Day 284: Living Words: Determination


imageThe problem I am facing is the premature giving up whenever I am going into a new area of research. At the moment I am busy doing research about potential job opportunities and this requires of me to go where I have not gone before. All the new words, definitions, relationships quickly overwhelm me and usually, through manifesting the experience of tiredness, I go into extreme postponement. The thoughts in the moment convince me that it’s just too much of new information and there is just no way I can, any time soon, learn the details. Sometimes I manage to push myself a little and so I start picking up the words, going through the dictionary getting the meanings of them and building slowly my understanding, yet still at some point my self-motivation expires and normally I move on to some other activity that is more familiar to me and which requires less effort.

Yes I managed a few times to prove to myself that it is actually possible to arrive to a greater understanding with some more determination but still having walked the path of giving up more frequently I tend to fall into that trail. It’s as if I have placed a limitation device in my brain that activates after certain input of information is reached. Alarm goes off and tiredness falls upon me forcing me to direct myself to another activity that would resume my energy level to normal functionality.

So that’s obviously a problem now that I am willing to change myself, expand and grow in my reality. Thus as a solution to this obstacle I would like to start with one of the words that i see should be lived within these situations that I face – this word is Determination.

If I look at how I lived this word until now it’s been put on hold, postponed for the future living where always some preconditions existed before I could live it, I would tell myself that when I get there or there then the conditions will be perfect and I will fully commit and dedicate myself. However in time I realized that no matter what the conditions were, upon fulfilling those conditions, no change was really ever implemented by me, if only for a short while until I would create some more preconditions to become and live determination in my life.

It’s interesting how this word has the exact meaning I require to have within my resolve where if we take from the word the prefix de- which means undo or reverse to the opposite. Then the next part is -termination, thus instead of prematurely terminating my process of research and investigation I reverse the process with self determination and walk a point towards a specified completion.

So when and as I decide to research or investigate a point in my reality and in this I face my mind which wants to terminate the process and direct me away from the task I stop myself and I commit myself to realize that I am able to stick to my decision and, by pushing through my resistances, break my limitations thus rewarding myself with greater understanding and expansion in my reality

When and as I experience tiredness when performing a task I stop myself within realization that I am the one that allowed the thoughts to create this experience and as a solution I commit myself to shake off this experience by having a quick break or just move around yet still holding the determination to comeback and perform the task into specified completion

Here immediately I can see some other closely linked words that are of utmost importance and which I have also failed to live, like for example: focus, planning, structure or words that I lived with emotional attachment, like for example doubt, failure, difficulty which as a consequence swayed me in all kinds of directions not allowing me to be here, stable and determined to complete my goals


Read this cool article on the word Determination

Living Word the Word Determination: Day 285




Day 273: Imagining the Better Me instead of being One

imageI am noticing how much in my writing I am still participating in the mind, or to be more specific, in the “wanting to impress people with it” construct. There is still this desire to be liked by others where this liking is still energy based, in a sense that I would get the satisfaction of my “better” self.

“Better” meaning the one about whom I have imagined and projected myself to be in the future, which is what I am now trying to achieve.

But then some days ago I have listened to an interview, probably from the imagination series on Eqafe, where it was explained how useless it is to try and imagine yourself in the future or try and project yourself there because the whole process we are walking now is definitely leading to the unknown. Basically saying that we have no clue about the potential that exists here awaiting for us to wake up.

From this I also understand that imagination is actually a difficult job, because oh boy how much energy it requires. In my own life at least that encompasses big part of daily thought processes. Which of course is not cool at all, because I cannot ground myself properly into actual unimaginative reality. The imagination always tries to impose aspects upon my reality but it doesn’t work as it is only maybe slightly touching upon reality with little practical consideration.

