Day 288: Constructive Relationships

helpI have observed some change within myself for some time now in relation to how i approach relationships in my reality. Trying to explain it I would say this in terms of how I changed within my focus and what I pay attention to when being with others. Here I mean that my focus when interacting with people shifted more into questions like– what it is that can I learn from them? What good qualities they have that I could incorporate into my own living and thus become more effective?

In the past it was slightly different because being with people and when, for example, seeing some cool qualities they expressed I would simply start comparing myself and in this experiencing negative emotions for not having/possessing those qualities. When having this emotional layers of, basically, self-judgment I was never able to really, practically view those qualities observed in another and see how I relate to that. I would get depressed and feel inferior and then try to compensate for this feeling and try to find where I am better than this person and so it went in endless comparison cycles of polarity. This type of relation I realized is useless and it‘s much better to learn from each other and when possible assist each other in that process.

This shift in focus opened up many new opportunities to be able to make practical changes in my daily living. There are so many people and I started noticing that many of them have parts/qualities within them that are like gemstones that I can collect and practice and test in my own reality.

To give an example I have this colleague at work whom I have been observing and through that found an interesting and very valuable quality that he possesses. That is when he makes a decision about something there is no time gap to act upon it and he does that so fully as if he is going ahead with all his beingness and he doesn’t stop until he gets what he wants or until he exhausted all possible means. What is not so cool is that sometimes in this process he doesn’t consider other people and how they are affected through his actions.

So taking this observation of how this guy moves in his reality I started slowly practicing to also act on my decisions in a more assertive way, because before I was extensively overthinking in this process and, yes, I still do sometimes give too much thought to things and compromise my physical actions in that way. Meaning that, instead of acting and doing things in the physical reality I do them in my mind, like I would have conversations with people that I want to approach or where I am projecting in my mind the whole play out of a possible situation out into the future. I am not saying that these things are bad when done for the purpose to try and oversee some possible outcomes etc, but I go too far where within my projections I feel like it’s already done, I take the projections too far basically. When later I act in my physical reality and something goes not like I planned it in my mind I go into a reaction because the whole projection that I created is not valid anymore, so my house of cards collapses.

To have a better look at this point I listened to a very supportive interview called “Thirst for Knowledge – Journeys Into the Afterlife – Part 69“on EQAFE where it was explained that it is important to realize that we cannot know everything and some situations will turn out completely different than what we imagined them to be and in this it’s important to develop and have self-trust and the knowing that no matter what happens I will find a way, and if mistakes are made it’s not a big deal as long as I learn from them and move forward.


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Day 154: Reactions: Hopelessness



My experience so far with walking the various character dimensions was very supportive. Here I have taken a point of studying which is currently a very persistent barrier in my reality. I am still learning the specificity of how to look at various dimensions in more specificity and how to write them out where I can really make sense of what is actually happening within me, yet even now I can enjoy some improvement in how I approach my studies.

In this short period of writing about this point I have become much more aware of how many processes are actually running in my mind that are literally keeping me stuck in the past not allowing me to study or do anything else effectively. Within writing I also began to see that it is possible to correct this detrimental situation by first recognizing the patterns when they activate and within that making a decision to stop them from playing out where instead I chose a new way that is self-directive and worthy to be walked.

Again the key here within it all is breathing and slowing my mind to see how exactly it functions, because without this I am still in many ways ending up far within the playouts of the mind that is taking me on the ride through the valleys of thoughts, imaginations, backchats into reactive energy experiences and physical actions where from here it is rather challenging to return to the stability of breath here in the physical reality. Many times I still find myself somewhere far away in the alternate mind reality not at all being aware of what is happening right here where I am. It is becoming rather scary when I see myself doing actions with my hands that I haven’t directed myself, even right now when for a short moment I leaned back from writing I found myself reaching for my pen and a piece of paper that is lying just besides me wanting to do some useless drawing that I do sometime here at work. So again that wasn’t my direct decision but my automated mind making a decision for me because I wasn’t here to direct the moment. Interesting stuff.

So here I am continuing to walk the same point of studying where now I look at the reaction dimension and within that I will look from where the reactions come from, what are the consequences of allowing them and after that what must be realized and applied to stop this from reoccurring and actually returning to live here, back to my physical reality.


