Day 294: Slowing Down and Deciding Who I Am


Norvz-Austria-Makes-Time-Stand-StillThis comes from some moments of interaction that I have faced with strangers few days ago while travelling abroad. It is very simple yet it is significant at the same time, and it is missed just too often. And here the word missed is very accurate because it’s truly something that I miss very much.

Here I am talking about the ability to slow myself down when interacting with another human and thus enable myself to connect, to see another, to hear the words, to respond and not just automatically react.

Now the name of the blog says “deciding who I am” and that is because when there is a moment of interaction and if I really slow myself down I have this moment in space and time to respond and where in this response I can decide how I want to express myself, I decide who I will be. An example – I was waiting in line at the airport and suddenly a girl comes from behind, she grabs her head with her hands and asks me if that is the queue for the security checks. In that moment I was very relaxed, I was more HERE in that moment without otherwise usual plethora of thoughts occupying my mind which allowed me to truly look at her, especially that dramatic act of her grabbing her head which looked so funny as she expressed herself. Lol in that moment the response I decided upon was to say nothing and see what she does further with those hands on her head. It was a very short moment and after this short silence she looked up into my eyes and we started laughing where I said then Yes that’s the line. So even though there is absolutely nothing special within this interaction yet it’s very different from the usual reactive/automatic response I would give normally which is like not even taking a moment to see another but where I am existing constantly in my own thoughts and just quickly would react with some preprogrammed words coming out of my mouth, without me being aware of what my response will be, until the moment is gone and where only later I reflect back on what happened.

When living without awareness, spending most of the time only in the mind thinking thinking thinking causes an experience of separation, an alienation, where I become an alien unable to relate to other people. I had enough of that and it’s definitely not a fun place to be, it’s very hard actually, especially when I am travelling a lot and when I am mostly around people I do not know. When I can manage to slow myself down I can see that the other people are not so different actually, even though we might speak different languages, we might have different views and opinions, still there is a part within all of us that is common and thus we can all relate on that level.

So I will keep practicing and nurturing that awareness within myself so that I can connect and relate to my fellow human beings, to thus see behind the surface appearances and get some real understanding of what we are all experiencing inside of ourselves, because I mean it’s no secret that we as society have much turmoil in our minds that’s causing exactly that separations and alienation among each other. Time to stop and see each other and find the ways to support each other to step out of the mind and discover awareness.


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Day 192: I am not good enough” character – Physical/Behavioral Dimension: (Part1)


This blog is a continuation within the series of blogs I am writing about “I am not good enough” character which manifests itself within situations where I have to take action by making a decision to actively participate in my everyday reality. In this blog I am looking at the Physical/Behavioral Dimension: that manifest in my body when this character is playing out.

Introductory Blog


Fear Dimension

Fear of being judged
Fear of making mistakes
Fear of confrontation/people
Fear of losing myself and that which I know
Fear of not being able to handle the truth of me
Fear of losing free choice
Fear of the responsibility

Thought dimension

Seeing myself in a situation that goes out of hand and I cannot control it
Seeing a picture that is “empty/blank”
Seeing a picture of myself where I am being screamed at/called out

Backchat dimension

How will people react when I change from being silent/introverted guy to suddenly being active in my participation
I just cannot start participating with people from my surroundings because the topics they discuss are useless and of pure self-interest
If I start participating/interacting actively I will have to sustain that and will not have the free time I used to have
I am not good at applying knowledge practically, I spent too much time just reading and listening to others
I just have to start doing it and it will work out
I do not have the critical thinking skills like others do, all I did was follow others throughout my life


Expectation / Anticipation

Physical/Behavioral Dimension

Tiredness/ Heaviness
Itchy, sore eyes
Can hardly voice myself


Self-forgiveness and self-corrective statements

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to manipulate myself through thoughts, imaginations, backchat and reaction into the physical experience of tiredness/heaviness within which I basically make a statement that everything that I have created to get myself into this situation is just too much and there is no other way to deal with it but to “shut down” my body and mind by experiencing the physical sensations of tiredness

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not question the tiredness/heaviness I experience where I absolutely accept it as real not seeing, realizing and understanding how it was created in the mind and is experienced by the mind

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have separated myself from my human physical body so much that I no longer can recognize whether the tiredness I experience is of the mind or my body is needing a rest

