Day 160: My Name spoken – memory of school


Here I will start a blog series investigating my name and how by hearing my name throughout my life in various situation I have been reacting to my name thus activating different states of being within me, how different personalities were emerging – just through the tonalities of how my name was spoken.

Surely the most origination points come from childhood years where I was still in the process of learning about the world and about myself, where I was like a sponge absorbing each sound trying to understand what these sound mean and who I am in relation to them. That’s where I developed energetic relationships to various name callings and tonalities thereof.



I’ll start with what I can remember, of course. The memory isn’t very clear but still I can see that most stressful time when hearing my name was at school. It’s the “calling out” tonality spoken by teachers, very formal, not personal – mostly in relation to some testing of the learned material, homework, and similar. The stress comes because of the fact that I wasn’t very friendly with homework and learning in general and thus I was hardly ever prepared for any class. Even though I was an active child in the class, but when it came to study material I would just dive in, sit still and hope that I will not be called out. Of course that couldn’t be avoided and from time to time I had to hear my name spoken. That was never a nice experience and I would react with anxiety and fear with accompanying inner backchat “oh man, I am in trouble now”. I also remember that to the last minute, only after hearing my name I was hoping, secretly wishing that something will happen and I can still avoid the situation.

So within this I developed the pattern of existing in expectation/anticipation to be called out, awaiting with much strain in my body, time slowed down and I couldn’t see a way out.

So this same pattern remains to this day when participating within any group activities where I am awaiting for my turn, waiting for my name to be spoken out within the sound of “impersonal call” to stand accountable for my part. “But I am not ready, I haven’t done my homework”, “I need more time”, “I swear I will learn the material next time, just let me go off the hook this one last time” – lol, yes I would actually ask that from my teachers.

To be continued



Hi, My Name is Kim

Day 94- My Name is Kim, but Who Am I REALLY?



Day 154: Reactions: Hopelessness



My experience so far with walking the various character dimensions was very supportive. Here I have taken a point of studying which is currently a very persistent barrier in my reality. I am still learning the specificity of how to look at various dimensions in more specificity and how to write them out where I can really make sense of what is actually happening within me, yet even now I can enjoy some improvement in how I approach my studies.

In this short period of writing about this point I have become much more aware of how many processes are actually running in my mind that are literally keeping me stuck in the past not allowing me to study or do anything else effectively. Within writing I also began to see that it is possible to correct this detrimental situation by first recognizing the patterns when they activate and within that making a decision to stop them from playing out where instead I chose a new way that is self-directive and worthy to be walked.

Again the key here within it all is breathing and slowing my mind to see how exactly it functions, because without this I am still in many ways ending up far within the playouts of the mind that is taking me on the ride through the valleys of thoughts, imaginations, backchats into reactive energy experiences and physical actions where from here it is rather challenging to return to the stability of breath here in the physical reality. Many times I still find myself somewhere far away in the alternate mind reality not at all being aware of what is happening right here where I am. It is becoming rather scary when I see myself doing actions with my hands that I haven’t directed myself, even right now when for a short moment I leaned back from writing I found myself reaching for my pen and a piece of paper that is lying just besides me wanting to do some useless drawing that I do sometime here at work. So again that wasn’t my direct decision but my automated mind making a decision for me because I wasn’t here to direct the moment. Interesting stuff.

So here I am continuing to walk the same point of studying where now I look at the reaction dimension and within that I will look from where the reactions come from, what are the consequences of allowing them and after that what must be realized and applied to stop this from reoccurring and actually returning to live here, back to my physical reality.


Reaction dimension








I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize how through having backchat/inner conversation within me I take myself to the point of really believing its validity and thus experiencing reactions in my body like hopelessness and from here completely compromising my physical real participation in my world

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into hopelessness experience when I allowed within me that backchat “I’ll never be able to learn all this information”, “I don’t have time for this” and where I gave validity to this backchat instead of realizing that I can make the decision to stop and redirect myself back to the task

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that this energetic reaction of hopelessness is who I am and that it is real because until this point in my life I haven’t questioned for real their existence and the influence this has on my physical practical living

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to spend most of my life in the mind giving it all the power to decide who I am in each moment instead of me taking full responsibility for each of my action within consideration how my actions influence the world as a whole

