow my mind to dictate my living based on past experiences but I create a new me that stands absolutely in my dedication to make the message of equality a practical realization