Day 278: My Word is My Law


imagesAt some point in life, through listening to my favorite motivational speakers, I have started practicing the understanding of the importance of living that which I said/promised to myself. The main saying that I adopted and kept repeating to myself was “My word is my law”.

This was a cool exercise and in that I was designing various, at times even ridiculous, tasks that I committed to do, just to show my mind that when I decide something, no matter what it is, I will follow through. So sometimes I would get up very early in the morning and walk outside near the forest where I would find a bunch of stones and I would get like ten stones and carry them from one place to the other and then back, one by one, ceremoniously and I would do that each morning in each type of weather. This was a cool exercise and I could definitely see that I was becoming more comfortable with moving out of my comfort zones – yet what I did not really take into consideration is the importance of consistency, which I could probably also name an absolute dedication. Of course I am not saying that I must keep moving the stones for the rest of my life, what I mean is the constant and consistent pushing of self to do that which I set as my goals/tasks/responsibilities. There is always something to do, something to learn/investigate/share/change in my word and reality –  there is not a single person in this world that could say “it’s done, I am done” because the reality is obviously showing a different picture where many many many parts of our existence need attention. So there is plenty to do.

So what happened in time with my living commitment to live the statement “my word is my law” is that slowly but surely the mind activities would take the priority – like doing things that I felt better about, that were more pleasurable, easier. In other words I relaxed into my mind where my life was moving by itself so to speak, where like a train I was moving in my predesigned tracks with no effort on my part. I was still holding some memories of my past attempts to seriously challenge my comfort zones, but there was no longer the necessary self-will to actually push myself to go for it again. I would say to myself that I will but I just kept finding good sounding excuses to remain idle. Through time my words became more and more worthless where my promises that I made to myself where less and less of a certainty to ever manifest, where only partially I would follow something until I would be drawn away by my resistances.

So here I am writing about this because the whole process of writing comes down to that point – Am I going to live that which I write or are the words just empty shells placed on paper to create the illusion of self-movement? I find it a bit uncomfortable to talk about it because so many times I have made that decision within myself to really move myself this time and yet it was never really lived consistently. So I can see that the past is like a ghost haunting me trying to define my present and my future, yet the realization must be live that I am still here, standing in awareness of this all and I am the one who can change the direction and live the new way.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear the past and all the times I have failed and fallen within my commitments

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to lose all trust in myself where the words I speak no longer have that real substance, the certainty/confidence within them

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not investigate and correct that point of making choices/decisions and the actual living of them where it was so easy to make the decision and be enthusiastic about it until the point of actual living comes where in this there is no more “fuel” to push myself

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to move in my reality mostly on some form of energy, seeking constant stimulation within each move I that make

When and as I find myself within situations of making choices/decision I stop and breathe where in this I realize and take into consideration the reality of my choice/decision where I look into and assess the real/actual steps that will have to be REALLY taken

Thus I commit to start making my choices and commitment with much more caution and in this utilize the tool of making notes on a notebook to ensure I keep awareness and actual fulfillment of my commitments


Visit the new “Desteni I Process Lite”course that has been launched recently for all those who are willing to understand,  in practical self-application, the reality of self

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Day 132: DESTENI Character – Self-Forgiveness / Commitments (Part2)



I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the backchat within me that was fueling self-interest and self-glorification in regards to me being a part of Desteni group where I perceived myself to be a better human being and so separating myself from the rest of humanity into my alternative mind creation of superiority and thus making myself completely ineffective member of society with no ability to stand equal to others and thus make any practical change

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to search for weaknesses in the actions of Desteni group members so that I could elevate myself into a “safe” position within the group believing I am better/superior and thus a worthy member- within that not realizing that having any type of judgment/backchat about another completely invalidates my position as a worthy member of group that is walking a path of stopping all relationships that do not support the life on earth and who work to create a new path based on self-honesty at all times

