Day 141: Fear of standing out to call out the abusers of life

Today I have been watching a video of Abraham Hick’s “the biggest missing piece” there was a guy who stood alone against the whole establishment with an opposing view.

Watching the video and placing myself in the shoes of this guy I had some reactions coming up within me where I could see how I would still react if I had to stand as he did and ask the questions he asked.

So I ask myself why is that? Even considering that I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that what this man said is absolutely legitimate and definitely needs to be brought up for people to start considering what is being accepted and allowed.

What is this fear to stand and speak up? I could immediately see a justification arising within me where I said to myself that one of the reasons I am not that guy is because I am not ready to face a person like Abraham Hicks and his active followers. I have, in my lifetime, seen the power of believers and what the people are capable of when their believes are challenged. I keep telling to myself that I need to be much more prepared to be able to face this kind of confrontation.

I have this memory of having a conversation with the church leader from my college where I studied. This interaction didn’t go very well, each of us just tried to prove each other wrong. I realized that I was in no way prepared to face the arguments that he put out, yet I could also see that it wasn’t so much the knowledge and information that I was lacking but the ability to actually slow myself down in the conversation and respond specifically without any reaction to what another was saying. I just kept spewing pre-prepared words that I have scripted in my mind.

Now I see that having this desire within me to change others screwed me. This was usually the case within my interactions with people where my starting point was to change another as well as the underlying desire to become some superhero/a savior. So it was not a real expression that was coming from actual realization and understanding.

Whereas the guy in the video seemed real and expressed his concerns from within him, from the actual
understanding/seeing about the state of the world where he felt, as himself, the pain that is existent in this reality and took action to find some answers.

So the point of correction for me is to actually get out of the mind where only self-interest exist and get in touch with my reality for real, and from here move myself with and as the understanding that I have the responsibility to act and where my actions come as the living expression of me and not some mind generated movements seeking some form of self-interest.

In tomorrows blog will continue with self-forgiveness and self-corrective statements…


More perspective on the story I was referring to:

The Biggest Missing Piece – Abraham Hicks

The BIGGEST Missing Piece – Response to Abraham Hicks

The BIGGEST Missing Piece/Peace – Response to Abraham Hicks (Juan Herrera)

The BIGGEST Missing Piece/Peace – Response to Abraham Hicks (Abdrea Rossouw)


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