Day 241: Negativity – Run your ass off !!!


There are parts of me that I do not like and I know for a fact that they are standing in my way to becoming a better being. Yet instead of going directly to the source of the problem there is a tendency to ignore the negative and concentrate or sometimes fully embody myself into acts of positive nature just to run away from the negative.

Throughout my life I utilized the tactics of running away from the negative where I would try to foresee the negative consequences before they would manifest. That was especially the case when I used to live abroad in different places with different people. I enjoyed having good relationships and good atmosphere and tried to maintain that for as long as possible. If, however, I could see that the relationships or the environment is destabilizing and there will be some shit around I would simply pack my bags and flee.

During this period I placed quite a lot of attention on my dreams where most of the times I could see rather correct future predictions/play outs. So with this tool on my hands I would watch for signs that would tell me when it’s time to leave the place and move on. My motto was to leave when everything is still in the positive and that’s what I always did. In these moments the separation with the place and people was difficult because I was in the positive polarity.

Somehow at that time I didn’t see or understand the nature of the world that we live in, where know I have seen that positive and negative are both interconnected and cannot exist without each other. I believed that it is possible to exist only in the positive polarity and that’s what I tried to achieve, I tried to create positivity wherever I go. OK so that was quite a self-delusion as I see it now, because when I look back now more specifically I can see that the negativity was always there – behind the scenes, in my own mind. And I mean it was perhaps like 99% of the time- lol. Of course I suffered it alone in the depths of my mind and would just present the cool guy to the outside world.

Somehow the mind, after all is gone, would cling to the positive moments, remembering how cool and nice it was in some particular place. But that is not the reality. There was always my backchat about other people, the secret mind that was judgmental, hateful, spiteful, angry etc. So yes my life was always lived as Bipolar disorder. The negative was suppressed deep within showing itself in dreams, which I would interpret as a sign that it’s time to flee.

You can Run but you can’t Hide

Read More about NEGATIVITY:

Day 294: Negativity - Greatest Platform for Mind Control
Day 295: Redefining A "Negative" Childhood 
“The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side…”: DAY 348

Day 166: Hope and Lies


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create and present to my world a different, more positive presentation of myself not realizing the consequence that is produced by such deceptive behavior

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to build my reality on lies and justify them within hope that these lies will come to pass without notice or consequence

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear the exposure of lies because I have built my life upon these lies and now I fear to lose what I have created not realizing that what I have created is not real but an illusion as it’s based on lies

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that only who I am as the mind has fear to lose the illusion thus I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to identify myself with the mind and believe it’s who I really am and that the fear I experience is real

And thus I realize that who I am as the being walking the process of life is more than glad to expose the lies and get rid of the illusion within that taking absolute responsibility for these lies and the consequences that I have created as the liar

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that until I have fear of loss I have a problem where now this is an absolute indication to investigate what it is I fear losing within realizing that only illusion can be lost while what is real will always remain here thus there can be no fear

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to preach self-honesty while living a lie which is obviously a huge contradiction and thus showing to me a divided being that I have become not realizing that equality of all parts is the only possible solution

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize how lies and the fear is limiting my reality where I constantly have to think and be aware to not lose the lie instead of expressing myself without fear and without thinking

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to choose to live a lie because the reality without it is not beautiful and requires extensive self-responsibility to be taken care of thus living a lie is living a lazy life

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to remove all lies and build a new reality based on integrity and self-honesty within realizing that this is the only life worth living

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that lies equal self-interest and self-interest is what make this world a real hell thus by removing all lies I prove to myself that I have to remove self-interest and thus become a responsible being that has a right to live on this earth in equality and ones with all that is here

I commit myself to stop the illusion of life based on lies and return to self-honesty realizing that is the only truth that is worth living

I commit myself to stop all hope and future projections not realizing that it the function of the mind to not face the reality right here and right now

I commit myself to remove all lies from my life so that I could walk in this reality without fear to lose the lie and what I have created in and through the lies

I commit myself to stop and investigate my world to see  where I keep the lie so that I could clean myself from these lies, and take absolute responsibility for the mess that is already created



Creation’s Journey to Life

Day 165: Remember Self-honesty

Since I wrote about the point of distractions within doing tasks/assignments in my reality I have seen quite a good improvement in how I approach that, yet now I see that it wasn’t absolute and that there are much more to delete from the list of unwanted behavior. I am still allowing in many instances my self-interest to overpower the responsibility I have towards myself and reality as a whole.