Thus what remains is to just walk the process in trust, I mean the trust is in ourselves and each other, and one step at a time. As an individual and as a group of like individuals we walk as an agreement to work with actual reality and the matters that matter. As soon as more join us the imagination/fantasy reality will start loosing its veil, and I hope we have enough “surgeons” standing ready with necessary tools to assist the “broken” ones. I couldn’t avoid the word hope here as there is obviously some doubt left in my own ability to stand.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to doubt my ability to stand and be able to dedicate myself fully to this process of standing

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in and as the “giving up” character

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize how imagination plays a role in giving up where I create unreasonable expectations which then slowly create the emotion of wanting to give up and as consequence there is no change

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not notice the actual reality that is here when and as participating in the imagination thus remaining in a prolonged ignorance about how stuff really works and how to deal with it

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use the imagination to make/seem things harder/more complex than they really are where in this again I scare myself into the I give up zone

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want to know everything at once, thus be sure of my survival where in this I am using the imagination as a tool

When and as I see myself doubting myself and my ability to stand and keep standing I stop myself to realize where I am now actually participating and what are the consequences of that, and from here I remind myself about the agreement I have with myself and with the group which is to push ourselves and uncover the potentials that exist

When and as I catch myself being sluggish, experiencing heaviness, tiredness because of the “weight” of the giving up character within me I stop myself realizing that continuation down this line has only one end which I choose not to go, thus I focus myself on finding the best practical road on which to put my next step

When and as I see myself creating mountains for myself using imagination I stop myself to realize that I don’t actually know until I have practically/factually proven that to myself, thus I participate in my reality to find things out

When and as I see myself being preoccupied with imagination I stop and breathe, I realize that my imagination is mostly based on energy and thus is not representing reality, thus through breathing I return myself back to face and deal with whatever is here

On being liked

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want to be liked by others

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I have attached to “wanting to be liked” positive energetic charge and created dependency within deceptive belief that in this way I increase my value as a human being

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I am dividing, separating myself from others by wanting to be liked by others instead of me liking myself

I forgive that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to realize that I do not like myself because I know in self-honesty that I am not living a satisfying life where each and every day I could tell myself that I did everything I was able to

When and as I see myself wanting to be liked I stop myself to realize that I am here alone with that power to give this to myself and thus it’s my choice to choose the life that will satisfy me, where in this I can like myself without looking for others to do that for me

Day 248: Waiting for the Answer



I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to wait for an answer from outside source instead of giving myself the answer and living that answer in physical reality where I can test that answer and see if the answer was the answer or I need to give myself another answer and so I continue the process if self-investigation through real practical application until the answer I give myself is practical, livable and effective where in this process I develop self-trust as knowing that I am able to find solutions to every obstacle that I encounter in my reality

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist as a slave waiting for instructions from outside resisting to take full responsibility for my life where whenever something “bad” happens I can play dumb claiming that I am not the one making the decisions, I am just a slave here

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become accustomed to the live of being a little slave unwilling to give up the little things that bring me pleasure – like happily trotting along, participating within thoughts and fantasies of the mind where I remain blind to the harsh reality in and around me

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fantasize about braking free from the clutches of self-inflicted slavery but do nothing substantial to make this happen for real, especially when I know in exact detail what needs to be done

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to within seeing the reality of myself as what I have become as the slave and then within seeing the possible potential that exists within me to make the decision to remain unchanged for a little longer, basically fooling myself that there is time and I can still allow myself to play around for a while and only then get serious about the reality not realizing within that how the mind has played a trick on me where in this the potential is lost and I am fully lost as a slave in the fields bending my back to support my survival

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to sabotage every opportunity that I have to break free from the mind control where I keep falling and spinning within stupidity cycles instead of stopping the carousel and applying that which know is effective tools of real living

I commit myself to when and as I start complaining and/or becoming depressed about my current state that I have accepted and allowed myself to be in to stop and breathe within realizing that I have blamed myself long enough and also realize that this blame served only as further self-enslavement mechanism to remain stuck – thus I commit myself to stop all blaming and simply live the answer which I know holds the key to freedom

I commit myself to identify and understand the techniques of the mind through which I have enslaved myself and in this ensure that I no longer succumb to them and so move myself in the direction of existing potential where I discover and expand myself beyond the comfy limitations that I grew accustomed to



Visit the new “Desteni I Process Lite”course that has been launched recently for all those who are willing to understand,  in practical self-application, the reality of self

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Day 169: “Fuck it” character

