Day 159: Physical dimension – looking for other activities

This blog is continuation in the series where I take the point of studying as well as approaching any other tasks/assignments in my reality. My initial blog as overview is here: “Day 148: I have never been a good student. Is it too late?”

Here I am continuing with the physical dimension where my thoughts, inner conversations, reactions bring me to the point of physical experiences/actions that I fall into without much awareness. Today I am looking at a distraction that I allow myself to be occupied with – that is Looking for other activities

Physical Behavior

Looking for other activities

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to while doing my task/assignment start looking away in search for other activities not related to the task where within that I haven’t made any conscious self-directive decision to do so but just do it automatically

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to commit myself to the task/assignment where I decide beforehand about the amount and length of brakes I am going to take and follow thus my commitment disregarding any attempts by the mind to distract me from the assignment during the process, no matter how justified these distractions seem to be

Of course when something happens that really requires my attention I take a break to take care of it. There is always self-honesty from which I cannot run away and where each situation can be seen as how it originates, what is the starting point of it. Thus I can always know whether I am distracting myself from the task/assignment or whether I really have to give attention to something that comes up in my reality

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to realize how much time I have wasted through seemingly insignificant little things that I preoccupy myself during tasks/assignments not seeing how each time after any distraction I have to again get myself in tune with the task/assignment

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to ever investigate the process of how I go into distractions of looking for various other activities besides my original decision to work on a task/assignment but allowed myself to just act on my impulses

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to realize that acting on my impulse to seek distraction is the last stage of this whole mind process where it starts  from a single thought where then it goes into imagination then backchat and reaction and physical behavior and thus becoming aware only at the last stage is already more difficult to stop it from playing out and so thus it is imperative to become aware and develop the ability to catch this process at early stages and stop it from playing out

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the importance of being aware of my breath when doing tasks/assignments where within breath I ensure that I am actually here in my physical body rather than alternate reality busy creating possession

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that within this commitment to remain here and follow through to the end when and as doing my assignments/tasks I will make my living experience very difficult

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live according/being directed by the preferences of who I am as the mind not realizing that my desires/personal preferences are all preprogrammed during my life here on earth through various means like media, family and friends etc. and so I am constantly driven by these desires/preferences which are all based on energy and the believe that Energy is required to be alive while in reality who I am does not require energy but just being here in breath, stable at all times, equal to what is here and thus within this equality seeing the state of the world and the individual responsibility each has to sort out the mess we all created and so within this realization I commit myself to sit through my tasks/assignments with diligence and absolute commitment

I commit myself to take self-responsibility in my practical living in this world establishing all necessary self-discipline within doing tasks/assignments realizing that nothing and no one can and will do it for me

I commit myself to break the patterns of self-distraction through constant self-awareness of breath when and as I am doing tasks/assignments realizing my individual responsibility to stop living and allowing my separation from what is here and thus connecting to all parts of existence and within that seeing and doing what needs to be done


Day 99: “It’s too complicated” character

Yes, this one shows it’s ugly head usually when I am writing and taking on some point within my reality. Usually before I start writing I try to see the point and understand it, but which actually ends up only with lots of thinking about it – and that’s where the “It’s too complicated” character comes in – obviously as the consequence of over-thinking. I find it difficult to remain on the chosen topic in my writings where I start shifting between various dimensions, seeing different connections and interrelations of the point that I initially started to work with. I can compare this experience with doing a research on Google for example where I sit down to do a research on a specific keyword and after I get the results on my screen I tend to get distracted and often I just Google myself away into various directions, researching different topics completely forgetting about the initial point of investigation.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to get distracted by my thoughts that come to “assist” me when I am investigating a specific point in my reality

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to run ahead in my thoughts when I am writing about a point where I lose track of where I am actually in my writing which shows that I have separated myself from here into my mind reality

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear letting go of the thinking process within the belief that I cannot possible operate without my thoughts

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to keep forgetting the breathing application to assist myself with slowing down to be able to have a choice – to not participate in my complicated thinking processes and just be here in the darkness of my being where all the shit shines clearly for me to see and investigate

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to justify my speedy mind through believing I need it to be able survive within my current lifestyle – which is lots of traveling and meeting many new people

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that when events/situations in my life move at a rapid pace I am not able to slow myself down and thus within that I manifest a waiting mode within me saying that first I will slow down my external reality and only then I’ll be able to slow down within