An excerpt from Creation’s Journey to Life blog

“…What made me Able to Handle this was an extensive Application, at that stage of nearly Five Years already, of Self Forgiveness in Writing and Spoken Aloud – Always in the context of Absolute Self Honesty, which I was fortunate enough to Realize on the very first night I did Self Forgiveness, where I realized the Stupidity of not being Absolutely Self Honest, will only Result in me having to repeat everything I do in terms of Self Forgiveness. And so I Decided, no matter what the Consequences, and the Consequences in many ways were Extensive – I would Remain Self Honest, because eventually I would have walked through all the Consequences and Reach a Point where my life would be Purified from all Compromise, from all Relationships based on Inequality and Dishonesty and I would as such, eventually, be a New Person. How long that would take, at that stage, I had no clue, but the Basic Fundamental Principles were Clearly Grasped and is Suggested to each to consider. Because, the Only One that suffers, with Self Interest, in the End: is yourself. Self-Honesty is Critical if you are Ever to Actually Become Aware. And in this, you have to Face Everything, and the Fundamental Point that forms the Foundation of Awareness: is the Dark Side. It is that which one would Rather Avoid and deny and ignore – that is the Home of Awareness. And whomsoever do not Face this in its Absolute Specificity through Self Forgiveness and Self Honesty, will only Ever Create themselves as the Illusion of Consciousness, Creating a False Image of Positiveness in contradiction to the Reality of the Physical World as How the Human Functions in its Relationship of Body, Mind and Spirit. Where the Spirit, in essence, is in fact the Secret Mind which each One hides from Each Other, as if to Deny that it Exist. But, Self Honestly, in Each Human Exist something Profoundly Dark, Destructive and Self-Interested that will, in the end, justify Decisions that Benefit themselves and their families, and sometimes their Friends – but they will NOT live What is Best for All Life, Always.” Bernard Poolman


Absolute self-commitment within absolute self-honesty has to be realized. I have seen before people writing about how it is not possible to get anywhere in half-assed self-application and now I get it as a realization based on my experience. There is no real change when I do not apply myself absolutely, only perception of change.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not apply myself in absolute self-honesty and absolute self-commitment where I just move around the same points over and over never really changing

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I haven’t yet looked at all the nasty corners that I exist in and as where I try to superimpose positive change on who I am now as a being that still exists with unsorted evilness within

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that the positive change that I seek will overpower the evilness within and in this way I will avoid facing myself as what I have become in my thoughts/inner conversations towards myself and other people

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that if I bring the darkness within into the without I will be judged and left alone and so within this fear I hide the reality of myself

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to embrace the dark side of me with all the nasty thoughts that I have towards myself and others and within that take absolute self-responsibility to sort myself out once and for all

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if I do not deal with the totality of who I am where I avoid and hide from facing the absolute nastiness within me it will never go away but only will be suppressed for some time growing and expanding within until it burst out into the open for me to finally see what I have been allowing

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize how I have been allowing seemingly insignificant thoughts within me not understanding the accumulative effect as the most simplistic equation in the universe 1+1=2


I commit myself to remind myself in each breath the importance of being absolutely self-honest with myself where within that I am absolutely committed to take responsibility for everything that opens up

I commit myself to remove all fear that stand in the way of absolute self-honesty and so be ready to face whatever consequences will arise

I commit myself to realize that self-honesty is a process of self-healing that works in the same principle like supportive medicines to the physical body where correctly chosen medicine will bring the disease, when it’s been neglected, outside by various means to be dealt with

I commit myself to stop the positivity character believing I have changed when in self-honesty I know that the change is just too insignificant to be called change and so I commit to become a real being showing and revealing the totality of me without fear and absolute commitment to deal with all the consequences

I commit myself to realize that no mind can only exist in absolutely self-honesty where no secret mind exists to cover up the darkness of what I have become and within this realization open myself to myself and deal with everything point by point by point until I reach absolute clarity



Creation’s Journey to Life

Day 91: “I give up” character


That’s the character that comes in whenever I face a difficulty in my life where I as the character want to end it all, move away from the difficulty, start again, make another stupidity loop just to arrive to the same point over and over again – of having to face the difficulty of breaking the patterns of my accepted behavior. It’s so easy to just retreat and not face myself, to remain unchanged and even righteous by finding many justifications why I couldn’t bring myself to the point of change.