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize how I am using the experience of tiredness to distract myself from being here, awake, in my reality facing every part of myself in full awareness

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the importance of moments in my reality when and as facing situations of communication/interaction with other beings and where within that I experience tiredness as these moments show me that my mind is basically resisting that which is happening as it knows that here lies the possibility for change

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to upon experiencing tiredness go back in my mind to see how this experience was created and so understand what it is exactly I am resisting/avoiding to face in my reality

I commit myself to when and as I start experiencing tiredness within myself to stop myself, breathe and through looking into my body in self-honesty identify what exactly is happening – is this my body getting tired and needs some rest or it’s just my mind shutting down not willing to face a moment

I commit myself to upon seeing that the tiredness I experience is mind created stop the experience by standing up within myself and stating that I will not accept this from myself and in the moment I do whatever is necessary to break the experience of tiredness and bring myself to wakefulness and stability

I commit myself to realize that I have allowed long enough for my mind to direct my living and that it is time to stand up and claim back the ground as who I am as my physical body without the restriction and abuse of the mind upon me



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Day 153: Push the button to stop the mind



In this blog and blogs to come I will write the patterns I identified in my previous blog in how I approach tasks/assignments in relation to my studies. Within this I will be correcting/removing all the blocks/resistances so I could study effectively and expand myself in my reality.

Here continuing with the backchat dimension:


This will take me a long time

There is no way I can learn all this information

I have to do this or I will never finish the school

I don’t have enough time for this

I have to shut down my mind in order to study effectively



I have to shut down my mind in order to study effectively

This definitely is an obstruction for me in starting the process of learning because this idea exists that I have to shut down the mind first, where within that I should apparently become able to see directly what I am studying with full and complete understanding.

So I am basically implying within this statement that first I have to become like a superman that knows and sees everything. This now reveals my skewed idea of what it means to live without a mind. And I can see that this pattern of desiring to become something more than I am has been a part of me since I was a kid. Influence of movies and cartoons can definitely be traced here.

I mean I am trying to get an idea of what it means to exist without the limitation of the mind yet I cannot in any way see what that actually means and so basically within that I only create various delusional ideas which as a consequence take me away from the simplicity of my physical existence here. Instead of working with what is here in front of me I entertain ideas in the mind furthering myself more and more from just being here. Time to stop ideas and live a real life without trying to figure everything through thinking about it and instead get to know my reality through real physical everyday interaction, observing and participating with beings, creating relationships that are supportive and based on integrity and caring.



I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have this constant desire to be somewhere else instead of stopping the endless search to finally see -I am here

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to run run run to nowhere instead of allowing myself to really stop for a moment and adjust my pace into an alignment with what is here as my physical reality which is slow and has the laws according to which things happen and so the understanding of these laws and their practical application is the key to effectiveness

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I would be fucked if I shut down my mind right now as I haven’t learned yet how to live one and equal to everything that is here in the physical thus I stop all delusion in the mind about stopping the mind and return back to earth to learn about how things function over here

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I am living in hope because within my statement “I have to shut down my mind in order to study effectively” I am saying that until I shut down my mind I cannot study, yet without studying about myself and how my mind functions I will never get to know myself and so will never be able to stop myself as who I am as the mind – so my refusal to study myself shows that I am just ignorantly existing within hope

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that if/when I shut down my mind I will become some super human walking on earth, assisting everyone, helping the mankind to transcend the evilness that we have become where again this shows the foolishness of my imaginative mind through which I keep myself entertained with bullshit instead of moving myself in this reality physically, practically


So I commit myself to stop existing in hope in my mind and get to earth and follow the rules of the earth where I always consider the practical reality and this I do through reminding myself to remain here in breath where no thoughts/backchats/imaginations influence my living in any way

I commit myself to end the race towards the ideas in my mind realizing the uselessness of chasing the dreams of my mind and thus apply myself daily in writing and investigating my physical reality that in all ways determine my living as the only and real power that exists here

I commit myself to realize that I make the decision in each moment who I am and thus I make the decision to remain here and become effective in my living without needing any imaginative preconditioned ideas to be fulfilled before I can do that


Day 137: Self-forgiving the rambling character

This is a continuation from a previous day blog:

Day 136: Talking before walking


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to talk/share points with other people before I have walked them in the physical reality proving in this to myself that what I am speaking is valid

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist in the pattern of talking about my future plans with people around me even when I can clearly see that my words do not match my actions