I forgive myself that I haven’t  accepted and allowed myself to challenge my mind because there are things that I cherish and so I keep my mind to keep the things I like despite the evidence of the mind’s destructive nature

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the resistance in the form of backchat that later goes into physical reactions comes from my unwillingness to let go of my self-interest where it has possessed me to such extent that I consequently experience hopelessness in being able to give it up


I commit myself to realizing that all mind energetic experiences are self-created and thus can be stopped and thus I commit myself to stop within me all experiences that take me away from the real physical living

I commit myself to establish effective practical self-agreement regarding what I want to accomplish during the day and so I do it and thus I do not accumulate any regrets that turn into backchat and later reactions in my body producing unnecessary consequences that make it harder for me to return to the physical and actually do what I need to do


Day 153: Push the button to stop the mind



In this blog and blogs to come I will write the patterns I identified in my previous blog in how I approach tasks/assignments in relation to my studies. Within this I will be correcting/removing all the blocks/resistances so I could study effectively and expand myself in my reality.

Here continuing with the backchat dimension:


This will take me a long time

There is no way I can learn all this information

I have to do this or I will never finish the school

I don’t have enough time for this

I have to shut down my mind in order to study effectively



I have to shut down my mind in order to study effectively

This definitely is an obstruction for me in starting the process of learning because this idea exists that I have to shut down the mind first, where within that I should apparently become able to see directly what I am studying with full and complete understanding.

So I am basically implying within this statement that first I have to become like a superman that knows and sees everything. This now reveals my skewed idea of what it means to live without a mind. And I can see that this pattern of desiring to become something more than I am has been a part of me since I was a kid. Influence of movies and cartoons can definitely be traced here.

I mean I am trying to get an idea of what it means to exist without the limitation of the mind yet I cannot in any way see what that actually means and so basically within that I only create various delusional ideas which as a consequence take me away from the simplicity of my physical existence here. Instead of working with what is here in front of me I entertain ideas in the mind furthering myself more and more from just being here. Time to stop ideas and live a real life without trying to figure everything through thinking about it and instead get to know my reality through real physical everyday interaction, observing and participating with beings, creating relationships that are supportive and based on integrity and caring.



I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have this constant desire to be somewhere else instead of stopping the endless search to finally see -I am here

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to run run run to nowhere instead of allowing myself to really stop for a moment and adjust my pace into an alignment with what is here as my physical reality which is slow and has the laws according to which things happen and so the understanding of these laws and their practical application is the key to effectiveness

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I would be fucked if I shut down my mind right now as I haven’t learned yet how to live one and equal to everything that is here in the physical thus I stop all delusion in the mind about stopping the mind and return back to earth to learn about how things function over here

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I am living in hope because within my statement “I have to shut down my mind in order to study effectively” I am saying that until I shut down my mind I cannot study, yet without studying about myself and how my mind functions I will never get to know myself and so will never be able to stop myself as who I am as the mind – so my refusal to study myself shows that I am just ignorantly existing within hope

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that if/when I shut down my mind I will become some super human walking on earth, assisting everyone, helping the mankind to transcend the evilness that we have become where again this shows the foolishness of my imaginative mind through which I keep myself entertained with bullshit instead of moving myself in this reality physically, practically


So I commit myself to stop existing in hope in my mind and get to earth and follow the rules of the earth where I always consider the practical reality and this I do through reminding myself to remain here in breath where no thoughts/backchats/imaginations influence my living in any way

I commit myself to end the race towards the ideas in my mind realizing the uselessness of chasing the dreams of my mind and thus apply myself daily in writing and investigating my physical reality that in all ways determine my living as the only and real power that exists here

I commit myself to realize that I make the decision in each moment who I am and thus I make the decision to remain here and become effective in my living without needing any imaginative preconditioned ideas to be fulfilled before I can do that


Day 152: Time and Time again

In this blog and blogs to come I will write the patterns I identified in my previous blog in how I approach tasks/assignments in relation to my studies. Within this I will be correcting/removing all the blocks/resistances so I could study effectively and expand myself in my reality.