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to keep my backchat hidden and well protected from others within the believe that in some cases my backchat is justified – not seeing, realizing and understanding within that how I am actually suppressing myself and so accumulate the fear of expressing myself in any way because I fear that my backchat will start seeping through my actions – so I have to remain in control at all times and defend who I believe I am as the character of the mind system

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that most of my backchat comes because of lack of physical actions where through observing others moving physically and doing necessary tasks in physical reality I start comparing and judging myself as less than and so as a counter reactive action I begin the backchat session within me to uplift myself and feel better about myself and so become worthy in my eyes – so within this I commit myself to make sure that I move myself actually, physically in my world and my reality where I get to know the actual physical relationships that exist here, I get to know my reality as it is and so within that see the necessary solutions that I could contribute as an equal member of the group that is actually/physically working to bring a change



I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react to other destonians when and as they perform physical actions that are met with approval by others where within that I start comparing myself and experiencing jealousy towards them and so I begin to asses my own situation/position within the group in terms of my contributions trying to find something so that I could still call myself a destonian in fear of falling out

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize my responsibility for life and act from the realization that I have to move for myself as myself instead of being driven by my mind to sustain my ideas of who I am as a destonian character

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel guilty for not doing and participating within all group activities within that not realizing that the guilt trip that I am taking myself into is making me even more ineffective and thus more guilt is experienced

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that any reaction within me is revealing that I am already accessing a character within myself where as shown above this reactive experience is fueling that character even more to the point where I believe it is real, it’s who I am instead of realizing the uselessness of participating in these reactions and making immediate decision to stand up within myself and apply immediate correction

I commit myself to watch closely all energetic movements within my body as various reactions where I become able to identify what it is that I am fueling through these reactions that I experience within me and from here make sure that I do no waste my time anymore in my mind but return to physical reality by practicing to remain here in and as my breath where I correct my living application in most practical ways


Day 113: Why change anything when all works for me

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to keep things as they are when they work well for me where within that I do not consider another for whom things, as they are, do not work so well

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider another as I would like to be considered

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to wait for someone else to interfere and bring the change while being in a position to make decisions and make the correction

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel uncomfortable implementing the change as I have to challenge others who are also in favorable position within currently accepted way of being/doing things

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to only consider the change once I see the hardship of another instead of being aware in each moment and making sure that possibility of bringing equality is always considered

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to place the responsibility outside of myself and remain in the background instead of standing up within each opportunity of change and bring the change in the most effective way

I commit myself to shift my attention from “what works for me” to “what works for all”

I commit myself to considerer other beings by placing myself in their shoes and seeing how I would like to be treated/considered

I commit myself to bring my power back to myself and stop all delusions of there being someone else up there who should be responsible for bringing change here and within that I commit myself to work hard in training/educating myself in how to direct myself as equal to what is here in bringing the necessary change to make this reality a place where life is respected and honored

I commit myself to remove the fear of touching the lives of those who are rooted within current system accepting and allowing self-interest to direct their living

I commit myself to change myself from a being that always stands in the background into one that stands visibly calling for a change

Day 92: “I give up” character – continued

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create “I give up character” as a safety valve that “protects” me from facing any type of conflict within my reality

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe in my goodness and innocence and thus utilizing “I give up character” I keep running away from all the perceived badness that I face within and without never realizing that I am running away, denying, and resisting myself

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from the evil part of myself and within this separation create “I give up character” to further hide within the perception that I am a benevolent being

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not investigate my thoughts and backchat that comes up whenever I am faced with a conflict situation in my world but instead fall back into my “I give up” character where I justify my righteousness and move away from the situation/environment just to not face myself

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when I justify my innocence within all conflict situations I am not taking into account all the dimensions of the event but only filter the situation through my limited perception as a character so that I could come out as a winner

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to be self-honest with myself in admitting my faults and finding within that a way to correct myself until I can stand stable and see all the dimensions within all situations

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I exist in judgment towards the evil within and without and thus I am not able to communicate openly about it and direct it as myself towards a solution that would benefit all