Reaction dimension








I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize how through having backchat/inner conversation within me I take myself to the point of really believing its validity and thus experiencing reactions in my body like hopelessness and from here completely compromising my physical real participation in my world

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into hopelessness experience when I allowed within me that backchat “I’ll never be able to learn all this information”, “I don’t have time for this” and where I gave validity to this backchat instead of realizing that I can make the decision to stop and redirect myself back to the task

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that this energetic reaction of hopelessness is who I am and that it is real because until this point in my life I haven’t questioned for real their existence and the influence this has on my physical practical living

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to spend most of my life in the mind giving it all the power to decide who I am in each moment instead of me taking full responsibility for each of my action within consideration how my actions influence the world as a whole

I forgive myself that I haven’t  accepted and allowed myself to challenge my mind because there are things that I cherish and so I keep my mind to keep the things I like despite the evidence of the mind’s destructive nature

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the resistance in the form of backchat that later goes into physical reactions comes from my unwillingness to let go of my self-interest where it has possessed me to such extent that I consequently experience hopelessness in being able to give it up


I commit myself to realizing that all mind energetic experiences are self-created and thus can be stopped and thus I commit myself to stop within me all experiences that take me away from the real physical living

I commit myself to establish effective practical self-agreement regarding what I want to accomplish during the day and so I do it and thus I do not accumulate any regrets that turn into backchat and later reactions in my body producing unnecessary consequences that make it harder for me to return to the physical and actually do what I need to do


Day 150: Too much Info

In this blog and blogs to come I will write the patterns I identified in my previous blog in how I approach tasks/assignments in relation to my studies. Within this I will be correcting/removing all the blocks/resistances so I could study effectively and expand myself in my reality.

Here continuing with the backchat dimension:


This will take me a long time

There is no way I can learn all this information

I have to do this or I will never finish the school

I don’t have enough time for this

I have to shut down my mind in order to study effectively

I’ll never be able to learn all this information

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to worry about ALL the information I have to learn instead of looking at what is here in front of me as the information I have in the moment and ensure that I see the information in specificity for what it is and within that make sure that I process information through either discarding it as not relevant or integrating it into my being when and as it is relevant and supportive

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire to know and understand all the information even though the teacher explained that much of it is not necessary to be memorized but can be accessed any time when needed in the books or elsewhere and that trying to get it all in will make the study

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when going through my study material I encounter many unknown term many times I just skip them and continue reading without understanding and so little by little I accumulate within me the experience of being overwhelmed where then I make the statement ‘I’ll never be able to learn all this information’

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize, even through lots of living experience, that acquiring any type of skill in this physical reality requires time and patience as well constant and consistent self-dedication

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to look with amazement at the magicians in this world and believe that magic is possible and so within that I hope that one day I will magically become all knowing being instead of moving step by step practically here acquiring the necessary skill to become what I want to become

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the importance of practical application of the knowledge and information that I am learning where I can much easier test the knowledge and information and so integrate it into my understanding

I commit myself to stop trying to grasp the big picture as knowledge and information that my study material consist of and within that realize and understand the importance of walking through the material within space and time piece by piece

I commit myself to remove the desire to be all knowing as that is absolute self-interest and realize the simplicity of just being here with other humans and nature, animals and establishing with all an intimate relationship where we can all work together to sort the mess out that we have manifested on this earth and existence

I commit myself to go out there and apply the knowledge and information that I am studying and thus through real practical experience grow and expand within my understanding

Day 149: Scaring myself with Time



In this blog and blogs to come I will write the patterns I identified in my previous blog in how I approach tasks/assignments in relation to my studies. Within this I will be correcting/removing all the blocks/resistances so I could study effectively and expand myself in my reality.

Here starting with the point one in the backchat dimension.



This will take me a long time

There is no way I can remember all this information

I have to do this or I will never finish the school

I don’t have enough time for this

I have to shut down my mind in order to study effectively


This will take me a long time

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live in fear of the lack of time where within this fear I am attempting to save more time not realizing that in this I create the experience of rushing where I do my task ineffectively thus in essence wasting my time with having to do my tasks over and over again and so within all that actually manifesting my fear by creating the lack of time

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that my backchat ‘This will take a long time’ comes from my past knowing that I am doing my task half halfheartedly and thus will have to go back to them again and that this will take a long time

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to commit myself absolutely to the task at hand where I ensure that until the task is finished I will not accept and allow any distraction

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to deny myself the enjoyment that opens up when I dedicate myself absolutely to any given task where I start seeing the specificity and detail of the task

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when I deny myself this absolute specificity and commitment within the task and doing it only halfheartedly I am actually bored thus existing within awareness of time and from here ‘This will take a long time’ comes as a negative experience that pulls me away by all means from the task


I commit myself to remove fear of time within realization that this fear creates the consequence of me wasting the time and thus creates more fear – so fear creates more fear

I commit myself to remind myself, each time I am starting a task, the necessity to bring myself fully HERE and do the task/assignment in absolute dedication where I go into the detail and specificity not worrying about the time but that I do it properly without having to go back and redo it

I commit myself to be aware of any temptations of distraction within doing a task and immediately say NO to that realizing that I have been that road too many times to fool myself that there is anything to gain but the loop of stupidity


Related Articles

Day 109: Timelessness – Why do we Limit Ourselves?