Here continuing with the backchat dimension:


This will take me a long time

There is no way I can learn all this information

I have to do this or I will never finish the school

I don’t have enough time for this

I have to shut down my mind in order to study effectively


I don’t have time for this

So this is not actually true, because I do have time and currently I am wasting this time being and spending it in my mind. And I mean I have written about this point before but I never really have seen how actually one is wasting time up there being in thoughts/imaginations/projections/excuses etc. etc.

Sure it is a possibility to have a lack of physical time when one has to work many hours combined with other responsibilities where there is no choice and other possibilities to ensure survival in this capitalistic system. Here self-honesty is the key which I utilize to actually evaluate my days and all activities I perform within these days. Self-honesty is cool when you realize that the only one I can fool is myself and the foolishness has consequences that become more and more apparent when the years go by. So the process here is to take the time that is spent on foolishness and utilize it to something that is productive.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize how through allowing the backchat “I don’t have time for this” within me I am holding myself a prisoner to my past protecting the accepted self-limitation

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to tell myself ” I don’t have time for this” while I have time for other things that in no way support me, as in acquiring some skill with which I could contribute to this reality or any other way but only keep me entertained in my mind blind from the reality of this existence.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that within that statement I am showing that self-interest is more important for me than actually taking action that I know will benefit many people and also myself but it will take time and patience to achieve that

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize to what extent I am responsible for my life where I have the power through my words/thoughts/imaginations/backchat influence my living experience in the physical thus within this realization I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not create for myself a living experience that is free of all the mindfucks that I currently possess and thus better create something that is a contribution to this reality as a whole with understanding that what is best for the whole is best for me because I am a part of the whole

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when I experience a lack of time because of my job in the system and other necessities ensuring my daily existence, it doesn’t mean that I cannot move myself and change my outer environment through self willed actions to ensure better availability of time for things that really matter


I commit myself to assist and support myself in moments when the backchat “I don’t have time for this” arises where I take deep breath in and breath out and simply move myself through with the task/assignment/reading I am/was busy with realizing that I do have time for this but I don’t have time for this backchat

I commit myself to make sure that in the moments of this backchat recognition I remember where exactly this will lead me if I continue to participate in it and give it attention therefore I stop it immediately and move through any resistance that presents itself also realizing that resistance is the accumulation of layers each time I gave up on myself in these moments and i also realize that the resistance will not become less thus now is the best time to stop the destructive pattern and do what my practical world requires of me


Related Articles

Day 109: Timelessness – Why do we Limit Ourselves?

Day 108: What Time Zone are you In?

Character Dimensions – BACKCHAT Dimension (Part 3): DAY 169

Day 151: Fear as the driving force

In this blog and blogs to come I will write the patterns I identified in my previous blog in how I approach tasks/assignments in relation to my studies. Within this I will be correcting/removing all the blocks/resistances so I could study effectively and expand myself in my reality.

Here continuing with the backchat dimension:


This will take me a long time

There is no way I can learn all this information

I have to do this or I will never finish the school

I don’t have enough time for this

I have to shut down my mind in order to study effectively

I have to do this or I’ll never finish the school

This part of backchat started appearing since I have seen that I am moving too slowly in my studies. Having done a little calculation I noticed that it will take me another 12 years to finish the school if I continue in the same pace. So….

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to start doing my assignments with having this fear of not being able to finish school where then this fear becomes a motivation for me to move instead of me moving myself

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when fear is my motivation to move I am creating a negative association to my studying and as a result I create the resistance to study

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that studying only for the purpose of finishing school where I constantly make future projections I am actually completely missing what is here in the moment because for me the only goal has become to get to the next assignment done instead of moving with and through understanding the material

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the importance of actually learning/applying the knowledge and information and not just going/passing through the material within the desire to get it done quick and move on

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not develop an effective schedule within my studies where I plan in specificity the hours/assignments/writings etc. to ensure that I move effectively and thus remove my fears of not being able to finish the school

So I commit myself to remove fear of not finishing school and thus instead of being driven by fear I commit to move myself by utilizing various means – like implementing a daily schedule for learning school material and for different other activities that will expand my understanding in the field of my study

I commit myself to remove the negative association I have created to studying where within that I investigate all the things that fall into the opposite polarity side which is positive and so make sure that I remove the positive realizing that all these are just serving my self-interest and keep me as a slave dependent on energy