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have a belief that if I speak about my plans to others I will come closer to accomplishing these plans where within that I am attempting to find people that I assume will react to me in a positive way – this basically showing me how I am actually creating a castle in the sky through the law of attraction which in actual reality plays no role because in real physical reality real physical work is required

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to do all the work in my mind dimensions instead realizing that I am here in the physical and have to work as a physical being in space and time to get things done

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that the more I talk about something the more real it becomes

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to depend on the positive response from other people when doing something instead of trusting myself and walking the points in silence and self-dedication

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to get a good feeling talking about my future with others where within this I create this energetic high as if I have already achieved my goals and I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see how consequential this pattern is where each time when I am faced with reality I have to fall from my mind bubble down onto the ground realizing the reality of the situation and where the usual reaction is “oh it’s not as easy as I have believed it will be”

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize how unsatisfied I am with my current living application where within that create this talking personality where I am trying to script and live a change

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see myself as I am and accept that unconditionally and move from here by taking simple practical actions to implement the desired change

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself for playing this charACTer which I have identified long time ago instead if just forgiving myself for this act and living the correction of moving myself for real in the physical

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use the justification for this character “sharing is caring” where I created the believe that what I am actually doing is being honest and open with people by sharing myself not realizing within this that I am sharing illusions and thus creating a distorted picture of reality

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize how I am creating various mind dimensions in separation from physical reality where within that I lose the sight of this creation and within that I do not even realize and see how I am actually being influenced by all this



Day 124: “Fed up” character


The “Fed up” character switches on after long hours of allowing participation in the mind where I drift through my past memories over and over in my head – within that I get pissed off with myself and attempt to take control of my mind but it’s apparently stronger than myself and I end up in frustration telling myself that I will never change.

“Fed up” character also is active when there is no hope of getting to some point of self-stimulation, for example some event that I perceive as fun and enjoyable. It’s like there is nothing to live forward to. Here comes the realization that I am actually stuck with myself and who I am is not a nice company to be with – because I am fucking boring, constantly replaying the same memories over and over again where I am “fed up”, which means I am full/fed to the brim and there is no free space for anything new.

So it’s basically to do with memories where I become really sick by going over and over the same memories in my mind. These memories are in control of my participation in this reality, they control my whole life, my world, my future. It is utmost self-limitation – just existing within past memories and building/filtering my whole reality though these memories – so surely I get fed up with myself and of course I am boiling within myself wanting and screaming to get out – yet simply screaming and shouting is of no use, without walking the structured way to break this character nothing will happen.
to be continued…


Day 103: “I know I can stop” character – continued

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize how each time when I get to the point of seeing myself in more detail where I go into the character of “I know I can stop” I fall back into my mind and thus sabotage my opportunity to actually stop and change

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to justify this experience of going back into my mind within the believe that there is no harm as I already “know that I can change” where within that I have not considered all the previous experiences where each time after walking back into my mind I was completely lost and experienced a lot of regret

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that creating within myself energetic experience of “I know I can change” I am empowering myself as ego where I believe that I have reached something, became more aware

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that knowing I can change and deliberately not doing it but allowing the temptation of the mind to take over and lead into another energy experience proves that I in no way have reached anything or became more aware but quite the opposite

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see how this one allowance to fall back into my mind becomes a pattern that I repeat over and over and where eventually it becomes automatic behavior where no opportunity for real change exists and where now I have to really push myself to break this accepted behavior to get to the point of change

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the existence of “I’ll just do it this one more time” statement not realizing that it’s never really just this one more time but it’s a trap leading to many more times thus making the process much more difficult




I commit myself to upon reaching the point of seeing myself in detail where the opportunity for change and effective self-application exists push myself forward and not allow any justification to fall back into the comfortability of the mind experience

I commit myself to be acutely aware of the minds temptations within realizing that I as the mind will attempt to distract myself rigorously from any radical change

I commit myself to find the most effective way to push myself towards change where I do not create resistance or fear within realizing that change requires time and within that specific, constant and consistent self-application is the key

I commit myself to learn from my past experiences within which I have seen the cunning nature of the mind when allowing “this one more time” experience and how it turns to be many times where eventually it becomes an accepted norm – thus I commit to give my full attention and focus when getting to this point and apply myself in utmost specificity not allowing any fallback