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that my external reality doesn’t move fast in fact but it’s only my perception that it does because I allow myself to participate in my mind where I fill all the gaps of my physical participation with thinking, keeping myself preoccupied with bullshit until some real physical moment brings me back here for a moment

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to keep myself preoccupied within my thoughts where I perceive that being here within breath as awareness of my physical environment to be boring in comparison to what I am able to do in my mind

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see the absolute stupidity of participating in my thoughts that have nothing to with practical reality where I just act out my imaginary characters where in the meantime the actual real physical world with real physical characters is ignored and abandoned

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that physical reality is not complicated when it is viewed from simple common sense practical perspective and that it is only the mind that creates the maze where each is lost in their own worlds unable to find a way home


Thus I commit myself to through patience walk my way home towards physical existence out of the maze of my mind and develop the skills on the way to be able to show others who are willing to stop the madness of the mind how to do the same

I commit myself to stop the entertainment as my thinking process and face the actual reality no matter how unpleasant I find it to be within realization that there is no way that fantasies of the mind can ever become life

I commit myself to realize that physical reality does not move fast in fact but that it is my mind that gives the perception of speed as the mind functions in quantum time

I commit myself to stop the character “It’s too complicated” realizing that it is my participation in the mind that makes things complicated and thus I utilize breathing to distance myself from the madness of the mind and consider the simplicity of practical living

Day 97: “Postponement” Character

Ok here I want to re-look at my pattern of writing daily blogs where each day it’s a time of the day that I do not look forward to, but resist starting writing and investigating myself – I am constantly struggling to pick the topic and write about it. And then even when I see a point to write about I am still struggling within writing – so this basically shows me that I am still split within myself where I am having some alternative ideas of what it is I would rather be doing. Because when there is nothing else but the decision to write without any distracting thoughts – it should be easy – where I am fully here within the point of investigation, uncovering myself and seeing into myself, getting to know myself more intimately.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I am the one that Decides whether the tasks I have to do will be difficult or I can actually get fully and totally into it, become it and just do it

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not notice the thoughts that come up within me and distract me from writing and being here

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to investigate my behavior before and during writing where I can clearly see how I am distracting myself from being totally focused here – and within that investigation identify the behavior that is not supportive and make sure that when I catch myself going for it – I stop and bring myself back here to what I am doing

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe I cannot slow myself down to the point where I can see the thoughts emerging and taking me on a ride away from here

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not question my thoughts but allow them to come and convince me that I have to follow them and thus each time when I sit down to write I get carried away with dozens of different things before I finish my writing

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to associate a negative energetic polarity charge to the idea of writing a blog and writing itself and whenever this idea arises or whenever I begin to write – I exist as a polarity equation within the negative side where I constantly and continuously seek to uplift myself to the positive – so I am constantly pulling myself away from writing by having thoughts of what it is that could give me the positive experience

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that until I allow myself to participate in thoughts I will always create energetic experiences – thus never being stable here, a place where I can trust myself to finish whatever it is that I am doing


I commit myself to, before embarking on the task of writing, make a complete decision within myself to fully be here and give all of my attention to writing – where within that I leave no back doors for the mind to wonder into different possibilities of what I could do instead

I commit myself to utilize breathing to slow myself down to thus be able to see the movement of thoughts – as it is from the thoughts that my “postponement” character gets triggered/initiated – where it goes into backchat and then physical expression

I commit myself to investigate all the ways and methods that my mind utilizes for distraction so that I could flag them and become aware of their emergence  – and thus be able to stop/delete them

I commit myself to break the negative charge association I have assigned to writing and within that realize that i can actually enjoy writing as it is the expression of me and here I can allow myself to expand myself within different styles and ways of expression


Day 25: Stopping Distractions to Do the Work

I keep running away from myself by distracting myself with trivial things. That is especially true when I sit down to write or study. I trained myself to be very efficient in avoiding the confrontation with myself by finding numerous activities on the internet or in my house that have no relevance – no relevance in how I do it. Although it might look, and I manage to convince myself, that these activities benefit me but in fact it’s just plain avoidance. Whatever I do in these moments I do it superficially – if I read a blog I don’t really read it but just scan it with my eyes without actually seeing the words and their meaning. Facebook is another biggy where I allow myself to hide from real self-investigation. So all in all I fight with myself like that where I get tired and see no more way out but to actually sit and write something, but oh it’s already lunch time so have to go and eat, then I feel guilty as it looks like another escape mechanism where sometimes I ignore it – thus compromising my body nutrition, which in itself creates more problems. So there are many escape mechanisms that I developed throughout the years to just postpone the real work that I know I have to do. I do manage periods of good attention and specific investigation but that doesn’t last long and I am back again to square one.