I commit myself to realize that I have to become a responsible being moving in this reality based on common sense realizations where I see and understand what has to be done instead of following energy experiences, which I have proven to myself countless times, lead nowhere but only wanting more and more energy experiences which comes at a great price

Day 123: Clearing the space for effective studying

So I am still looking at the point of studying and how I have been sabotaging myself with constant thoughts of hardship which in turn became decisions in my mind affecting and influencing the whole process. Now when walking this point and pushing myself to break the self-imposed limitations I can immediately see the delusion I have cocooned myself into and within that seeing in more clarity what needs to be done and that it is actually possible to do it.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to deliberately sabotage my studies with having constant thoughts about the heaviness/difficulty of what I was studying and within that accepting these thoughts as real and allowing them to actually influence my process and slow me from living the decision I have made to pursue my goal of becoming a practitioner of Homeopathy

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to resist looking at my approach/application towards my studying effectiveness in self-honesty where I CONvinced myself that I was accomplishing something within my studies while the simple calculation showed me that if I continue my studies in the same pace that I am doing now it will take me another 12 years to graduate the college

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from physical reality and real physical actions into an alternate/imaginative reality where I existed in hope/future projection about where I am in regard to my studying

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to tell everyone, who asked me about my studies, that I am doing fine when I knew all the time that what I am doing is by far not enough to get anywhere

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live in hope that something will happen and I will be able to create some perfect conditions to study effectively where I was justifying my ineffectiveness by blaming work and other things that I had to do in my reality

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to realize that there are no perfect conditions in this reality at the moment and that I have to work in this system to be able to survive and that I have to look at things realistically instead of existing in hope and wasting all the time in depreciating thought patterns instead of allocating this time to study

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give up on myself right after facing the first lessons of my study where I immediately went into negative thinking patterns saying to myself how difficult it is/will be to understand the material instead of realizing that entering a new/unknown area it always looks vast and scary – yet constant and consistent self-application in time is the key in this reality and so I have to use this key to open the door into a new chapter of my life

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to realize that this process of studying will not just happen and that I must deliberately push myself in each moment to apply myself and find within that self-motivation to proceed and succeed


I commit myself to stop beLIEving in my thoughts that come up with LIES about the hardship/difficulty of my study instead of realizing that I am the one who makes the decision how I want to experience myself within everything I do and thus realize that I am actually able to enjoy myself within my studies where within that I expand daily in my understanding about the vast universe that is our human physical body

I commit myself to keep regularly assessing self-honestly my self-application within studies where I make sure that i do not waste my time in deluding myself that I am moving somewhere when I am not

I commit myself to realize that I might be waiting forever if I want to have perfect conditions for my study and thus I commit myself to utilize each and every opportunity to study/learn within realization that each moment where I participate in thinking is a perfect moment that I can clear and make space for my studies


Artwork By Anna Brix Thomsen



Day 120: Doing tasks just to be done



Working on my SRA assignment just a while ago I saw how I am just doing it in order to be done while the actual understanding, self-development and self-change was not really considered. I am still approaching studying as I did at school where my main goal was just to pass my subjects so I do not drop out or lag behind. This mindset is still a part of me showing me the gap in actual realization that I have to actually study and understand myself and my reality.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to work on my assignment from the starting point of wanting it to be done where the actual understanding and application of the material is not of the first priority

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have resistance when it comes to dissecting and looking intimately at my own life within doing SRA assignments where within that resistance I manifest like a state of blankness where everything I do is not really understood but is done automatically and in hope that it’s correct

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in various distractions when doing the assignments instead of stopping myself in the moment when I see that I am about to distract myself from the task at hand and bring myself back to task no matter what are the justifications of the mind not to do it

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to keep cycling within the same point of allowing distractions where I judge myself for that instead of understanding my resistances and removing them

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to slow my world down and observe in detail how my mind functions – how do thoughts come up leading me to distraction? How do I allow myself to follow these thoughts and what the hell is still holding me within the limited state that I am instead of making absolute decision to do whatever it takes to free myself from the influences of the mind