Artwork By Sylvia Gerssen

Day 99: “It’s too complicated” character

Yes, this one shows it’s ugly head usually when I am writing and taking on some point within my reality. Usually before I start writing I try to see the point and understand it, but which actually ends up only with lots of thinking about it – and that’s where the “It’s too complicated” character comes in – obviously as the consequence of over-thinking. I find it difficult to remain on the chosen topic in my writings where I start shifting between various dimensions, seeing different connections and interrelations of the point that I initially started to work with. I can compare this experience with doing a research on Google for example where I sit down to do a research on a specific keyword and after I get the results on my screen I tend to get distracted and often I just Google myself away into various directions, researching different topics completely forgetting about the initial point of investigation.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to get distracted by my thoughts that come to “assist” me when I am investigating a specific point in my reality

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to run ahead in my thoughts when I am writing about a point where I lose track of where I am actually in my writing which shows that I have separated myself from here into my mind reality

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear letting go of the thinking process within the belief that I cannot possible operate without my thoughts

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to keep forgetting the breathing application to assist myself with slowing down to be able to have a choice – to not participate in my complicated thinking processes and just be here in the darkness of my being where all the shit shines clearly for me to see and investigate

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to justify my speedy mind through believing I need it to be able survive within my current lifestyle – which is lots of traveling and meeting many new people

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that when events/situations in my life move at a rapid pace I am not able to slow myself down and thus within that I manifest a waiting mode within me saying that first I will slow down my external reality and only then I’ll be able to slow down within

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that my external reality doesn’t move fast in fact but it’s only my perception that it does because I allow myself to participate in my mind where I fill all the gaps of my physical participation with thinking, keeping myself preoccupied with bullshit until some real physical moment brings me back here for a moment

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to keep myself preoccupied within my thoughts where I perceive that being here within breath as awareness of my physical environment to be boring in comparison to what I am able to do in my mind

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see the absolute stupidity of participating in my thoughts that have nothing to with practical reality where I just act out my imaginary characters where in the meantime the actual real physical world with real physical characters is ignored and abandoned

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that physical reality is not complicated when it is viewed from simple common sense practical perspective and that it is only the mind that creates the maze where each is lost in their own worlds unable to find a way home


Thus I commit myself to through patience walk my way home towards physical existence out of the maze of my mind and develop the skills on the way to be able to show others who are willing to stop the madness of the mind how to do the same

I commit myself to stop the entertainment as my thinking process and face the actual reality no matter how unpleasant I find it to be within realization that there is no way that fantasies of the mind can ever become life

I commit myself to realize that physical reality does not move fast in fact but that it is my mind that gives the perception of speed as the mind functions in quantum time

I commit myself to stop the character “It’s too complicated” realizing that it is my participation in the mind that makes things complicated and thus I utilize breathing to distance myself from the madness of the mind and consider the simplicity of practical living

Day 70: The Experience of Dis-ease

In times when I would get very sick I would always realize my powerlessness as who I am as the mind where I would lie in my bed completely at the mercy of my body within hope that whatever is happening to me will sort itself out. It was always a good opportunity to really look back and see where I have created the disease through my thoughts, words and deeds. It was always very humbling experience where I would realize who is really in control here – it wasn’t me as the mind, it was my body that was fighting the disease and all I could do is to stop all the bullshit in my mind and allow my body to do its job.

Sometimes the reason for getting the sickness was simple – like eating plenty of junk food, purely to satisfy the hunger of the mind. Sometimes it was extensive participation in my thoughts that caused the imbalance where I could feel hundreds of different personalities fighting within me and creating a complete chaos in my head. And so because the body is very closely interlinked with the mind that obviously caused some disorder my body’s functionality.