This character has shown itself today at work when I was performing my duties and where my colleague then told me that I wasn’t following the correct procedure. To correct myself in that moment I had to go back and take the necessary equipment which I was too lazy to do and thus I said “fuck it, nobody is going to see me”. He insisted for a  while and then I said to him why are you worried, who’s gonna see me. Inside me i was accusing him of being irritating where the backchat went like “what the fuck you care man”. So in that moment I completely justified myself perceiving the situation as completely unworthy of even being discussed. Moments later I was proven wrong however  when my boss saw me and mentioned the point, of course I had to comply immediately, where I experienced some emotion within me. My ego that manifested in this moment had to take the defeat, still justifying the rules as stupid and judging my boss as being too concerned about nonsense.

Later my boss and me talked about this situation and he explained very clearly about the point as being an agreement that we have all made and thus have the responsibility to follow through. And it’s very true because I have even signed a document committing myself to follow this agreement, of course I didn’t do it from my own choice but just as a part of a requirement that was imposed on all people working this type of job. So this whole situation reveals my resistance towards rules and authority where I try to challenge  the authority with my little tantrums that are so obviously and absolutely useless. I mean I have experienced myself in other similar situations what happens when certain rules are not followed and within that a conflict with authority is created, and where as a consequence that authority is compelled to take stronger measures to enforce the following of these rules usually by creating more rules. So it’s a useless fight that one is bound to lose unless one stand in the authority position where the decisions are being made.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to resist authority blaming them for the situation that I am in

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create within that resistance the “fuck it” character that serves as a release point to not feel suppressed and enslaved by the authority within my job

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the uselessness of this character where it has absolutely no impact on physical reality and the only purpose it serves is to make me feel better inside myself while the physical reality remains exactly the same

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider my colleague within this situation where he was reminding me my responsibility to which I have committed myself and I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge my colleague because of him being worried in this situation where within that I failed to consider that if there are consequences for this irresponsible behavior it can effect not only myself but the whole crew.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to within such situations consider only myself and within that become a  “fuck it” character where i am completely blind and ignorant to the interconnectedness of everything that is here and the effects that each of our actions has on each other and the reality as a whole

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to speak and do things for which I cannot stand and be accountable and trusting myself that I have acted in the interest of all and not only my own

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that through the resistance I experience towards rules and authority I keep myself enslaved to the conditions that I am in instead of accepting the system as it is and within that looking for the most effective practical methods to change it in ways that’s best for all

I commit myself to stop the resistance/fight with what is here as the system that is not considering what is best for all life realizing that resistance is only creating conflict that results in more restriction and thus I stand equal to what is here, accepting what is here, removing all judgment to what is here and stabilizing myself within here and thus empowering myself to become stable and within that see how I can contribute to make people within the system see and realize that respect for life must always be the priority

I commit myself to walk the system in absolute awareness understanding what each my word and deed creates as a consequence and within that make sure I always act within consideration of all parts of life producing the result that is best for all

I commit myself to upon seeing myself entering and becoming the character “fuck it” stop myself, realize that in this moment I am spiting the system of which I am a part of thus I am actually spiting myself and so I take a breath and do what I have to do according to the rules of the system realizing within this that it’s only through group action which is directed towards certain outcome can have an effect upon the system and so I commit myself to participate and act within a group that is directed and moves towards establishing a system that is best for all

Investigate Desteni as the group which is dedicated to produce a change by educating the humans and establishing a system that supports all equally

Visit the new “Desteni I Process Lite”course that has been launched recently for all those who are willing to understand,  in practical self-application, the reality of self


Day 156: Physical Dimension – Tiredness

This blog is continuation in the series where I take the point of studying as well as approaching any other tasks/assignments in my reality. My initial blog as overview is here: “Day 148: I have never been a good student. Is it too late?”