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize how lucky I am within having all the structure and support necessary to take on my mind but instead I waste my time unnecessarily prolonging my process with distractions where I allow the various characters that I have accumulated throughout my life come to the forefront and claim the stage directing my participation in this world instead of me being the directive principle at all times

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define the process as hard and difficult where I gave it negative association where as a consequence of that I am manifesting the movement towards the opposite polarity which is towards the things that I have associated with positive charge


I commit myself to stop my fears of failure within doing my assignments and give the first priority to actual understanding and practical applicability

I commit myself to no longer worry about the time that I spend on my assignment where I make sure that I do it properly where I always check within myself whether what I have just learned I am able to explain in my own words to another

I commit myself to find the pace at which I am comfortable walking my assignments where I realize that the time does not matter as I have to give as much time as needed to fully understand and apply the material and yet I have to push myself to not waste time

I commit myself to stop any and all distractions where I make sure that I do not associate my studying as doing the assignments and performing daily tasks with negative charge where I realize that doing so I will be creating and manifesting the movement towards positive polarity charge

I commit myself to check my decision I have made to stand for life in each moment when the point of distraction comes and within that return myself to breath and deal with anything that is here I am facing


Day 21: Why I Am So Slow With My Studies

Last September I began my studies at the college of Homeopathy and now I find myself a little bit relaxed so to speak within my commitment to be effective within my studies. I am moving way to slow if I want to finish the school within this lifetime. The school in itself is not binding anyone or implementing any deadlines for the assignments to be submitted, so everybody walks on his own pace having total responsibility for self-movement. So that’s where I find the difficulty for myself because my whole life within educations systems I always existed within certain boundaries, always had deadlines that I had to meet where other people where telling me what to do and when it has to be done. This time I am on my own facing and walking my true reality of myself where I can see who I am when there is no outside motivation to move me, there is no stimulus which I could follow. There is actually a stimulus, which is to become financially stable having a job as homeopathic practitioner and where I could stop my current slave job. But that apparently is not very strong as my current movement with studies show.

I also started questioning myself about my starting point of beginning the studies in general – I mean I looked at this education firstly as something that I could do having had some medical exposure within my family and secondly as it is something that is Life supportive and where after I am done with the studies I can work without having to compromise myself like at my current job where I am forced to do something that I know is not benefiting planet earth, actually I know that it’s quite the opposite, but still I do it as I have to ensure my survival. I mean Homeopathy presents a way to assist and support humans in their suffering as well as it can be utilized for the treatment of animals and plant support.

So the reasons to pursue the career are really good here – thus I really ask myself the question why the hell I am postponing and delaying this wonderful opportunity to make something more of myself within this life, why do I continue the limitation and acceptance of my current situation when having the possibility and ability to change? I mean everything is here to walk the path – i have perfectly laid out the path for myself regarding financial stability, accommodation, time availability etc. There is literally no valid excuse. So the WTF? Because obviously it can only be some mindfuck standing in my way.

Actually I can see one point that could have been valid in a way but now since I started the 7 year Journey it is out of the way. It’s like my first and foremost priority was the application of myself within writing and thus investigation of the foundation of myself as how I really exist and who I really am. Without working on these points first and foremost I perceived that studying and becoming something is useless as I would most likely build myself on a wrong foundation so to speak.

However it’s not really relevant as I see now, because regardless of my real understanding I still have to learn certain specific knowledge and information that is required to be able to graduate the school and I could have perfectly done that in the meantime. Either way all past regrets aside and its time to make sure that I lay for myself effective correction in order to start moving myself consistently towards a better version of me.

And there is another point I see now – my fear/resistance of communication/expansion in my reality where I have to interact with various people. Most of my life I have been an introvert and haven’t gone much outside of my known circle of people. Thus this career would mean that I have to actually start expanding myself and actually start to communicate with people and see their problems and take responsibility in dealing with them. This means the end of my accepted limitation of just communicating with a few people in my reality and the end of my accepted lifestyle where I am still hiding within my points of entertainment and satisfaction. I will have to actually go out there and become available and take full responsibility for my life and lives of others. Here I will have to become an example of healthy lifestyle and clarity of understanding what it means to live disease free.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to waste my time as if I live forever not realizing that there is a line when it’s too late