I have never taken responsibility for this character because I have never seen my part in its creation, it was always somebody else to blame for this, and thus me giving up on myself would be like a revenge on those whom I perceived are to blame for my experiences. I am always the victim in this where I take all the blame upon myself, still believing it is not my fault, and I leave the scene, saying goodbye to everyone with the thoughts in my back “you’ll be sorry for this”, “I will find a place where I am understood”

I suppose if it were possible I would have long ago left this world while existing within this character, because I was never able to find that place where I am understood completely, there would always arise some type of conflict where again I would enter my victim’s state and again “I give up” character enters the scene and so the search for a new place begins. I have traveled many places like that.

One of the problems within that is my inability to communicate openly and express how I feel in the moment and thus I simply suppress everything within myself, creating the whole alternate reality where I am right and all the other are wrong. There were moments when I tried to express myself but usually that was creating more conflict as it was already coming with a slight reaction of blame and judgment from myself towards others.

To be continued


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Day 47: The Horror of Me


Police shoot naked man eating another man’s face in bizarre Miami incident

I had a reaction reading this article and there was like an experience of total separation where I completely refused to stand as equal to this kind of atrocity. Later I have read a blog by Lindsey where one of her forgiveness statements was: I forgive myself that I have NOT accepted and allowed myself to fully consider and realize that every single manifestation of Horror in this world COULD NOT be here, if it wasn’t WITHIN ME FIRST”

So within this I see how much I still have to grasp about what I have become and how I am still locking myself from the reality of myself. Somewhere inside I still want to believe that maybe I am good and benevolent being and that I am not really responsible for EVERYTHING that is happening in this world.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from the consequences of this world in separation where I am one and equal part that has allowed this separation to emerge and continue

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to avoid facing myself as all aspects of this existence within the hope that I am able to leap into a new world of equality without facing my current creation

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become fearful of myself when and as I have seen parts of myself instead of realizing that what is done is done and what is here is here and that it is my responsibility to face myself as what I have become in separation from all parts of existence so that possibly some consequences could be prevented

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to choose to remain “safe” in my personal bubble instead of stopping all judgment of this existence and seeing into it directly within realization that in this seeing and my actions afterwards to correct what I see is the only real possibility to create some safety in a form of possibly diminishing the consequences that I and all will have to face for accepting and allowing the world of conflict and abuse

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be surprised and shocked when seeing the extent of abuse in this world when I can clearly see within myself the nature of how I exist – as all my inner conversations, my secret mind, the backchat, thoughts, emotions like anger and rage – where they reflect the same abuse and violence that I see in the world around me

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the longer I wait for myself to gather the courage to look and see within myself and what I have become the harder it will get, as more and more layers of self-deception accumulate and consequently create bigger consequence to be faced ahead

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see that I am still holding on to my personal bubble existence because it still works for me pretty well and I am not keen on changing myself thus within that I am stating that I don’t care about this world and what is happening to others beings because I am still ok


I commit myself to break my veil of separation and slowly but surely deprogram all my self-defenses that “guard” me from the totality of this existence

I commit myself to investigate my reactions that i have towards people or events in this world within realization that it’s a self-defense mechanism placing me into an experience of stagnation

“Stagnation – STA (Stand) G (God’s) NATION – as long as human beings accepted and allow God, or a God anything more superior/powerful than self in the Mind, that has authority over and of self’s nation – the physical-body, this physical existence, there will be no living, no action, no decision and no movement for and as change, because we’ve enslaved ourselves to our own idea/belief of an externalized superiority/power, when we’re supposed to take, live and be that power in and as our very living to stand for change for self and for all. Imagine, to what lengths people would go for an imaginary idea/belief in their own Minds, but would not do it to fight for the lives of all those suffering on this earth… if people put as much effort into their living as they do in their prayers to bring about change on this earth…we may just be a step towards possibly getting somewhere” – Sunette


Similar Writings:

Day 44: The Evil Veil of Me

Day 43: Careless

Day 47: Giving up “Fighting the Good Fight”


Here Is Some Reading On the Atrocities existent in our world and how to take Responsibility for these manifestations”

Day 41: Shame, Shame, Shame

Day 40: Another Horror Shooting

Day 38: The Price of Ivory

Day 42 – Male Ego and dominance


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