Here I am continuing with the physical dimension where my thoughts, inner conversations, reactions bring me to the point of physical experiences/actions that I fall into without much awareness of how I got to this point. So here I am looking at the experience of tiredness


Physical Behaviors


Tension in the shoulders and upper back

Heavy/strained/itchy eyes

Looking for other activities

Playing with my lips and fingers

Scratching my eyelids


Physical behavior


Experiencing tiredness before and while studying is something I had and still have quite a lot. Until this moment I have proven to myself beyond the shadow of a doubt that it’s almost all self-inflicted through thinking, unless sometimes it’s real physical tiredness after some very intense day of physical labor. Either way the distinction between the two is obvious and it’s all now up to me to stand within all these moments when I am fooling myself through the mind and say no to the illusion of tiredness.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed self-manipulation through the mind  processes of thinking, having backchat/inner conversations, imaginations where I create the illusionary experience of tiredness thus sabotaging my self-application within studying

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go through the whole cycle from thought to imagination to backchat to reaction to experiencing tiredness without any awareness thus making it very difficult for myself to stop this experience of tiredness

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create the whole alternate reality within me separating myself completely from the physical here moment where I allow this alternate/illusionary reality to have power over me by directing my physical actions

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to stand up within me and say no to the experience of tiredness but instead I acted on the experience as if it is real      within that not realizing how each time that I gave in to this experience I was imprinting a new layer of behavior pattern making it more and more difficult for myself to stand from this

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to realize that I do have the power to remain here in each moment of breath seeing in detail when my mind is busy creating the experience of tiredness and thus stop this creation before it comes to the point where I feel completely powerless to stop it from playing out

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fight and resist the experience of tiredness where I also become angry at myself for allowing this within me, yet instead of directing myself constructively to get out of this experience I stubbornly try to overcome it through continuing the resistance thus sabotaging myself completely

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fall on the same point over and over just by believing that I can and I will stand where within this I have never really investigated how actually I create this experience, where does it come from and how it function specifically, thus I was in essence existing in hope that I will change

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to make my mind an enemy which I have to fight and conquer instead of realizing it is me and the key is to get to know myself intimately and so direct the change from within



I commit myself to establish intimacy with myself where I become aware, within breath, how my mind functions/moves from initial thought manifestation into the end result of physical behavior

I commit myself to stop the separation of me from my energetic experiences where within that separation I approach them in fighting mode and so I commit myself to bring all parts back into one whole and realize that all is me and only through getting to know myself intimately I can produce the desired change that is best for me and best for all

I commit myself to no longer shun away unsupportive experiences within hope that they will disappear but I take the necessary time to investigate closely, utilizing the existing support from desteni material (especially “Heaven’s Journey to Life” Blog), what exactly I am facing and how to approach that with most effectiveness

I commit myself to daily writing and within that investigation of who I am in my mind relationship to the physical where I get know my patterns and how they lead me to experiences of giving up on my responsibilities in this physical reality

I commit myself to do whatever it takes to bring myself to the point where I am consistent and effective within my physical practical application of studying as well as any other task/assignments must be accomplished in my reality



Day 91: “I give up” character


That’s the character that comes in whenever I face a difficulty in my life where I as the character want to end it all, move away from the difficulty, start again, make another stupidity loop just to arrive to the same point over and over again – of having to face the difficulty of breaking the patterns of my accepted behavior. It’s so easy to just retreat and not face myself, to remain unchanged and even righteous by finding many justifications why I couldn’t bring myself to the point of change.

I have never taken responsibility for this character because I have never seen my part in its creation, it was always somebody else to blame for this, and thus me giving up on myself would be like a revenge on those whom I perceived are to blame for my experiences. I am always the victim in this where I take all the blame upon myself, still believing it is not my fault, and I leave the scene, saying goodbye to everyone with the thoughts in my back “you’ll be sorry for this”, “I will find a place where I am understood”

I suppose if it were possible I would have long ago left this world while existing within this character, because I was never able to find that place where I am understood completely, there would always arise some type of conflict where again I would enter my victim’s state and again “I give up” character enters the scene and so the search for a new place begins. I have traveled many places like that.

One of the problems within that is my inability to communicate openly and express how I feel in the moment and thus I simply suppress everything within myself, creating the whole alternate reality where I am right and all the other are wrong. There were moments when I tried to express myself but usually that was creating more conflict as it was already coming with a slight reaction of blame and judgment from myself towards others.

To be continued


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