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be more concerned with self-entertainment rather than walking the path of self-education, self-improvement, self-betterment which is already laid for me and all that is left is to walk it

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to take conditions of my life for granted where I do not take a moment to stop myself and look at life circumstances that majority of humans walk daily as an indirect consequence of my acceptances and allowances

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to resist doing simple exercises required for my studies that are actually easy and fun to do when I stop my thoughts of self-sabotage

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into a feeling of overwhelmingness when sometimes looking at the whole material that I will have to walk within my studies not realizing that it’s impossible to know all at once and that this has to be walked in space time breath by breath – learning, writing and applying the knowledge consistently

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I won’t be able to do it because I don’t see myself finishing it in the future not realizing that I don’t need that seeing as the seeing as a vision of self in the future and is based more on preprogrammed design where I could already see what’s ahead for me  – here I am walking a path of life where I step aside from the programmed path within realization that what this world is as it is predetermined is not what is best for all and thus needs intervention as people that are willing to walk a different path – a path that is best for all

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear changing my lifestyle where pursuing my career means that I have to end my accepted limitations of communication and interactions with other people

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe I am not good enough to become a practitioner because I am too limited within my expression of communication and interaction

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to limit my reality to only few people to whom I communicate not pushing myself to expand and grow within my circle of people I communicate and interact with

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to postpone doing what I know I will have to eventually do but I give myself more time to keep my known limited existence where I perceive myself to be safe and in control

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe I have a choice to remain within my limitation as the mind where I miss the obvious realization that this is not me as who I really am – i keep my separation only through thinking myself into this limitation where I believe that this is who I am  but that is only based on energy and my choice to remain defined as it – the choice can only be here until energy is here – when energy runs out I will either way lose my limitation – yet I have a choice to stop myself before I as existence force myself to stop and better do it within self-directive way within realization that this is more gentle way to go

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to wait until it gets worse until I move myself instead of using this wonderful opportunity where there is still some stability existent in this  world and do what I still can to bring myself closer to the inevitable death of the mind and at the same time show others how to do it in the most gentle and quick way so that we can proceed to a world where life is born

I commit myself to expand myself within communication in my reality where I move within lines of my new career teaching myself how to effectively interact with people where I find the necessary information for what my work requires to be able to assist them– this means finding all the info about people’s problems and that means making people talk about what they resist talking about

I commit myself to teach myself effective communication skill with another where I learn how to actually listen and hear another and how to earn their trust so that I could assist them effectively

I commit myself to treat all people as I would like to be treated – do whatever is necessary to assist them in bringing them back to a state where they can function normally and within that I teach how to respect their physical bodies as it is the single most important thing in the world that makes all our experiences possible

I commit myself to find time each day to study some material in the line of my study of homeopathy so that i would accumulate the necessary knowledge to develop myself as a good specialist that can actually assist people with their problems

I commit myself to find a bridge connecting homeopathy with Desteni material thus improving the principles upon which homeopathy can bring most benefit to humanity and other forms of life

Artwork by Gabriel Aceves Higareda

Supportive interviews and articles:

Articles by Malin –

Day 2. I Make School Into Hell; 

2012: Living With the Word School

Day 10: Trying To Cheat My Way Out

Today the feeling of being closed within myself is my director. Now when I am trying to see the point as the reason for this experience I find a lot of self-judgment where I perceive myself as not being effective, not applying myself specifically enough in my writings. I have been reading most of the blogs that people write and I fucked myself through comparison. While reading the blogs I am missing and wasting the immense support that they provide because all I do is I compare my own writings with each blog where I categorize them into better or worse, constantly trying to place myself where I stand. This definitely cannot continue like that

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to constantly and continuously compare my writings/forgiveness statements to those of other people who are walking the process

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to constantly look for writings that I perceive are worse or equal to mine where that gives me a good feeling and hope that I am not yet lost

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to even look for grammatical mistakes in people’s writings where even that provides me with a better feeling

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself that I am not able to see clearly the points, the dimension of the points  that I am writing about, which makes my writings of less quality and thus I believe that I am a loser