I can remember very well one event where I was lying in my bed with extreme pain in my stomach area being completely helpless and clueless about what was happening to me. The only thing I could do was to lie down and wait. In that moment I could see my mind as my thoughts running completely wild causing extreme commotion and where I was trying to figure it all out  in my mind not realizing that all the while I was just fueling the dis-ease.  It was just too obvious that the mind is absolutely blind when it comes to bodily functions and is completely incapable to understand how the body actually works and how to deal with such manifested consequences. In Homeopathy it is constantly repeated that body has the innate ability to heal itself and where our job is to remove all obstacles preventing the process of recovery. So in my experience it was rather obvious that my thoughts were standing in the way of healing to take place, yet I was so lost in these thoughts that I could not stop this dis-ease, I mean I didn’t know where to go, who should I be in that moment if not my thoughts – If I stop my thinking who am I. So it went like that for a while until suddenly I touched my leg with my hand and realized that this is where I have to be – in the flesh as the flesh and realize this point of stability. So that’s how I was able to leave for a moment my thinking process and relax for a moment – it felt like walking out of the room full of people that where severely fighting with each other. Having found this point of stability was an amazing discovery where I was finally able to observe the battle of the mind and realize that I don’t have to participate in that. Shortly after that I had this strange image, like a whole scenario playing out in my mind where I perceived as if I was walking into the office where war was waging between all the employees and within all that I was the authority, one guy who was aware of what was happening and in that moment I started shouting to everyone in this room where I gave a little speech about the necessity to stop this bullshit and to start organizing ourselves and working together towards a solution. It was very cool experience where I felt how all the pressure simply disappeared from my head and I could finally hear my breathing. In that moment I knew that the healing process began and all I had to do was to keep that peace as my presence of myself as simply the breath and be the authority of who I am as the mind.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself into multitude of different personalities where each claim the authority and cause immense distress to my physical body

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the only valid authority is one that stands for what is best for all where no separation and thus no friction is caused

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that oneness and equality is the obvious solution to the dis-ease that is experienced in my physical body and this world as a whole

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that unless I stand as the authority of the totality of me insisting on the equality of all participants as all the personalities that I have created in my mind there will be no resolution but further perpetuation of conflict and friction that cause the imbalance and dis-ease

I commit myself to bring all parts that I have separated myself into/from and equalize them to thus be able to as one towards a solution that is best for all

I commit myself to stand as the authority of all parts of myself insisting on equality and active participation in establishing a new system that is best for all

Artwork by Andrew Gable

Day 64: Search for excitement

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to search for excitement

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to always create some point of excitement in the future that I could live towards and which serves like a purpose for my existence

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that this point in the future will fulfill me when I have proved to myself over and over that when I reach these points it only satisfies me for a moment where after that I am immediately faced again with the emptiness of myself

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when I live towards some point in the future I don’t have my focus and full attention in the present moment because I keep thinking about my future moment where I fantasize about the excitement that I will get

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that this future moment that I live towards serves as an escape mechanism where I run to hide each time that I face the reality of what I have become as the energy dependent machine

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use this escape deliberately even when I see in the moment what I am doing

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that my thoughts are more powerful than me thus I allow myself to be pulled into the pool of thoughts, feelings and emotions

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that existing in and as thought is an addiction just like any other addiction and thus can be stopped as I have proved to myself by stopping many addictions that I believed I will not be able to stop

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that being here within awareness of breathing and my physical body I can slowly but surely practice slowing myself down and thus getting to the point where I can see my thoughts emerging and where I can make a self-directive decision to not participate in further process of thinking

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to find breathing and remaining here very difficult because there is no excitement within that and no immediate results of any change in my being

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have an idea what it is like to be fully here in oneness and equality with everyone and everything not realizing that it’s only my mind that has expectations where I am again living for a future moment

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that being here in equality and oneness with reality is not an energetic experience but it is a simple, practical living where I work together with other beings for a solution to our everyday problems we all face

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the only thing standing in my way to see the reality that is always here is the desire/search for something more

When and as I catch myself participating in my thoughts I stop myself and remind myself to practice remaining here with and as my breath

When and as I see myself having a point in the future that constantly and continually keeps me distracted from remaining here I stop myself, I note the point and I investigate specifically within writing what this point represents

I commit myself to flagpoint all the different places in the physical reality and in the mind reality where I have a tendency to exist in and as so that whenever I enter the space I would be reminded about the necessity of the application of breathing and remaining here

I commit myself to stop all energy addiction by realizing the simplicity of living here in and as my breath

Artwork by Marlen Vargas Del Razo

Day 25: Stopping Distractions to Do the Work

I keep running away from myself by distracting myself with trivial things. That is especially true when I sit down to write or study. I trained myself to be very efficient in avoiding the confrontation with myself by finding numerous activities on the internet or in my house that have no relevance – no relevance in how I do it. Although it might look, and I manage to convince myself, that these activities benefit me but in fact it’s just plain avoidance. Whatever I do in these moments I do it superficially – if I read a blog I don’t really read it but just scan it with my eyes without actually seeing the words and their meaning. Facebook is another biggy where I allow myself to hide from real self-investigation. So all in all I fight with myself like that where I get tired and see no more way out but to actually sit and write something, but oh it’s already lunch time so have to go and eat, then I feel guilty as it looks like another escape mechanism where sometimes I ignore it – thus compromising my body nutrition, which in itself creates more problems. So there are many escape mechanisms that I developed throughout the years to just postpone the real work that I know I have to do. I do manage periods of good attention and specific investigation but that doesn’t last long and I am back again to square one.