I am looking for that final decision within myself where once and for all I would answer myself the question – Who am I? Hearing this question I get a reaction as I know it’s the end of me – me as Life if I continue fucking around  or the end me as the mind consciousness system to which I so dearly hold unwilling to let go indefinitely. Years have gone by and I am still at the starting point of my process – I am still very grateful to this gift of writing that I am giving to myself daily as it puts me on the spot and brings ever more closer to that final decision – as I can see clearly within writing myself and what I am allowing. Within writing is the reflection of me as the words I place and try to live – I can’t fool myself much longer.

So within this blog I want to make clear for myself that I in fact have the capacity to decide Who I Am and stand within my decision. I choose to become LIFE.  There is no other way or option because I have already seen the Illusion that the mind is trying to sell. It’s definitely not worth it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate within distractions that I as the mind put on my path to prolong the inevitability of facing myself

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that process of facing self is so difficult that I don’t really have the capacity to remain constant and consistent within it and thus I experience huge resistance to start applying myself effectively where I continue participating in my distractions and preoccupations that make me forget for a while who I am and what I have become instead of realizing that who I am at the moment is in no way fun or acceptable as I exist in a very limited bubble with the same thoughts running over and over again and thus to face self and change self is the best and the only thing I can do

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to realize that self-writing and effective self-instigation is not a natural part of me and thus I will experience initial resistance up to the point where I automate myself to act without hesitation exactly as I act with my distractions that I have learned and made an automatic behavior – so it’s just a matter of installing a new program into myself which I realize takes some time as it took time to install the old program – I do this within realization that the old program is not supporting life and thus it’s not supporting me as life, it only supports self-interest and greed as it is clearly reflected in this world that we all live in.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give any attention to my thoughts when I sit down with myself to write and investigate myself when I have already proven to myself countless times that these thoughts lead me nowhere but simply create more layers of different thought patterns that I will have to face eventually – thus each day of my indecision means harder process ahead – and thus it is clear that the best time is right now

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into a state of blankness when I start to write myself where I have noticed that these moments indicate that I am already searching for a way out

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see that there is no other way out but to sit down each day and write myself out – where I write self-forgiveness, self-corrective application and where I live the new way that I script for myself through writing – where I become the directive principle of my life shaping and carving my life in consideration to everything that is here as life – thus I create a new me that stand as one voice for a better world and where I join the others as me so that we can together as equals create a new world where everyone is considered and where we can really have fun

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to make that final decision of who I want to be where within that I continued to walk undefined and thus having a backdoor through which I kept slipping into momentary ignorance and forgetfulness

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to stand in the middle road undecided if I really want to stop my mind even though from what I have already seen of the mind I definitely don’t want to stay and continue down that path.

So what’s holding me to leave the middle road and make the final commitment to start the journey to life in total dedication? Perhaps the most prominent is doubt that I can actually do it as I have been throughout my life mostly a failure. Still that is not an excuse but just another construct I have to walk through and delete from my system as it is not real as is any other excuse. So there is nothing that is holding me from making this decision. I stand for Life.

I commit myself to no longer allow distraction to compromise me in walking and facing myself each and every day within writing self-forgiveness and self-corrective application

I commit myself to find most effective and practical ways to bring the change to myself and my reality where I do not inflict fear or unnecessary pain which means I move in gently, effectively, slowly and specifically considering everything and everyone

I commit myself for constant and continues self-perfection within writing self-forgiveness and self-corrective application where I observe myself within my everyday reality to see if what I do is in any way effective – if not I sit down again and again to bring myself to the point of clarity and thus change

I commit myself to running from myself in realization that there is nowhere to run, that I have done that many times before just to come back to the same point – I commit myself to stop the cycles that serve no real purpose but to convince me what I already know – that I have to really stop the bullshit

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