Yes I can see here the association with the word loser, yet I am not sure if I have this strong intensity towards myself as the word loser has, other, perhaps more suitable word could be – not good enough. I can see that this believe was already prominent at school where I was always hanging with the group of kids that didn’t give much attention to idea of education. I was more interested in other things outside the school, where I almost never bothered about homework or other school activities and so because of that my time that I spent at school was rather unpleasant as I would mostly be unprepared and had to always find ways to cheat myself out of many uncomfortable situations. All that created much inferiority within myself because I was most of the time clueless what was discussed in the class where while other kids participated, talked with teachers in the class, I mostly just remained silent hoping that no one will ask me anything about the things discussed. Even at that time I can already see myself existing in comparison towards others where I would become jealous of the guys that were participating in what was going on with understanding. I remember them having conversations about subjects that I could not grasp. That of course made me angry and jealous.

Also I see interesting point is that one of the reasons I wanted to be able to participate as equal was because I could see that the clever guys were getting more attention from the girls that I fancied. Thus here I would compare myself to them and within that see what I could offer that they couldn’t. Here I created a personality that was like a “bad boy” where I noticed that the girls have this pull towards crazy/wild/uncaring part that they missed by being constantly disciplined within their lives. So I found my niche where I could express myself and get what I wanted without doing the hard work. I became a cheater at school where homework was no more a problem – I mean I wasn’t completely useless, I could still hold a pen and copy the homework on my paper, from a trusted source of course. So simply speaking I never developed myself into someone who could participate in the school activities as equal. Yet with my alternative method I was still able to get through the school with average grades and later enroll to university and graduate it, in the exact same manner – cheating and manipulating others to assist me – all I had to do is form intimate relationships with those who helped where I made sure that they are fulfilled in my presence where I provided whatever was necessary. And I can’t really say that I was selfish within that as I did care at some level about people and never requested much of them and I still did some work myself.

So the question here is – do I still exist as that personality that believes that I can cheat my way through the process by not doing the hard work?


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to cheat all the way through school where I have never bothered to learn anything and perceived all subjects as completely unnecessary and useless

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to regret not pushing myself to become a better student in the past because it would have been much easier for me now

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to realize that past is gone and I have to deal with the present as who I have shaped myself to be

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to realize that there is no way to cheat myself out of this one and that I will have to actually sit down on my ass and do the work as all others

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see that everything is different now – as what I am doing now is not useless and irrelevant but it’s the real deal – it’s no more about conforming to the system but it’s about realizing that I am a part/member of this system thus I am the system and thus I am the cause of the consequences that this system creates and within that it’s my responsibility to educate myself effectively and find ways how can I support this human journey out of misery  into a better place for all beings and thus for myself

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see that I really have to stand up against my self-programmed design of myself as a cheater and free rider within this system within realization that I am still in/as this system participating with all equally in creating the mess – some do it through active participation and some, like me, through inactive

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that if I personally don’t do any harm that means I am not responsible for the harm that this system creates while I still live/participate in this system using that which it provides for me – like different gadgets/foods/car parts/ etc. that are made and produced in third world countries through extensive abuse and neglect of resources and people’s labor.

So it’s really essential for me to realize that I am responsible for what is happening in this world and that I have to stop all the patterns of self-sabotage – like comparison, jealousy, self-judgments, desires and others that only serve as means to keep me stuck and thus ensures the world to remain as it is

Thus I commit myself to stop the self-sabotage that I create in the form of comparison while reading people’s blogs where I create inferiority towards them at the same time seeking for way to uplift myself thus existing in this constant friction of the mind where I create energy for my own enslavement

I commit myself to continue self-investigation and self-revelation to understand where my behavior patterns come from to thus enable myself to go back to the point of creation and dismantle the construct with full awareness of all dimensions of it

I commit myself to stop comparison of myself to other beings by realizing that process is not a competition where I have to win and prove something to others within the believe that this will ensure my survival in the system. This process for me is about becoming aware of how I exist as this limited personality constantly trying to survive even though my life and lives of other beings is complete hell where we alI exist within the same thought patterns that keep repeating over and over and over again and where there is no future in sight of having a normal life that ensures dignity and support for all beings in existence and within that awareness I stop all patterns that do not support life and create new ways of interaction that honor life one and equal

Artwork By Anna Brix Thomsen