I am looking for that final decision within myself where once and for all I would answer myself the question – Who am I? Hearing this question I get a reaction as I know it’s the end of me – me as Life if I continue fucking around  or the end me as the mind consciousness system to which I so dearly hold unwilling to let go indefinitely. Years have gone by and I am still at the starting point of my process – I am still very grateful to this gift of writing that I am giving to myself daily as it puts me on the spot and brings ever more closer to that final decision – as I can see clearly within writing myself and what I am allowing. Within writing is the reflection of me as the words I place and try to live – I can’t fool myself much longer.

So within this blog I want to make clear for myself that I in fact have the capacity to decide Who I Am and stand within my decision. I choose to become LIFE.  There is no other way or option because I have already seen the Illusion that the mind is trying to sell. It’s definitely not worth it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate within distractions that I as the mind put on my path to prolong the inevitability of facing myself

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that process of facing self is so difficult that I don’t really have the capacity to remain constant and consistent within it and thus I experience huge resistance to start applying myself effectively where I continue participating in my distractions and preoccupations that make me forget for a while who I am and what I have become instead of realizing that who I am at the moment is in no way fun or acceptable as I exist in a very limited bubble with the same thoughts running over and over again and thus to face self and change self is the best and the only thing I can do

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to realize that self-writing and effective self-instigation is not a natural part of me and thus I will experience initial resistance up to the point where I automate myself to act without hesitation exactly as I act with my distractions that I have learned and made an automatic behavior – so it’s just a matter of installing a new program into myself which I realize takes some time as it took time to install the old program – I do this within realization that the old program is not supporting life and thus it’s not supporting me as life, it only supports self-interest and greed as it is clearly reflected in this world that we all live in.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give any attention to my thoughts when I sit down with myself to write and investigate myself when I have already proven to myself countless times that these thoughts lead me nowhere but simply create more layers of different thought patterns that I will have to face eventually – thus each day of my indecision means harder process ahead – and thus it is clear that the best time is right now

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into a state of blankness when I start to write myself where I have noticed that these moments indicate that I am already searching for a way out

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see that there is no other way out but to sit down each day and write myself out – where I write self-forgiveness, self-corrective application and where I live the new way that I script for myself through writing – where I become the directive principle of my life shaping and carving my life in consideration to everything that is here as life – thus I create a new me that stand as one voice for a better world and where I join the others as me so that we can together as equals create a new world where everyone is considered and where we can really have fun

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to make that final decision of who I want to be where within that I continued to walk undefined and thus having a backdoor through which I kept slipping into momentary ignorance and forgetfulness

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to stand in the middle road undecided if I really want to stop my mind even though from what I have already seen of the mind I definitely don’t want to stay and continue down that path.

So what’s holding me to leave the middle road and make the final commitment to start the journey to life in total dedication? Perhaps the most prominent is doubt that I can actually do it as I have been throughout my life mostly a failure. Still that is not an excuse but just another construct I have to walk through and delete from my system as it is not real as is any other excuse. So there is nothing that is holding me from making this decision. I stand for Life.

I commit myself to no longer allow distraction to compromise me in walking and facing myself each and every day within writing self-forgiveness and self-corrective application

I commit myself to find most effective and practical ways to bring the change to myself and my reality where I do not inflict fear or unnecessary pain which means I move in gently, effectively, slowly and specifically considering everything and everyone

I commit myself for constant and continues self-perfection within writing self-forgiveness and self-corrective application where I observe myself within my everyday reality to see if what I do is in any way effective – if not I sit down again and again to bring myself to the point of clarity and thus change

I commit myself to running from myself in realization that there is nowhere to run, that I have done that many times before just to come back to the same point – I commit myself to stop the cycles that serve no real purpose but to convince me what I already know – that I have to really stop the bullshit

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