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to take things personally where I create energetic reactions as feelings and emotions and within that I do not see situations as they really are where within that I chose the easy way out as “I give up” character where I can simply flee the whole scene and within that I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I have to face myself or I will keep making time loops as I have always done where I keep arriving at the exact same point over and over again

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to enjoy playing a victim within conflict situations where during this experience I shut down my mind and go into the back of my body taking myself to the point into the solar plexus where I can experience a form of stability just waiting for the events to pass so that I could later step into “I give up” character and say goodbye to those whom I blame for the situation again missing the point of self-responsibility

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that within all of that I am simply manipulating myself creating excuses, reasons and justifications to not face myself directly


I commit myself to realize that giving up on myself is not an option because I will face myself either way in this life or the afterlife and thus I commit myself to gently push myself to develop the strength within myself to face what I have become

I commit myself stop separating myself into characters of my choice where I make sure that I do not face the evil parts of myself and thus I commit myself to realize that whatever I face in this world is me and thus i have to stand equal to all parts of myself and direct it towards a solution that is best for all

I commit myself to self-honestly investigate my thoughts and backchat whenever I am faced with a conflict situation where I will see that I am actually the creator and equal participant within all events

I commit myself to stop playing the game of winners and loser where within all conflict situation I try to come out as a winner, looking for clues and reasons to support my righteousness so I commit myself to see and realize that I am always a loser when I separate myself from what is here as the totality of myself

I commit myself to take time and self-honestly investigate the conflict situations that i participate  so that I would understand all the dimensions of the event and thus be able to come with a solution that is best for all

I commit myself stop all judgment towards the evil within me where I no longer take things personally but realize that the only way to change and correct myself is if I see myself in absolute clarity where no thought, emotions or feeling exists

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Day 44: How I live Responsibility

Within this blog I am looking at the word responsibility and how I am living it currently, what definitions, values I have attached to it and in the end to correct my living expression of this word so that it would reflect a new direction that is best for all


  1. Gathering Information
  • establishing self’s allocation point – I always projected this word into the future where I believed it’s something for the grown-ups. Whenever faced with responsibility I would experience anxiety and would be lost within myself not knowing what to do and within that try and direct it towards someone else. Basically I existed in constant avoidance of any type of responsibility until much later where my perception reversed and I saw that by taking/living responsibility I am the one who make decisions and do not exist as mere follower and thus I am free.  Yet I never saw that as a real freedom because responsibility to me also meant commitment to someone or something ,which I perceived as a limitation on my “free soul”
  • dictionary definition

responsibility /rspnsblti/ n. M18. [f. next + -ITY.]

1 A charge, trust, or duty, for which one is responsible; a person for whom or thing for which one is responsible. M18.

2 The state or fact of being responsible; the opportunity or necessity to be responsible. Foll. by for, of. L18.[1]

  • sounding the word – Responsibility

re sponge ability – where on comes into this world an sucks like a sponge all the knowledge and information taking it for granted without questioning it and where one then ensures that this knowledge and information is kept as it is and the rules/agreements based on this knowledge are honored and followed – then one is a responsible being

  1. Investigating the information of the word that has been gathered

Determining whether the definition within the different aspects that I have gathered as information of the word, carry a polarity charge (is it made ‘good’/’positive’ or ‘bad’/’negative’)?