Day 108: What Time Zone are you In?

Character Dimensions – BACKCHAT Dimension (Part 3): DAY 169


Day 148: I have never been a good student. Is it too late?

There is definitely some kind of study barrier/barriers within me, which has become almost a constant state of being with only occasional gaps of clarity and actual enjoyment within the material I am studying. One of the problems was this constant bragging to people about what I was doing where within that I was making my reality more than it is and in this creating the gap between actual reality and mind reality created reality. So making my imaginary reality so much more than it is I found it very difficult to in any way match my actual situation and thus would go into hopelessness and giving up. Since I have written about this point in one of my previous blogs and already started applying correction I can sense some improvement where basically I am returning to my actual reality and seeing where I actually stand

Still having this point cleared there is another stone lying on my way which I am busy identifying where within that I would be able to remove it and get to my studies in full effectiveness not wasting any more time.

I will start with my usual experience when approaching my studies:


This will take me a long time

There is no way I can learn all this information

I have to do this or I will never finish the school

I don’t have enough time for this

I have to shut down my mind in order to study effectively


I see myself in the future being all learned where I know all the answers (positive)

I see myself prescribing people medicines where they immediately get better (positive)

I know all the applications of medicines and can immediately see who needs what (positive)

I see myself quitting my current job and working as homeopath fully being able to sustain myself within this (positive)

I see myself getting old and never actually committing myself to finish the study and apply in practice (negative)







Physical Behavior


Tension in the shoulders and upper back

Heavy/strained/itchy eyes

Looking for other activities

Playing with my lips and fingers

Scratching my eyelids


Holding onto the past and projecting this past into the future, where I am trying in my mind to correct my future through knowing myself as the past. Within this there are no actual practical actions involved but a only mind job where I am trying to get out of from the underlying negative experience into self-created positive. Within this not realizing that all the movement is happening only in mymind and has no practical value in my actual reality. Still no matter how hard I am trying to turn my reality into a positive experience I end up within the negative as this is actual reality that I live in the physical – no real action is taken.

to be continued

Day 122: How to Study effectively


Ok I am looking again at my decision to study homeopathy and the reason I have been mowing ever so slowly in actually living my decision. One point I see clearly is HOPE. Hope that somewhere in the future I should get to the point of perfect conditions for me to do the study. I keep justifying my slowness by saying to myself that where I am now is not very suitable for effective study. Lack of time, other more important matters in my way, etc. And so what I noticed within that is that some of the apparent obstacles I had which served as justifications to not study I have actually removed as well as I created for myself conditions that I wanted and apparently required to have effective study time – yet within all that nothing really changed. Whenever I come to the point of actually studying, sitting down with the material and going through the concepts and definition that I require to learn I just give up within myself where again I create some form of excuse to prolong the actual work that needs to be done.

It’s usually the same experience I go through every time when I begin to study where in the back of my mind I have thoughts running: “There are just too many unknown concepts and I will never be able to learn them all” “It’s impossible to do this study without having gone through medical education first” “It’s impossible to keep the memory of all the medical terms”. So obviously within participating in these thoughts and truly believing their validity I manifest within me an experience of confusion/blankness where whatever I study I just forget immediately and cannot remember any terms or what I was just reading. These constant thoughts, backchat, energetic experiences constantly keep me preoccupied and thus I am never here to actually be with the material that I read and actually understand it.

So I see that it is of utmost importance to remove the background noise and remain just in the breath here with whatever I am reading/doing in the moment where I ensure that I am able to follow everything I read and I integrate the material through actual understanding. And within that I realize that in the beginning it might take a while to just get through even a few paragraphs as I commit to look up and familiarize myself with each term that I face and thus build my understanding and confidence. And I understand that a lot of patience will be required to get to where I am actually familiar with the new language of medicine and human diseases yet I push through and move myself no matter what resistance comes up that pull me back to a mediocre life of existing only as a slave to current system constantly complaining about the unfairness and neglect while all the while I am actually neglecting myself the opportunity to expand and grow in understanding about human body and it’s functionality and essentially means to support it through various medicines of Homeopathy.