My own personal experience with this word

As a child I was never really introduced to this word because my actions naturally were pretty much aligned with what was required of me to be done so in that sense I was never told that I have any responsibilities. My first encounter with responsibility was when I managed, through much effort, to convince my mother to get me a dog where I promised her that he will be purely my responsibility and there will be no burden on anyone else. After my first day of having a dog I realized what a grave mistake I have made and luckily for me I could give him away to my grandmother’s house and that’s what I did the same or maybe the next day. So that was a negative experience  within which I perceived that by being responsible for someone else, especially such a dependent being, I am losing completely my freedom and there was this fear that I will no longer be able to do the things that I like. It was a burden for me. Since then I avoided situations like that and basically enjoyed my freedom until much later were I was growing older and coming to the point where I had to go out into the system and take care for myself where again I had a big resistance because of the perception that I am losing my freedom to simply be and enjoy myself. Yet I could see that I was becoming a burden to my mother by not taking responsibility for myself.  When I finally moved myself to get out and find myself a job I started noticing that taking responsibility is imperative for being successful within the world system and it became a point I desired because without responsibility I was a mere follower of those who took upon themselves more responsibility. Thus I perceived not having/living responsibility to be a loss of freedom where I am not in control of my experiences. So basically my view of the word has reversed from where I saw that having responsibility was impediment to my freedom to the realization that not having responsibility was a real hindrance to be free.  Still I had lots of resistance to become responsible as per my definition of committing myself to become something within this world system where within that I could never perceive myself being committed and bound to some specific area where I believed I have to give myself away and climb the damned ladder of success. So basically the word responsibility was always negatively charged throughout my life experience.

Self-Forgiveness on the word

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear responsibility within the believe that if I become a responsible being I will lose my freedom and no longer be able to do what I want

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that who I am now is a manifestation that is emerging from the starting point of separation and thus everything I do and say supports separation which means that I cannot do “freely” what I want but instead I have to take self-responsibility in establishing myself within the directive principle of living what’s best for all within realization that I am not separate from anyone or anything else but am one and equal to all

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that there is no freedom in pursuing my own happiness and that no happiness is possible until all as one and equal are supported in having fulfilling lives here on earth

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that responsibility can be extended beyond this accepted system where I take responsibility in changing what is here as myself and as this reality

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that what is here as this system is unchangeable and there is just no way I can make any impact thus there is no point in taking responsibility

3. New definition

Responsibility is to be accountable for every word and deed where no excuse or justification exists. It’s also the commitment to educate myself on all aspects of this existence to thus develop the ability to respond (response ability) to each situation that I face in the most practical common sense way that is in alignment with the principle of what’s best for all.  It’s not to fear responsibility and the possible mistakes but to actually move myself  in self-trust and be willing to really stand up no matter what and take responsibility in bringing a new world that will free all life.

Self-corrective statements in how I practically will walk responsibility

I commit myself to approach responsibility practically where I asses in common sense how much responsibility I am actually able to handle so that I do not go into an idea of myself and what I should be able to do

I commit myself to first start taking responsibility for myself, my thoughts, inner conversations, my immediate environment where within that I prove to myself that I can stand stable  within me and my immediate environment and then from here I can slowly expand taking  more and more responsibility

I commit myself to stop any and all experiences of wanting more than I can handle where within that I first stand in complete clarity within myself and my immediate environment

I commit myself grow and expand from the smallest points that need attention in me and my immediate environment where I make sure that I am satisfied with how I deal with the points in utmost specificity and where its physically proven to be effective

The Process of how to  Redefine Words:

Day 15: Inflicting Pain in Relationships

Here I am continuing on my relationship patterns to reveal and expose who I was in the past and what I still carry with me into the present so that I could see clearly my mistakes and make sure it’s never ever repeated again.

Another view I want to look at is who I was through my history of relationships since my first long term relationship was over and I got my “freedom” I so desired. As it is usual I went, as everyone else does, through the break up depression which was gradual as me and my partner agreed to have casual sex sessions to make the break up less painful. So that was cool and it really worked where slowly but surely we both went our separate ways. It is amazing when I look now how much pain is experienced during relationship break ups – where there is usually one side that makes the decision as they are more or less over with the relationship, so for them it’s rather easy to make that decision, however the problem is that they do not consider another being at all and what is his/her position and state of mind in that moment. I mean the question that one who is “in control” in that moment can ask is: I am I really that desperate to run for my new energy fix or should I stay and make sure I take responsibility for the consequences that we both created by allowing ourselves to fall in LOVE?

So looking at myself and what I did from that moment is that I never again went into long-term relationships so that I wouldn’t create the attachment that leads to painful break downs. Instead I became hard and senseless being who didn’t allow feelings or ability to care for another but just have instant gratification within sex and be done with that. All my other partners I had since then where short term where I would I have sex once or twice and with first signs of any attachment formation I would flee as far as possible. What I did not realize then or maybe I did in a way is that even then I was causing a lot of pain by making a statement basically that I just used you for a while and now fuck off. I mean I never communicated clearly with another about my true intentions thus letting the believe form that my intentions are good, as I knew within myself that the truth would get me nowhere. I didn’t have many such encounters, I can count them on one hand, but still I suppose that I have seen what I am doing because I remember how during one of my such endeavors I to break up with a girl before having sex with her. She was at complete loss to understand what has happened but I am sure it was better that way. Of course I wasn’t completely honest and didn’t explain my reasons for the break up. However i later found that this has caused some pain to the girl as well. So  whether this was the cause or something else I simply stopped seeking any relationships, I mean I still desired and kind of tried to get sex, but wasn’t really going for it and eventually I just went into pornography and masturbation, unwilling to have anything to do with this hard work called relationships. Little did I know then that this activity is as harmful as any other – I am grateful that Desteni opened my eyes and I was able to see what I was actually doing. From here long and arduous process followed to stop that addiction as well.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to consider only my dick when entering a relationship where I never considered principles such as trust, or commitment

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use and abuse the innocence of other beings to lure them into a trap that I have set to satisfy my desires not considering the pain that I will cause

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hide my true intentions of simply using another to satisfy my desires where I never gave a second thought about what that could mean for another being in their current life or in the future

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be so obsessed with picture presentation of girls whom I used for my self-satisfaction that I became completely blind to who they are as living beings

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be a coward who never faced the consequences of my actions where each time after I broke the relationship I would simply disappear without any explanation of where I stand leaving another being in the dark

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to justify my actions because apparently I never told any girls about wanting a long-term relationship yet not considering that I never told the truth of my actual intensions

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to justify my actions by believing that I live in the moment where I don’t make any plans for the future thus getting the permission by myself to use and abuse another with the consequence of inflicting pain and probably hatred towards males that possibly could cause distorted future relationships and maybe even the whole life

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to ever stop and considered how my each word and deed is affecting other lives

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to ever question the accepted ways of how people from whom I learned as examples enter and break the relationships

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to use my own common sense in seeing how I was participating within relationship and within that finding ways how to correct the damage I have causes and prevent it from happening again

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to continue my participation within this abusive pattern within the desire to score higher numbers of partners that I had

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel good and be proud of myself whenever I would use and abuse another girl where I would boast about it to my friends and show them how I don’t give a fuck about the girl anymore

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see that my participation within that was very much fueled by my desire to be a winner, just to prove to myself that I am able to do it where sex was my reward

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to justify my evil life of relationships by comparing myself to “more evil” ones and hold the believe that I was the good guy

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to realize that it is possible to actually care for another being and create a supportive relationship with clear communication, respect for self and another

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to realize that it is possible to create a relationship as a space where real beings can come together to express themselves in full trust of each other, without any fear of being vulnerable and open towards each other and where true intimacy can be born

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to realize that it is not necessary to fight or try to win within a relationship but that it’s actually possible to walk as equals supporting each other to learn, expand and grow as real human beings where we get to know our existence and our place within it where me make sure that what we both are having/creating is something that will benefit the future for those who will come to this earth after we leave



I commit myself to stop all judgment to myself based on my past and thus I release my past unconditionally within the commitment that I will investigate and live new ways of relationship formation where I make sure that my relationship that I create stands within this world as an example of how to support each other through effective communication where all card are always laid on the table so that all would be transparent without any secrets that could ruin the trust and ability to be intimate with each other

I commit myself to form my relationship in a way that is aligned with the principles of life where our participation within the relationship reflects the honoring and respect of all life on earth

I commit myself to make my agreement stand in the service of life where no self-interest exists but interest and consideration for all life on earth and this existence and where I am able to pass the principles of this agreement confidently to those who will follow me after I am gone trusting that if I come back to this earth i will be supported unconditionally by those who follow the same principles


Extremely supportive articles on relationship formation: Failed Relationships; Do you Love Breakups?

For more support on personal questions visit Desteni Forum

For stuctured support with personal Buddies that will guide you into becoming the best you can be within your relationship with yourself and another sign for the Agreement Course


Some Supportive Interviews that You just can’t Miss

Day 1: Making Decision In Spite Of Resistances

I have come to the point where I see that until now I haven’t been really supporting myself effectively in freeing myself from all that is limiting and holding me in my mind where each day I participate in the same bullshit over and over again. I can see myself repeating endlessly the same patterns never committing myself to sit down with myself and write in specificity what I am experiencing and how can I release myself from these bondages. I have tried many times to force myself to start writing whatever I experience during the day and thus make sense of it where I would see black on white what is actually happening. But so far shortly after I would make this commitment I would fall finding numerous justifications to quit and wait some more. I knew however that the day must come when this bullshit has to stop.

Here within this blog I am making a new commitment by which I will stand and walk through all the resistances as what I have become that will come my way trying to steal the opportunity to finally understand who I am as the mind system robot. Yes I can see that I am actually a robot walking through the day with minimum awareness performing most of the task automatically where sometimes I am not even able to recall what I have done just a moment ago. And that I notice is happening more and more often – so it’s actually a perfect time to start writing and becoming aware of my days that are here and which I have been missing.

There are so many points in my reality that I must deal with and with me not taking responsibility for them they are accumulating and layering within me day by day. So literally there is no better time to do it as to do it right now before I reach a line where I will not be able to see a way out.

So today I am starting a process of writing myself daily for at least 7 years where I will take time to sit down with myself and begin to investigate who I am and how I create reality around me throughout my daily participation, what are major patterns within which I participate and how all that is influencing everyone else in my world and many other points that are relevant for my process.

Day 1

This day I want to look at my decision that I have just made and clear up the resistances I have about writing. I have created within me quite a few ideas about writing and how difficult it is. There is also a lot of comparisons, self-judgments, doubts when it comes to writing. I see other people’s blogs and I see how good they have become through constant application of writing themselves – I find myself unable to stand equal to those writings where I put myself as inferior to them and thus suppressing and doubting myself even more within these self-judgments and fears going deeper and deeper into where I don’t really want to go, so…..

I forgive myself that I haven’t given myself the opportunity to write without comparing my writings to other people’s writings where I would simply start with myself as who I am as my abilities and skills of writing and thus give myself a chance to grow in this process

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to realize that the process of self-perfection begins here as who I am right now with all my shit that I exist in and as and not from the point where I am already perfect and faultless – Self-perfection in itself implies that I am not perfect thus I allow myself to not be perfect and walk into perfection without self-judgment

I forgive myself that have accepted and allowed myself to exist in hope that things will change by themselves and I will suddenly change and become a new being I have imagined myself to be without walking the actual physical road of self-development through constant and consistent self-application

I forgive myself that have accepted and allowed myself to fear that I don’t have what it takes to walk my process in absolute constancy and consistency where I believe that I am a subject to external influences that must happen in order for me to start writing and applying myself

I forgive myself that have accepted and allowed myself to wait for something bad to happen before I would start writing myself where I correct my reality back to stability instead of writing myself consistently as self-directive movement, meaning that I must be the one to make the decision to write and not outside forces

I forgive myself that have accepted and allowed myself to judge my writing and self-forgiveness where I always fear that I am missing something instead of realizing that whatever is missing I will find within writing myself out consistently  where I will perfect myself within learning to see what is here

When and as I see myself participating within thoughts of self-judgment and fear of writing points from my daily reality as I how I see them I Stop – I allow myself to make mistakes and learn from them where I correct myself within realization that this is the only way to learn and grow

Instead of constantly comparing my writing to other people’s writing I look at what I can learn from them, where am I still separate within the abilities and how can I become equal to them

Artwork byAnna Brix Thomsen